MovieChat Forums > Shibez

Shibez (930)


Just watched it.. NYE Syfy thread It's pretty realistic... At least the debate is over. Jonathan turns mortal? As a kid in 94 I hated this Something about player salary that struck out at me My take.. loved it. There is a character in this that reminds me of someone in twister Tommy from Rugrats, booger from revenge of the nerds... View all posts >


I think we saw glimpses of Mark being drunk in the film where we can see he is a mean drunk.. obviously aware he's being I can only imagine how he is when not being filmed. Damn that sucks..I watched this for the first time in years and wondered about him Yeah I was definitely all about Batman around that Time... coincidentally though, while not liking the movie, I had all the Dick Tracy toys, and even bought the nes game... I had forgot she was in Dick Tracy.. probably because I never watched it lol..I never couldn't get into it when I was a kid, and turned it off pretty early. I might have to give it a rewatch as a 40yo man. I wouldn't really say Sydney is past her prime..fuckin Sharon Stone was 36 when she did casino.. Sydney is 26! How about Mia Goth(she can act in any role), Amanda Seyfried, Chloe Grace Moretz, Margot Robbie, my personal favorite...Blake Lively All I can think of is the movie a league of their own when it comes to Madonna and I can't see her playing that role. I re-watched it because of this post and I gotta disagree. I think the main reason why you would think this is, is because he told her "every now and then, you could be a real cunt" ... But I think Pai Mei taught her the move, because he was that impressed with a student that was all 3 of things he most dispised, White, female, and American. And as for her not telling Bill that Pai Mei taught her the move... simple...she's a killer..or a "bad person". All of these characters are lying, murderous bastards, that you can't trust. Unless a major studio does one of these, they will always suck. I never once got that impression. To me it was just a girl in the neighborhood that she was friends with because she was friends with the kids mother. And she probably just went to ana's house because she had probably been there countless's not unusual for zombies to have repressed memories in zombie flicks. As for her opening the door...there really isn't any rules when it comes to zombies unlike werewolf movies and vampire movies. Now that you mentioned it, the commercials are definitely limited during the marathon! Which is interesting because it doesn't make any effort to inform the viewers this. Several times I got up to get something from the kitchen or use the bathroom and I'm like tf!? It's already back on lol View all replies >