AckbartheHutt's Replies

still no gf for raj... Watch TNG. your wrong We all do. I wonder when the backlash will start. I would assume that any movie set before ANH would be a prequel. Where is Jedan anyways? He needs to come to this site and get things straightened out with all this mary sue talk. D. All of the above although the most ridiculous scene to grace a movie was flying space leia...I can't wait for this to be spoofed sometime soon. Me too, a quite entertaining fellow. I agree, he was pretty much a worthless character in this, at least JarJar was able to address the council in AOTC. He was pretty cool in TFA but in this one he was like Han times 100. He got really annoying by the end of the movie. The Star Wars Saga was always about the Skywalkers and now its about a random person who has the Force. "How did Obi-Wan acquire the Force?" "A human male from Stewjon,[5] Obi-Wan Kenobi was born 57 years before the Battle of Yavin.[2] A Force-sensitive individual, he was taken to the Jedi Temple on Coruscant to be trained as a Jedi[5] within six months of his birth. [13] When Kenobi was a youngling, he underwent training with Grand Master Yoda before being assigned as Jedi Master Qui-Gon Jinn's Padawan learner.[5] who would teach him there was "a strength and nobility in restraint".[14]" "How did Yoda?" "Born 900 years before the Battle of Endor,[1] Yoda belonged to an ancient and mysterious species.[3] As he was keenly attuned to the Force, he joined the Jedi Order as a youngling. After undergoing the ritual known as the Gathering, he received his kyber crystal, and Professor Huyang helped him construct his first lightsaber aboard the Crucible.[11][12] Thereafter, Yoda was paired up with a personal mentor. During their time together, Yoda's Jedi Master told him the tale of K'ungfu and Chuang, two great Jedi of the past.[4] Around the age of 100, Yoda was ready to pass on what he had learned. Having attained the rank of Master, he would spend the next eight centuries training and tutoring generations of Jedi.[2] It was estimated that over his lifetime, he trained around 20,000 Jedi.[13]" Your right, I forgot about the Finn poster fiasco. Maybe the Chinese version will have that scene cut out who knows. Just saw this, good write up about Anakin and Luke. I have been saying most of these things since TFA was released. Its nice to know that someone else thinks like me. Anakin Skywalker Luke Skywalker Rey Nobody How did Rey acquire the Force again? I think the Asians and Chinese alike will love the Rose and Finn story. But we shall find out in due time... Ha good point. TLJ will make an easy 1.5 billion after it has been released in China. Making Luke a kid killer is not moving forward. They whole heatedly do not understand Star Wars. Thats because they turned Luke into a woe is me kid killer and no one wants to see that especially in a Star Wars movie. But your right this movie should be beating TFA by a long shot. MAGA There are no real star wars movies after ROTS.