Luke in the OT
A lot of the Rey fanboys defend her by saying her progressive is close enough to Luke's, so let's see how he developed over the course of the entire trilogy.
- The first time we see him in action, he gets his ass kicked by a random Sandperson and needs Obi-Wan to save him.
- The second time we see him in action, he's getting pushed around by random criminals in the cantina and needs Obi-Wan to save him.
- Tries to rescue Princess Leia (alongside Chewie and Han), only partially succeeds, then he needs her to save HIM.
- Immediately gets strangled by a monster in the trash compactor and needs Han and Leia to save him.
- Almost gets squashed by the trash compactor and needs R2-D2 and C-3P0 to save him.
- Needs Obi-Wan to sacrifice himself so he and the others can escape.
- Goes along with an entire platoon of X-wing pilots to destroy the Deathstar. It should be noted that he hasn't really fought alone yet and has been taking orders almost entirely from other characters.
- Is helpless when Darth Vader flies up behind him, ready to blow him up and needs Han Solo and Chewie to save him. This means he never beat the main villain of the movie.
- Blew up the Deathstar with coaching from Obi-Wan's ghost. While he finally used the Force to aim the shot, it was previously stated that a normal pilot could potentially make the shot if they're good enough (and further proven by one pilot nearly making it before Luke got there).
- Gets beaten and nearly killed by a wompa about twenty seconds after he appears onscreen for the first time.
- Escapes by using the Force to BARELY move a lightsaber two feet off the ground (about 3 years after the Deathstar explosion, implying that he's been getting stronger over a decent period of time), but then wanders out in the cold and almost dies and needs to be saved by Han who will later remind him that he's saved his life twice now.
- Goes into battle against the Empire and his B-Wing is shot down during the initial fight and his co-pilot is killed. While he does take down one walker, it's mostly due to his piloting skills. He uses a grappling hook to pull himself up to another walker and only uses his lightsaber to cut a hole inside it so he can toss a grenade into it. Again, no real Force use.
- Escapes Hoth and spends most of the movie getting training form Yoda. The timeline of the movie is unclear but remember, the Falcon had a busted hyperdrive, so it likely took them a very long time to get to Cloud City and get in trouble. It could have been days and it could have been years.
- Goes off to fight Darth Vader, gets beaten like a child, loses his hand, cries about it, then needs to be saved by his friends. He accomplishes very little as he's still going through the hero's journey.
- The start of this movie finally shows he can Force choke people as well as do mind tricks. This movie takes place about six years after A New Hope, meaning it took that long for him to figure this move out.
- Still struggles with giant monsters and Jabba's henchmen as he isn't invincible.
- Goes off to learn about his father and sister form Yoda and Obi-Wan, then goes off on a mission against the second Deathstar where he turns himself over to Darth Vader.
- Fights Vader and barely manages to win in a very long battle which included a lot of hit-and-run tactics.
- Nearly killed by Palpatine and needs Vader to come in and save him.
So is Luke still a Mary Sue?