Mary Sue deniers need to watch this:
shareI love this video, the honest trailers one is good as well.
shareAre you really so uncertain of your own opinion that you must instead reference the opinion of someone else?
What's even sadder is referencing a Youtube video by some random guy as an "appeal to authority."
We already know you and your cronies/socks around here are all trolling, but this just makes you look like a weak-minded coward.
Poor froggy cant accept the truth.
shareOnce the trolls accept that Luke laid the groundwork with his miraculous Marty Stu development in the original trilogy and realize how silly it is to single out Rey in a fantasy tale featuring vaguely defined magical powers that have nothing to do with reality...
But that would mean you guys accepting that you're threatened by a vagina, and you could never admit that to yourselves.
Anakin Skywalker
Luke Skywalker
Rey Nobody
How did Rey acquire the Force again?
How did Obi-Wan acquire the Force?
How did Yoda?
Do you realize how many men you could have asked this of?
Sexist bullshit.
#triggered SJW
shareAs opposed to all the little boys triggered by a vagina?
shareOh look it's Kermit the frog again spewing his usual defensive and unfound nonsense anytime Rey gets called a Mary Sue. Touch touchy lmao
shareNot as touchy as insecure little boys that are triggered by a vagina in a fantasy story.
And talk about defensive, just read your post.
You guys are seriously dim! Wow.
haha, Miss Piggy still not giving you any 'ol Kermitboy?
Anakin in TPM is a Mary Sue as well.
So much for being "triggered by a vagina", precious little Kermit
"Anakin in TPM is a Mary Sue as well."
It's "Marty Stu" for a male, actually.
Oh yes let's just toss this out there suddenly. YOU MAY AS WELL SAY YOU HAVE SEVERAL MARY SUE FRIENDS, just like people who say they could never have a single racist thought because they have a few black friends.
So.... Why did you fly all the way to Anakin, when the comparisons are always to LUKE? Luke progresses WAY faster than Anakin with NEARLY ZERO training (a few days of lifting rocks, at most).
1. Do you accept that Luke is a Marty Stu?
2. Do you criticize him as a character for that?
3. If not, why not?
Now engage in actual discussion instead of your HIGH SCHOOL LEVEL "you're not getting any sex" comment and let's see if you have any actual intelligent thought available.
LOL oh froggyboy so easily triggered. Waiting for your replies to the arguments below that shot down your little "defensive" arguments hahah
Rey is a Mary Sue, Rey is a Mary Sue, Rey is a Mary Sue
"let's see if you have any actual intelligent thought available."
Well, your reply answered that question.
lol, nope! Can't have a meaningful discussion with a delusional SJW out trolling a message board just looking for any excuse to pull out the sexism card. Intelligence is no longer required now that we know you're a nutbag SJW with an agenda.
It's a lot more fun ruffling your feathers like this....
Rey is Mary Sue Rey is a Mary Sue Rey is a Mary Sue
The Star Wars Saga was always about the Skywalkers and now its about a random person who has the Force.
"How did Obi-Wan acquire the Force?"
"A human male from Stewjon,[5] Obi-Wan Kenobi was born 57 years before the Battle of Yavin.[2] A Force-sensitive individual, he was taken to the Jedi Temple on Coruscant to be trained as a Jedi[5] within six months of his birth. [13] When Kenobi was a youngling, he underwent training with Grand Master Yoda before being assigned as Jedi Master Qui-Gon Jinn's Padawan learner.[5] who would teach him there was "a strength and nobility in restraint".[14]"
"How did Yoda?"
"Born 900 years before the Battle of Endor,[1] Yoda belonged to an ancient and mysterious species.[3] As he was keenly attuned to the Force, he joined the Jedi Order as a youngling. After undergoing the ritual known as the Gathering, he received his kyber crystal, and Professor Huyang helped him construct his first lightsaber aboard the Crucible.[11][12] Thereafter, Yoda was paired up with a personal mentor. During their time together, Yoda's Jedi Master told him the tale of K'ungfu and Chuang, two great Jedi of the past.[4] Around the age of 100, Yoda was ready to pass on what he had learned. Having attained the rank of Master, he would spend the next eight centuries training and tutoring generations of Jedi.[2] It was estimated that over his lifetime, he trained around 20,000 Jedi.[13]"
AckbartheHutt, don't you know by now that citing references are not enough to convince knee-jerk idiots who use "sexist" to try and thwart arguments? The only thing they can do it regurgitate horse-shit some other knee-jerker told them.
What, no reply from Froggyboy? haha
You are a dummy, aren't you? Leia has the Force, is that sexist? Tool.
Anakin Skywalker (trained)
Luke Skywalker (trained)
Mace Windu (trained)
Obi-Wan (trained)
Qui-Gon Jinn (trained)
All Padawans (trained)
Kylo Ren (trained)
maRey Sue Nobody (Girl Power?)
Hell, Wonder Woman even trained.
Luke used three Force powers before training. Force pull (he'd never even seen it and didn't know it was possible), some kind of "Force sight" that allows him to anticipate and block the shots from a floating robotic taser ball while blindfolded, and a Force targeting system that exceeds the capability of a computer built specifically for targeting (and he does this when the lives of the entire Rebellion are at stake).
(Yes, I know, you're going to claim that Kenobi "trained" Luke on the Falcon, even though training takes longer than five minutes and Kenobi basically urged Luke "JUST DO IT")
Rey used only two Force powers before training... AFTER experiencing them firsthand.
So why can Luke use powers before training, but not Rey?
Good luck.
"Luke used three Force powers before training." Nope. Obi-wan taught him. Case closed. How do you know it was "only 5 minutes"? How long does it take to fly from Tatooine to Alderaan at light speed? You don't know. Good Luck! Case closed.
Keep trying, pal! Rey is a Mary Sue! Ma-REY Sue! It's in her name!
"Luke used three Force powers before training." Nope. Obi-wan taught him.
"Luke doesn't hear from him again until after meeting Yoda." Dude, you're a big BIG big BIG BIIIIGGGGGG DUMMY!!! He heard from him during the Death Star run. Case closed!!! Anything else you wrote after is meaningless.
You're a sexist misandrist and a dummy.
Anakin Skywalker
Luke Skywalker
Rey Sue
Anakin Skywalker (trained)
Luke Skywalker (trained)
Mace Windu (trained)
Obi-Wan (trained)
Qui-Gon Jinn (trained)
All Padawans (trained)
Kylo Ren (trained)
maRey Sue Nobody (Girl Power?)
Hell, Wonder Woman even trained.
If Rey was Rocky Balboa she wouldn’t need a training montage or even Mickey, she’d just win in the first movie, first punch in round one!
shareHAHAHAHA!!! TRUE!!!!
shareIf Rey were the dark knight then the joker would have been defeated at Bruce Wayne's benefit and bane would have been defeated in the sewer. We would have had some really short Batman movies
share"Hell, Wonder Woman even trained."
I notice you didn't include Superman, because he's the ultimate Marty Stu. But see, he has essentially magical powers, and he's not bound by human limitations, so it would be silly to call him a Marty Stu.
If only Star Wars heroes had some vaguely defined magical power that allowed them to exceed normal limitations.
Superman? He has a backstory = Not Mary Sue. Kryptonite harms Superman = Not Mary Sue. Earths physics allow Superman to do what he does = Not Mary Stu. Superman is well thought out, and well written as a character = Not Mary Sue. Superman has been defeated and killed = Not Mary Sue. When Kryptonite is introduced to Superman's being, he can be killed, stabbed, beat-up, etc., just like a Human. So, there goes your theory.
shareAhahaha froggyboy PWNED yet again
Loving this little SJW getting shot down post after post!
Poor wittle froggyboy, keep bringing your leftwing nonsense it's so entertaining watching you get triggered and humiliated
Rey is a Mary Sue Rey is a Mary Sue Ray is a Mary Sue
Why do people failed to see this, or just plain ignore it? It's in her name, for crying out loud! "Ma-REY Sue!"
shareYes sir indeed, froggyboy ignores simple FACTS. Notice how he fails to respond to any of the responses to his mindbogglingly stupid questions above. And speaking of facts, the fact froggyboy considers Superman the "ultimate" Mary Stu is proof positive he doesn't even know what a Mary Stu/Sue even is. Hilarious!
He's just a fragile little thin-skinned SJW that goes around looking for any reason to pull out the "sexism" card.
If it turned out she was the reincarnation of Anakin skywalker then I would start to give the Mary Sue argument a rest but no, she’s that good just because . MARY SUE CONFIRMED