Galilguy's Replies

5,000 illegal aliens per day. 150,000 illegal aliens per month. 1,800,000 illegal aliens per year. $60+ Billion more to Ukraine. This Senate deal is TRASH, plain and simple. Talk about screwing working people, this border “deal” allows illegals to get immediate work visas. Wages will fall like a lead balloon.. This is the most truthful post of the day.. Too little, too late. Iran has moved most of it's militias and equipment away. A response to an attack made nearly a week hardly a response at all and is the sign of weak leadership. Trump would have responded that night. Next week - air lifting more pallets of cash to Iran.. More propaganda from the Loony Left. Looking at the "reports" you will see when it comes to jobs created, Govt leads all sectors. Imagine a bloated corporation drowning in debt setting a record pace in adding... jobs. It's the Democrat's plan, grow govt, not the economy. The Left's plan is to Micheal Flynn him, threaten his financial security to the point of calling Uncle and giving up.. These lawsuits are all by design. And for years there have been Americans at top levels of security selling information to China which has enabled them to do just what they are doing now. What exactly did we expect? Trump has a good record with them; lower unemployment, better economy, criminal justice reform, full funding of historically black colleges. If Black support drops from 90% to 75% the Democrats are toast. Your delusions are very strong.. Hard to believe that there are voters out there who are still wanting Biden for another 4 years of incompetence, economic failures and chronic war mongering that is destroying the West. FJB The Left is up to dirty tricks again? Does the sun rise in the East? Let’s clear this E Jean Carroll situation up for everyone who doesn’t understand how things work: - Trump has never been convicted or even investigated for what she accused him of. - She doesn’t know what year it happened, and has even been caught in a few lies. - She brought the dress forward, but the dress didn’t even exist in the years she claimed it happened. - Trump was not on trial for this. He was on trial for calling her a liar and other names. - The Jury is from a far Left district, so Trump had no shot at a fair hearing. - She didn’t make these accusations until 20 years later. She even said she fantasizes about it happening before. - The only reason she could even sue was because democrats changed the laws for 1 year in New York. The law was changed the day Trump got out of office. - She wasn’t going to sue until anti Trump people talked her into it and offered to pay. The whole case is a farce but that won't stop the Loony Left from screeching. It was inevitable with the recent weak responses. American soldiers are dying and our Commander-in-Chief will call a LID and take his nap. Our soldiers deserve a President who is engaged and brave. We have neither.. I live in NYS and there's plenty of drug addicts, mentally ill, low information, easily manipulated people who will trip over themselves to pull the lever for Slow Joe. After the Great Society or whatever it was called by LBJ the decline started rolling down hill fast. Look at some of the other "grease" that was added to the rails like not having to read to pass classes. Not having to speak proper English because it was racist. Saying that any time police arrested a black person it was racist even if they were committing a crime. Being paid to break up the black family units under the guise of the welfare program. Both black people & society were set up by the Democrats. Black people started to believe that "it wasn't their fault" which was echoed throughout society. So what we are seeing now is just the normal progression of the declines masterminded by the Democrats. Black people have to a large extent woken up to what has been done to them but is it too late? There will always be a percent of people (black, white, no difference) who would love to sit at home & do nothing while the government takes care of them and sadly that percentage has grown over the years because that's all that part of society knows. And again it's not just a black problem, it's our country's problem. I wouldn't put it past the Loony Left, they are nasty, vile and will do anything to get their way. It seems as of late, he's got some of his marbles back.. In case you didn’t know, E Jean Carroll has accused many men of raping or sexually assaulting her including a babysitter’s boyfriend, a dentist, a camp counselor, an unnamed college date, an unnamed boss and CBS chief executive Les Moonves - Per The National Pulse. The outcome of this shameful sham is not surprising. The judge is a fake and the jury is not made up of Trump's peers by any stretch of one's imagination. Peers means much more than merely being a human in the context of a trial. The jury was peerless far beyond any reasonable doubt and frankly, they had already dismissed being open to evidence of any sort that could possibly vindicate the accused and all of them walked away feeling good about themselves. Precedent has been set now, no proof is needed for rape. Just as accusation and you can’t verbally defend yourselves.. The federal government failed to enforce the laws. Texas is doing what the federal government should be doing.. FJB How far does Biden really want to escalate this given the strong public opinion against the open border. Let Ms. Haley lose big time in her own state. Then, if she doesn't concede, that would be the appropriate time to make the declaration. Losing her own state, even those Republicans supporting her are going to know it's not only dead, but buried. Bury the hatchets and come together. It's only a month away. Plenty of time.. It happens all the time, the Union Leadership endorses a candidate they OWE or they want something from. Then the membership votes for the other guy.. Of course they are, the reason is simple. They are not nuts like the Left..