MovieChat Forums > Politics > Joe Biden is not happy with Texas!!

Joe Biden is not happy with Texas!!

They are not following his instructions regarding an open border.. How can we punish Texas , how can we make them suffer for not making America a better country?


He can bomb Texas, get his respect back! Kill a few 100K and go down in history as the saviour of America. No man have done so much great stuff in such a little time as Joe Biden.


The ultimatum has expired,
Texas did not submit to the demands of the White House

Sending federal agents to clash with the Texas National Guard on the border with Mexico would be the "biggest mistake of the Biden administration," said Texas Deputy Governor Dan Patrick, regarding a request by the US Department of Homeland Security to allow them access to the border by the end of the day.


Decrees without enforcement are letters to Santa Claus, and Abbot knows this. Texas holds all the cards now.


All Pres. Biden has to do is federalize the Texas National guard, but since this whole thing is a desperate GOP publicity stunt, he won't bother.


Trump is telling Republicans to not pass an immigration bill they all agree on to avoid letting Biden have a win.

Nothing to do with Texas.


The federal government failed to enforce the laws. Texas is doing what the federal government should be doing..



And they can invoke the Constitution to legally do so!


It's a Supreme Court ruling that Abbott won't follow.

The whole Abbott/Texas thing is nothing more than a stupid publicity stunt. The economy is doing great, tRump is getting nothing but bad press, an the GOP is simply desperate to distract their base.
