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Senate releases long-awaited border legislation, major asylum changes

Gee?? Let's see a show of hands for those who believe any of this other than it's an election year and they're scrambling to try and act like they care about the Border, when in fact, they don't..

"The border proposal, which took months to negotiate, is aimed at gaining control of an asylum system that has been overwhelmed by historic numbers of migrants coming to the border. The bill proposes an overhaul to the system with tougher and quicker enforcement measures."

Hey!! You know what would've solved this whole problem?? Close the fucking Border!!


They already have the millions they needed for the 2024 votes.


5,000 illegal aliens per day. 150,000 illegal aliens per month. 1,800,000 illegal aliens per year. $60+ Billion more to Ukraine. This Senate deal is TRASH, plain and simple.

Talk about screwing working people, this border “deal” allows illegals to get immediate work visas. Wages will fall like a lead balloon..


This Bill is an embarrassment with roughly 16% going to Border protection and the other 84% to Ukraine for Heaven's sake.. Of course, this was going to be shot down in a hail of gunfire and rightfully so.. Trump was right in telling people to shit on this.. And the usual liberal suspects to demand evidence in 3 2 1


"16% going to Border protection"

"the bill would provide $20bn in funding to bolster and expand border security operations"

Figure 2: CBP & ICE Annual Budgets, FY 2003-2021

It looks like total budget for Immigration Enforcement was $20B (2017) for Obama's last budget, and $26B for Trump's last budget (2021.)

Additional $20 billion is a nice chunk. I think we need about $1 Trillion...

New aircraft carrier costs $13B

CBO estimates that in 2023 the annual cost for each agent is about $240,000, including compensation, equipment, and processing. Additionally, CBO estimates that training costs about $40,000 for each new agent.

$20B / $240k = 83,000 Border Patrol Agent (Years)

If we're saying this $20B budget is for 10 years, then that means 8,300 new "immigration agents..." I don't know how much ICE agents cost, nor the cost of the immigration officers at airports, etc...

Figure 3: CBP Officers, Border Patrol Agents, and ICE Agents, FY 2003-2019

It looks like the total number of CBP Officers, Border Patrol Agents, and ICE Agents were about 53,000 in 2019.

8,300 / 53,000 is 15.7% increase... looks inadequate to me...


No, it's limited to 5,000 per week up so up to 20k per month. That's still a lot. I'd be fine with 10k per month though.

Actually, it's a bit confusing on how they wrote it.

That “border emergency” provision, which expires in three years, would automatically kick in when crossings reach an average of 5,000 per day over seven days, or 8,500 per day on a single calendar day. A president could choose to use the tool at a lower average of 4,000 per day over seven days.

Though advocates of the bill, including President Biden, have described this provision as one that would grant him new emergency authority to “shut down” the border when it becomes overwhelmed, the border would not be entirely closed. About 1,400 migrants would still be able to qualify for asylum at ports of entry, which would also remain open to conventional trade and travel.

Republican critics of the bill have seized on this provision in particular, claiming it would allow the Biden administration to “release” 5,000 migrants into the United States a day. Sen. James Lankford (R-Okla.), the GOP’s lead negotiator on the bill, has pushed back on that claim, saying it is the “most misunderstood section” of the bipartisan proposal.

“This is not about letting 5,000 people in a day,” Lankford told Fox News last month. “This is not someone standing at the border with a little clicker saying, ‘I’m going to let one more in. We’re at 4,999,’ and then it has to stop. It is a shutdown of the border and everyone actually gets turned around.”


Republican BS as usual. Migrants normally appear for their hearings.

It makes more economic sense to allow migrants to stay with their family members or friends who already live in the states rather than imprison them while waiting for a hearing with an immigration judge which can take a long time.

Republicans like to complain and give flimsy excuses for not getting anything done because they'd rather use a problem as a campaign talking point rather than just solve it.

Democracy REQUIRES compromise. This bipartisan bill is a good one.


Trump wants the border left open. He also said he wants the economy to fail. He also helps our enemies Putin and China become stronger. He also killed 500,000 Americans.

Trump and his cult HATE America!


No, Trump does not want the Border left open and has committed to closing it on Day 1 of being elected and he will too.. Not only that, but every time the man tried to do something with the Border during his 1st Term, he had that carbuncle known as Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer attached to him like a fucking leach preventing the man from doing his job..

He also said he wants the economy to fail"

Show me where Donald Trump says he wants the Economy to fail?? The Economy under Trump was the Best with Peace & Prosperity for 3 years until Covid ruined all of that and on purpose


Repugnican president, Repugnican congress, Repugnican senate for 2 years under Trump. He could have easily built a wall that Mexico paid for - but refused!!!!

"The legislation includes several big conservative wins, including provisions that would allow the government to more easily expel migrants at the border, restrict claims for parole and make it significantly harder for migrants to claim asylum. It would also automatically shutter the border if illegal crossings reach or climb past a certain average daily threshold, with certain humanitarian exemptions.

Lankford called it a “once-in-a-generation opportunity to close our open border and give future administrations the effective tools they need to stop the border chaos and protect our nation.” He also sought to rebut claims from the right that it would allow the unfettered passage of migrants across the border.

But many in the GOP have come out against it anyway, bowing to pressure from former president and 2024 GOP presidential front-runner Donald Trump and his allies. Some Republicans have openly admitted they don’t want to give President Joe Biden a victory and keep the issue alive ahead of the November general election. There are even some on the right calling for Lankford to resign from the Senate."

YOU are keeping the border open!!!


Lying as usual. Your side constantly opposed him about finishing the wall.


"Repugnican president, Repugnican congress, Repugnican senate for 2 years under Trump. He could have easily built a wall that Mexico paid for - but refused!!!!

For you:
You're welcome!


No one believes your lies, not even you.

Trump built 500+ miles of that wall in spite of all the opposition.



"500+ miles of wall"
That didn't really add wall. It mainly replaced old dilapidated wall.


The wording and phrasing in your propaganda fact-checker doesn't change the facts.

In order to "replace" you have to "add."


Nonsense! Replacing a broken wall doesn't add more miles to the wall.


If it’s replaced than it’s added. If it’s new than it’s also added.



Nothing added.

Repugnicans = Don't know math


When something old is replaced with new, it is still counted as added.


You really shouldn't call others liars when you posted that millions of dead Democrats voted for Biden in the 2020 election. When asked for proof of your claim numerous times you ran away like the little pussy you are. Nobody except for your echo chamber friends here belive you claims without evidence. You really are stupid.




No he doesn't. More of your lies.


It was 400,000 when he left office but Biden already filled that and then some when he took office along with a couple years later.


Trumpidiots were still following Trump's misinformation and dying from covid long after he left office. Trump and Repugnants' backward healthcare policies also increased deaths.

"461,000 fewer Americans would have died in 2018."



0/10 Troll Score


Is it true that there are large numbers of young Chinese men crossing the border?

Anyone know if this just fear mongering or for reals?


Yes, this is for real and has been happening for quite some time


Tell Trump to end his obstruction of this strong immigration bill!


No. That bill should not pass.


Be specific! Why not?


Since the secretary of state can arbitrarily define anyone they want as an asylum seeker they will never reach the daily threshold of 5K or 8.5K to make it mandatory to close the border.

All future cases against this bill would be adjudicated in DC where it is almost all leftist and difficult for Trump to actually do something about the border crisis.

The border should be closed NOW.


"can arbitrarily define anyone they want as an asylum seeker "

Nope. Definition is in 8 U.S. Code § 1158 - Asylum


The secretary of state doesn't give a shit about that code.


Nonsense! It's legislation. All matters related to immigration are found in law. Asylum seekers complete an application and then go before an immigration judge who decides their case.


It doesn't matter. Judges make their own decisions regardless of legislation, codes or laws.

Oh, and some judges are also compromised.


You sound bitter because a judge gave you a long sentence.


Fuck Ukraine. Close the Border.


Yes, there is. There is even a Tiktok video showing how to cross a certain border crossing point where the edge of a wall was left unfinished or ajar. It was later closed by the Mexican Border Guard though so they did the job Biden wouldn't.


Still waiting for the funding from Congress.


84% to the usual bottomless Democrat rectum money laundering, errrr pet projects.

16% to the border. I thought we couldn’t afford 5 billion for wall?

The border wall is exactly like the Strategic Defense Initiative in the 80s. The most logical efficient defense, and because it’s coming from bad man, the Democrats media/party rectum and their lemmings must oppose it.


Walls don't work! Just look at how many people escape from walled prisons all over the world!!


That bill is bullshit forwarded by the RINOs.

They set a cap that doesn’t include asylum seekers when the Biden regime has been allowing asylum to everyone without proof that they are actually asylum seekers.

If they can say or claim that they are not illegal immigrants, but that they are asylum seekers; they will never hit the threshold and the border will never be closed and therefore solves nothing.

It is not a border reform bill nor a countering illegal immigration bill, but basically more money for Israel and Ukraine and an afterthought to use the rest for an immigration proposal that doesn’t work because they want to pass it in order to look like they are doing something about the border.

This is not a reform bill, nor a border bill which will have zero impact and accomplish nothing.
It is basically and predominantly “defense funding” for Ukraine and Israel.

Trump was able to put up 500+ miles of wall with less money than that entire bill.

It they pass this bill It will be difficult for Trump to allocate and defend the border because it will be countermanded by this bill and adjudicated in a court of law in DC where he will never have any support.

This bill should not pass.


An immigration judge reviews their applications and decides if they can stay in the country. The bill paid for more judges and employees.

The immigration bill is strong and the best in over decades. The last major immigration legislation was done by Clinton

It is a reform bill! Trump doesn't want it signed because it would make moot all of Trump's campaign ads.

"500+ miles of wall"
That didn't really add wall. It mainly replaced old dilapidated wall.

Repugnants are all talk and whine. No action.


You obviously didn't comprehend my post.

That bill has nothing to do with reform and doesn't accomplish anything.

The wording and phrasing in your propaganda fact-checker doesn't change the facts.
In order to "replace" you have to "add."


When elected in 2016 Trump controlled the White House while the Republicans controlled the House and Senate for two years. Plenty of time to erect a border wall and to pass new laws to help prevent illegal aliens from crossing the border. But nothing was done about the border crisis in those two years. Nothing! So quit your sniveling and blame Trump for the problem he caused. As usual your stupidity and gullibility is palpable.


Number of terrorist border crossings per year.

2017 - 2
2018 - 0
2019 - 1
2020 - 4
2021 - 511
2022 - 3471
2023 - 19,309


Of course you have evidence of your claim, right? Let's see it, retard.

When elected in 2016 Trump controlled the White House while the Republicans controlled the House and Senate for two years. Plenty of time to erect a border wall and to pass new laws to help prevent illegal aliens from crossing the border. But nothing was done about the border crisis in those two years. Nothing! Let's put people who are hiring illegals in prison. If that was happening then there would be zero illegal aliens crossing the southern border.


Trump was stopping most of them from crossing the border.

Millions of illegals have crossed under Biden.


Then how come there's still an employee shortage?


What about people who cross the border legally for business and pleasure. Mexico is a huge trading partner.


The keyword is "Legally".. Understand this??


Apparently, he doesn't, lol.


Yes, if you "close the border" how do people legally cross? Maybe you folks should understand the simplistic answers you have for complex problems so you don't sound so stupid.


Are you dense? You close the door of your house I assume, but you let friends and family in, yes? Same principle.


When are you going to learn how to post proper URLs. You are a retard!
