MovieChat Forums > swl1019 > Replies
swl1019's Replies
He's not clearly Australian...he has absolutely no Australian accent at all and has a distinct US southern accent.
I fell asleep and had to stop right about midway. I had a hunch that right then it would pick up, and I was right. I resumed the next day and just about right in the middle, it kicks into gear. And I have to say it was worth slugging through the beginning.
How about a posthumous nod for Johan Johannsson? The score drives the whole movie.
Wow. Great research and great attention to detail.
I should watch it again; I wonder what other subtle things I may have missed. I liked it a lot. I bet I’d like it even more a second time.
How'd you know she was premature?
I'll third that. "Taken if it were an art house film" is one way to describe it. I was thinking it was simply Taken if Taken were good.
I had to turn on subtitles during the kitchen scene. I did understand him the rest of the time. Granted, he didn't say too much overall. The kitchen scene probably had the most dialogue per minute.
I also had to turn subtitles on.
The accents are absolutely deplorable. This movie would be laughed out of theaters if it came out today. I'm surprised it wasn't then. I've thought for 12 years that Jack Nicholson's accent in The Departed was atrocious (having grown up in MA), but this was even more horrible, and I watched Ironweed and Reds (amazing performance by Nicholson, for which he would've won if he'd had as much screen time John Gielgud) within a week of this viewing of Prizzi's Honor, so I had a strong sense of how he talks normally and how he doesn't. His accent in Prizzi's is awful. His performance is awful.
I do not agree with your use of that word, as it's an archaic one that once described developmentally or intellectually delayed individuals, a population with whom I've worked a lot, but I believe you mean to say his character seemed slow.
Here's the thing: his accent as horrible. Jack Nicholson isn't very good in this movie. It's by far his 12th best performance of his Oscar-nominated roles, and profoundly worse than his 10th best (as only this and Ironweed aren't worthy of the nomination). He's not good at accents. Look at the Departed. His Boston accent is atrocious (though not as atrocious as his NY accent in this). At one point he actually said "poipose" (purpose). It was pathetic.
Roberto DeNiro should have played the part or Nicholson should have been allowed to just talk like he normally does. You look at Reds, done 4 years earlier (or released 4 years earlier) and he's at his absolute best. It's not a coincidence that he's at his Five Easy Pieces/Cuckoo's Nest best in Reds: he doesn't do an accent. Accents are his Achilles Heal.
There are a few scenes in Prizzi's in which he's solid, because his awful accent doesn't detract, for most of its running length, he's terrible.
Mad Max: Fury Road is a 9
I couldn't agree more. I actually didn't mind Turner, but I thought Nicholson's accent was atrocious--worse than his accent in the Departed (which is awful). Anjelica Huston is the one deep, excellent performance. The guy who played the grandfather was bizarre.
I think her performance redeems the film. It's interesting she was not only nominated but won for so little screen time, but she as outstanding. Given that Judi Dench won the award for 6 minutes' screen time, it's ultimately fair. Angelica Houston is outstanding in this film.
It's from an extremely privileged and presumptuous point of view that you assume some of his victims were "into it" and only now want to make a little money. Do you have proof that Rose McGowan enjoyed sex with Harvey Weinstein? If not, why do you assume that she liked it and only now wants to cash in?
He was more than one step richer than most of his victims; he was an established rich, powerful producer while many (probably most) of his victims were budding A-listers at best. The thing about being a budding A-lister though is the thin line and enormous amount of luck between becoming Ashley Judd and being somebody who teaches acting in LA and earns $60,000/year. And there are many victims who weren't budding A-listers, but who are simply that cousin who moved to LA a few years ago.
Did people such as Matt Damon and Ben Affleck know that he was a serial rapist or did they (as far as anyone can tell) believe he "simply" was someone the society of a few decades ago would call a womanizer? (I strongly feel 'womanizer' is an outdated term, but you still see it on Wikipedia.)
I’m glad it wasn’t just me! I will watch this one again one day; I liked it a lot, so when I do, I’ll see if I hear the Luxembourgish accent earlier.
Definitely. But why would her accent re-emerge after more time in England?
I wonder if I just didn't hear her say enough before. I know I can tell a British accent (any of them) from a German or Luxembourgish one. It was like a switch was flipped for me after she talked to the princess. Next chance I get I'll watch at least a few minutes.
Thank you. When I signed up late last fall I didn't realize I could get into even more infuriating situations than I do on Facebook. Since January I've attempted to truly stick to movies. There are some even crazier exchanges with this individual. Happy reading!