I do not agree with your use of that word, as it's an archaic one that once described developmentally or intellectually delayed individuals, a population with whom I've worked a lot, but I believe you mean to say his character seemed slow.
Here's the thing: his accent as horrible. Jack Nicholson isn't very good in this movie. It's by far his 12th best performance of his Oscar-nominated roles, and profoundly worse than his 10th best (as only this and Ironweed aren't worthy of the nomination). He's not good at accents. Look at the Departed. His Boston accent is atrocious (though not as atrocious as his NY accent in this). At one point he actually said "poipose" (purpose). It was pathetic.
Roberto DeNiro should have played the part or Nicholson should have been allowed to just talk like he normally does. You look at Reds, done 4 years earlier (or released 4 years earlier) and he's at his absolute best. It's not a coincidence that he's at his Five Easy Pieces/Cuckoo's Nest best in Reds: he doesn't do an accent. Accents are his Achilles Heal.
There are a few scenes in Prizzi's in which he's solid, because his awful accent doesn't detract, for most of its running length, he's terrible.