MovieChat Forums > Indiscipline > Replies
Indiscipline's Replies
Shut up, dude. She's at retirement age, people know she's not working for the money.
It is just being slowly revealed year after year that she's not the correct person to head Lucasfilm. If they had hired a guy who was a kid throughout the original trilogy, I bet we wouldn't be here today.
Yeah, I know "Running Up That Hill" and the duet on the Peter Gabriel album. I've been meaning to dig deeper.
Don't be insensitive, some of us are attracted to pots and pans. Now, where's my Crisco.....
This is his revenge for having to take so much shit for the prequel trilogy.
He's like "Oh yeah? You thought my films were bad? Stay tuned"
It's not only the trolls participating in the "soycott". Don't kid yourself, buddy.
Dude, I wish.
It doesn't help that when George sold Lucasfilm he stated that she was the perfect person to helm the company. Maybe he didn't know her as well as he thought he did.
I don't know if the Rufus character is in it, but I'd be okay w/ Mark in the role.
His 60s and 70s output is legendary! Not heard much of anything from the 80s onward, but I'm sure there are some gems in there.
I agree that he doesn't gel with the show at all, but at least he's not on there that often.
Actually, I read that they filmed the last episode to be a series finale, just in case. Hopefully it's a good finale too, because Bruce just said on Twitter earlier that he's retiring the character of Ash.
I'm already camped out in front of the theater. Can't fricking wait!!!!
Never saw Corvette Summer, but I recognized him from his role as a cop in Stephen King's Sleepwalkers. He was only in that for a minute, now all these years later he starred in a #1 movie. Amazing.
True words
Well, maybe when he realized he spawned Bud Bundy forth unto the world, he didn't want to take another chance...
In a good movie, you don't have to ignore any idiocy. I'd say the only worthy parts are the pod race and the final lightsaber battle. I bought 2 tickets on release day, I didn't even watch it the second time. Even then, I knew.
Diversity hire
This is a kid who back then I thought had the chops to be a legendary serious actor into old age. Guess I was wrong. Whoops!
That's the fun of it. Best episode this season besides the Mandela Effect episode.