Indiscipline's Replies

..and Serial Mom Crybaby If you are muscular when you are thrown into solitary for 6 weeks, as long as you exercise a lot, you will be muscular when you come out even though they've restricted you to half rations of food. Decided to go see it last Thursday and enjoyed it (the other 2 people in the theater seemed to, too). My overall thoughts are that it should have been 30 mins shorter and they should have chosen a better actor for Lando. That's about it. Hopefully they won't make the same mistake twice. De Niro, Pacino, Pesci, Keitel, but no Liotta? Sad. Seriously though, if everybody brings their A-Game, this is really going to be something. I hate them so much that I've seen them a million times over the years. I hope you sensed the sarcasm. Not a fan of this guy. Money talks and he's got it. I just realized it's the guy who called me a Trump supporter. Haha, no the guy's name was Samuel Horwitz and he was hilarious IMO. Plot twist: I'm not a Trump supporter, just a fan of the classic television show Roseanne. Just throwing it out there. I don't think the tweet was racist. The word "racist" has been thrown around so much lately that it's basically lost it's meaning. A person in a mask is not an ape. Now, if she had compared her to Clyde from Every Which Way but Loose..... Agreed. I think the only full black person in her family was her great grandfather. Seriously, google her parents and look at the pics. You're right on the money, kuku. It is truly mind-boggling. So I had to look up this dumbass portmanteau "incels" on the internet today....