We need to get Kennedy fired

Look, all the real SW fans hate the direction Disney is taking our beloved franchise and Kennedy is largely to blame. I’m proposing we launch a 1 Star IMDb offensive and boycott future SW movies to let the studio suits know we are angry and not going to take this abuse any longer. If SW movies start putting up bad box office numbers due to open revolt, the studio suits will have no other choice than to fire Kennedy on her stupid “force is female” SJW head. It’s the only way us real fans can save Star Wars!


Dude, I wish.

It doesn't help that when George sold Lucasfilm he stated that she was the perfect person to helm the company. Maybe he didn't know her as well as he thought he did.


There is nothing we can do. Only just boycott it and hope that the bad quality will eventually kill the franchise.. Just speak your mind in forums and reviews and try to explain why the movies suck. Maybe that will prevent people from seeing it, I dunno.


That's the thing, we can do something... don't buy this shit. People think "oh I'm just one person, it won't matter" - it does fucking matter. Every person NOT boycotting this trash is basically raising their hand for more movies like this. Change will only happen if everyone does their part.


True. But how many would actually boycott this? I have a subscription to my local cinema. I could not see this movie, but then I would have paid anyway (monthly) so that just won't work. Granted, I will only see this shit once and then never again. I just hope that regular people without subscriptions or movie passes, would just see Avengers, Jurassic World and Deadpool instead and forget about this piece of shit franchise...We need to make sure it doesn't reel in the money they want so that they are forced to actually make quality stuff.


YES! That's the spirit. I won't be spending a single cent on any of the new movies. We all need to band together and send Disney a message and the best way to do that is with our wallets.


dude , get a fucking life, Kennedy hires people to make the films, grow up , rating it 1 is just pathetic


If you’re not with us you’re against us. You will be treated as an enemy combatant.


i get why some people are dissapointed , i was gutted coming out of TLJ, thought the TFA and RO were really good but nothing comes close to the dissapointment of the prequels , but rating it 1 is going to do nothing


That’s why we boycott. Low user review scores are a secondary objective. If SW movies continually make less money and get lower review scores, it sends a message.


maybe , TLJ did make me angry at Lucasfilm for green lighting the script, but its still good to look forward to star wars movies, if i had my way we would only have the original trilogy in its original cut, no special editions


Most sites employ allegorithms that discout zero or one star reviews (troll filters). Eg Imdb and Rotten Tomatoes, thus thousands of zero TLJ reviews are not counted on RT.

You might be fighting windmills. The Mouse always wins.


Then we boycott.



Thanks for sharing this!



The boycott is already working as evidenced by The Last Jedi making several hundred million less than The Force Awakens.

Vote with your wallets, people. I contributed money to The Force Awakens but not a dime to anything else since. This garbage needs to be de-canonized.
