Did you know that Steve Kerr (coach of the Golden State Warriors) was born in Beirut, Lebanon? You think he is a Lebanese National?
I hope you're not saying that Ms. Jarrett is full black 'cuz anyone with eyes can see that she has a lot of white or other non-black components in her genetic make-up, whether mid-eastern (including North of the Sahara) or whatever.
Irrelevant, non-sensical and historically unaware statement. What does FULL black even mean? Ms. Jarrett's genetic makeup?
Her parents are both African-American. On the television series Finding Your Roots, genealogical research and DNA testing indicated that Jarrett also has French, Scottish, and Native American ancestry.
Very few People of Color within the United States of America are FULL black, thus the term People Of Color. Get it? Clearly Ms. Jarrett is a Swirl from two parents who themselves were both swirls and both indeed of mixed race.
***As far as referring to her as "Persian" goes, I can do that because she was born in Iran, aka Persia; just like someone born in the USA -- whatever their genetic history -- can be called an American. Don't make this more convoluted than it is (which I realize you're going to keep trying to do).***
You can do that but you would be so, so, so very wrong.
US immigration, naturalization and citizenship laws and requirements are not the laws of the world. Thus you have this big to-do in the USA over citizenship and immigration.
Iranian nationality law contains principles of both jus sanguinis and jus soli. Children acquire nationality of Iran through their fathers, but not their mothers. The full nationality law is defined in Book 2 of the Civil Code of Iran, Articles 976 through 991.
To look at Ms. Jarrett, her parents and her grandparents most people who have had contact with people of other countries know that she has Melanin-based ancestry. No, Ms. Jarret is not Persian, she's not of Persian or even middle eastern descent. She's not Muslim. She's never been a Muslim. Her parents aren't Muslim and are more related to the south side of Chicago just as she is.