I don't get it...

Isn't the Muslim Brotherhood considered a good organization by the Left and don't libertine fools say humans originated from apes (rolling my eyes)? So what's the problem?

Also, Bill Mahar blatantly equated Trump to an orangutan on his show with comparative photos. So, for the sake of comedy, he can equate a white person to an ape, but Roseanne can't equate a Persian woman to an ape without getting fired?

In short: If you're a liberal you can get away with these kinds of jokes, but if you're even a little bit conservative you can't. It's a hypocritical double standard.


Pffft...wanna see something funny and blatantly biased?

Argue with a Libtard on Facebook and claim you’re black.

If he calls you “nigga”...reporting him only results in a pathetic message: “Thank you for wasting our fucking time but this post does not violate any of our community standards. Feel free to block this individual. Asshole.”

But...call HIM a “nigga” in return...and you’re gone for 30 days.

The LEFT are the true fascists: only THEIR opinion and way of thinking counts and all other opinions are HATE speech.

If a Leftist on FB calls you a monkey...it’s nothing.

But if YOU call him/her a monkey...30 day ban.

Now “monkey”...is a racist term.

What the fuck do they call them at the zoo, I wonder?



Awwwww....miss me already?

You said you were through with me, dickhead.

Go ahead...test it out for yourself.

But you won’t....:-)


Run along now, boy...

And find a Libtard FB site and call a black man a monkey and see what happens...



I’m no racist, dickhead.

And no...I ain’t white.

I judge Libtards for their double standard.

And you won’t do it....because you KNOW I’m right...



That’s was simply to stop your stupid ass in your tracks before making your predictable “go back to your trailer park and fuck your sister, white trash” comment.




I’ve only been here 3 days and can already tell who the buttinskis to every thread chumps are.


Why did you bother responding?

That’s the one-upmanship way, bub.

You’re a pathetic narcissist who has to stick his nose in everyone’s face.

After all...this ain’t your thread, buttinski.



OOoOooO...says the chickenshit who won’t test my FACTs on Facebook.

You got NOTHING, boy.

Until you do it yourself.




Thanks HASH; sad, but so true.


Words in an of itself aren't racist. It's people like you who are. About ban, you do the crime, you do the time


A REAL conservative BY and LARGE would NEVER stand for the grossly sick, LIBERAL stuff of Roseanne (who ain't funny..now I LOVE me some Lisa Lampanelli)..

I'd rahter watch the Flintstone,s I love Lucy..:


don't libertine dumb phukks say humans originated from apes (rolling my eyes)?

No, only highly ignorant people think that evolution talks about humans coming from apes.


Now now...let’s not relive the SCOPES Trial...


No, only highly ignorant people think that evolution talks about humans coming from apes.

My statement is correct, as far as what evolutionists believe: Humans supposedly share a common ancestor with modern African apes. This common ancestor supposedly existed 5-8 million years ago. Shortly thereafter, the species diverged into two separate lineages. One of these lineages theoretically evolved into gorillas and chimps while the other evolved into early human ancestors called hominids. Hence, the theory that "humans originated from apes." What is it about this that you don't get?

Still no "missing link" yet though, huh? Or does Cha-Ka count?


Yes, sharing an ancestor with modern apes, exactly. See, you know how to say it properly, and that's different from "coming from apes" obviously.

We don't have to come from apes, we ARE Great Apes. We and our wild cousins are all hominids.

Perhaps we are the Great Apes of Wrath? Bad pun, I know.


Yes, sharing an ancestor with modern apes, exactly. See, you know how to say it properly, and that's different from "coming from apes" obviously.

Actually -- since you're getting so technical -- I said evolutionists believe humans "originated from apes." Which is actually what evolutionists believe since this theoretical ancestor is an ape.

What I meant in my original post is obvious to anyone who can read English. Address the issue at hand rather than a peripheral statement that you claim is technically stated incorrectly.


but Roseanne can't equate a Persian woman to an ape without getting fired?
When did Valerie Jarret magically become Persian?????

What's with the Ape reference and Persians anyway????!!


^oh look...a dope who doesn’t know Jarrett was born in Iran^

That makes her Persian by BIRTH, you dope.

Or did you NOT know Iran is PERSIA?

Thought so.



No, dickhead...it makes me an EDUCATOR because this dope has no fucking clue about Jarrett’s background.

Now he knows.



Don’t need it boy...because I’ve been kickin’ yours the whole time.


We find you entertaining and predictable.

I win $2 everytime your “I’m through with you” ass responds.



^oh look...a dope who doesn’t know Jarrett was born in Iran^

That makes her Persian by BIRTH, you dope.

Or did you NOT know Iran is PERSIA?

Thought so.
Silly you. Ms. Bowman's parents are both Americans and Black, and no she is neither Persian nor Iranian because she was born in Iran. But continue deluding yourself. She is an American born on Iranian soil.

Almost all states in Europe, Asia, Africa and Oceania grant citizenship at birth based upon the principle of jus sanguinis (right of blood), in which citizenship is inherited through parents not by birthplace, or a restricted version of jus soli in which citizenship by birthplace is automatic only for the children of certain immigrants. Countries that have acceded to the 1961 Convention on the Reduction of Statelessness will grant nationality to otherwise stateless persons who were born on their territory, or on a ship or plane flagged by that country.

I have tons of American relatives born on foreign soil while stationed overseas on active duty.


Yeah....except her father was not military in 1956 when she was born, genius. 5 years prior to the “Convention”.

Still considered “Persian” by Miss Disgusting Fatbody.

No excuse.

Try again.


Yeah....except her father was not military in 1956 when she was born, genius.

Try again.
Nope, you'll have to try again. I'll type it slowly this time for you so that you'll understand.

She is an American. Period.

Do you understand now?

Her Nationality is American (both of her parents are American) regardless of where she was born. Understand?

Oh I get it. You're a Birther!!!! No need to explain further.


Oh I get it: tuck tail and run at the fact of duel citizenship for foreign borns. :-)

And what the fuck is a birther?

Some more Kracker slang you vomited up?


Oh I get it: tuck tail and run at the fact of duel citizenship for foreign borns. :-)
You can choose to believe what you want to believe. You can cast aspersions. You can name call. You can obfuscate.

But you can't change Valerie Bowman's nationality from American to Iranian to Persian. Valerie Jarrett is American by birth inheritance and an African American by racial inheritance. Neither Valerie Jarrett nor her parents are Iranian by birth.

What is a Birthter? Someone who traffics in conspiracy theories concerning the birthplace and nationality of someone based on their own trolling and or unfounded and misguided understanding of birth laws from nation states.


Boohoo...he can’t get past 1961.

So throws more Kracker slang words like obfuscate.


Great you finally understand that Ms. Jarrett is an American by Nationality and Citizenship. See even you can learn a little bit every day.

Boohoo...he can’t get past 1961.

So throws more Kracker slang words like obfuscate.
No need to cry and that's good to know.

Fun Fact: Obfuscate isn't slang. Obfuscate, as far as I know isn't slang used by Krackers?? But maybe you know better than I. Obfuscate isn't slang used by even, let's say, you.


How would I know, Kracker?

I’m an immigrant.

That’s YOUR Kracker slang you posted, not me.

She was born in Persia.

Accept it, Kracker.


Here let me help you. Both English and communicating aren't your forte:

How would I know, Kracker?
Not sure why you would call someone Kracker if you don't know what one is as an immigrant, but being an immigrant you can and could be a Kracker (Cracker or Cracka) yourself if you espouse and agree with their views.

A 1783 pejorative use of "crackers" specifies men who "are descended from convicts that were transported from Great Britain to Virginia at different times, and inherit so much profligacy from their ancestors, that they are the most abandoned set of men on earth". Benjamin Franklin, in his memoirs (1790), referred to "a race of runnagates and crackers, equally wild and savage as the Indians" who inhabit the "desert[ed] woods and mountains".
The term could have also derived from the Middle English cnac, craic, or crak, which originally meant the sound of a cracking whip but came to refer to "loud conversation, bragging talk". In Elizabethan times this could refer to "entertaining conversation" (one may be said to "crack" a joke) and cracker could be used to describe loud braggarts; this term and the Gaelic spelling craic are still in use in Ireland, Scotland and Northern England. It is documented in Shakespeare's King John (1595): "What cracker is this same that deafs our ears with this abundance of superfluous breath?"

***"I’m an immigrant."*** What happened to you that you also became a troll?

***That’s YOUR Kracker slang you posted, not me.*** You'll have to enlighten all of us as to what you mean by "Kracker"?

Here let me fix the following sentence for you also: She was born in Persia to American, especially African American, parents. There, this is just basic remedial information that you've been provided. At this point you are being willfully ignorant if you don't, can't, or won't understand and or accept this truth. 'N’est-ce pas'?

***Accept it, Kracker.***

What is a Kracker?


Lemme speak in a language you’d understand, Kracker-in-denial:



Lemme speak in a language you’d understand, Kracker-in-denial:
I have no idea what the pic means. Sorry, I don't speak "Kracker" as well as you do. You're going to have to translate that into English if you have the aptitude.


Ms. Bowman's parents are both Americans and Black

I hope you're not saying that Ms. Jarrett is full black 'cuz anyone with eyes can see that she has a lot of white or other non-black components in her genetic make-up, whether mid-eastern (including North of the Sahara) or whatever. I don't know and don't care because I'm not a "racist." To look at her without knowing anything about her, literally no one would say she's "black."

As far as referring to her as "Persian" goes, I can do that because she was born in Iran, aka Persia; just like someone born in the USA -- whatever their genetic history -- can be called an American. Don't make this more convoluted than it is (which I realize you're going to keep trying to do).


Did you know that Steve Kerr (coach of the Golden State Warriors) was born in Beirut, Lebanon? You think he is a Lebanese National?

I hope you're not saying that Ms. Jarrett is full black 'cuz anyone with eyes can see that she has a lot of white or other non-black components in her genetic make-up, whether mid-eastern (including North of the Sahara) or whatever.
Irrelevant, non-sensical and historically unaware statement. What does FULL black even mean? Ms. Jarrett's genetic makeup? Her parents are both African-American. On the television series Finding Your Roots, genealogical research and DNA testing indicated that Jarrett also has French, Scottish, and Native American ancestry.

Very few People of Color within the United States of America are FULL black, thus the term People Of Color. Get it? Clearly Ms. Jarrett is a Swirl from two parents who themselves were both swirls and both indeed of mixed race.

***As far as referring to her as "Persian" goes, I can do that because she was born in Iran, aka Persia; just like someone born in the USA -- whatever their genetic history -- can be called an American. Don't make this more convoluted than it is (which I realize you're going to keep trying to do).***

You can do that but you would be so, so, so very wrong. US immigration, naturalization and citizenship laws and requirements are not the laws of the world. Thus you have this big to-do in the USA over citizenship and immigration.

Iranian nationality law contains principles of both jus sanguinis and jus soli. Children acquire nationality of Iran through their fathers, but not their mothers. The full nationality law is defined in Book 2 of the Civil Code of Iran, Articles 976 through 991.

To look at Ms. Jarrett, her parents and her grandparents most people who have had contact with people of other countries know that she has Melanin-based ancestry. No, Ms. Jarret is not Persian, she's not of Persian or even middle eastern descent. She's not Muslim. She's never been a Muslim. Her parents aren't Muslim and are more related to the south side of Chicago just as she is.


P.S. her parents are black.

You’re welcome



And you need to see I did this guy a favor by ending his ignorance, stupid.

African American parents= racist ape reference

End of lesson



Or what, boy?

You’ll keep responding?

You do realize that post does ZERO to educate about Jarrett’s BACKGROUND?

Are you so dense as to not consider the fact that everyone here in the conference room is laughing at your narcissistic ass with each response looooong after you declared you were through with me?



Awww c’mon now...$2 more!

I’m $20 up on the Liberal colleague!


I think the only full black person in her family was her great grandfather. Seriously, google her parents and look at the pics.


Enough for Miss Disgusting Fatbody and her ape reference.

But Valerie Jarrett’s pathetic “Tone starts at the top” speech was utter horseshit blaming President Cheetohead for it all.

By that reckoning...I have the right to blame Barack Obama’s “tone” for the anti-law enforcement sentiment resulting in the deaths of countless cops during and just before the election year cycle.


When did Valerie Jarret magically become Persian?????

Obviously because she was BORN IN Iran, aka Persia, or didn't you know Iran is also known as Persia?

Compare it to anyone born in the USA automatically being considered an American, whether they're white, black, red, yellow or whatever.


Obviously because she was BORN IN Iran, aka Persia, or didn't you know Iran is also known as Persia?

Compare it to anyone born in the USA automatically being considered an American, whether they're white, black, red, yellow or whatever.
You're not well read. You're not well traveled. You're not well schooled. You're not intellectually curious. You've never actually done any research with multiple sources. You're no stickler for facts, detail, nuance, truth or logic.

The Naturalization laws and Citizenship laws are country and nation specific.

As an example and with little to no sleuthing by you on this; but if Valerie Jarrett had been born in China she would NOT be a China National. Why? Neither of her parents were of Chinese descent.


There's a long sad history of racists calling black people monkeys/chimps/apes, but I'm guessing you already know that. This was a way of racists throughout the years dehumanizing black people and saying they are less evolved as a race, but I'm guessing you already know that as well. You can pretend to not understand this (but you do) and you can pretend that a white guy referring to another white guy as an orangutan is equally offensive but you know it's not. I would suggest dropping the clueless act because you only make yourself look quite silly.



Testify, Wu, testify!!!


Here here. The hypocrisy here is glaringly obvious.

Never mind the double standard for humorists. Never mind that ABC can do what they want. Never mind that if you believe in egalitarianism for all races, that should extend to insults as well. Never mind that the tweet was technically accurate and if you look at a side by side photo of VJ and Helena Bonham Carter from Planet of the Apes, they look very similar mostly in terms of hair style.

The problem with this WHOLE thing is that it requires those who took offense to Divine the INTENT of her state of mind when she tweeted it. Did the tweet have racial undertones? I can certainly concede that it could reasonably be viewed that way. But do you really think that Roseanne intended to be racist with this ill conceived joke? If so, you would have to reasonably conclude that she knew how it would be received. But she clearly didn't, she said as much and she swiftly apologized. But I guess her detractors know her mind better than she does. No, sorry...I don't believe a 60 something controversial comic knew how it would be perceived at the time and that this would be the fallout.

The point is, intent MATTERS. We need to re-establish clear distinctions between conscious, malicious, self identified racism and unconscious, unintentional statements that can be perceived as racist. Equating the two as being equally abhorrent is just plain wrong and unfair. And its equally unfair to expect an apology and then not accept it when it is given. And not only not accepting it, but sending her into exile despite the apology. That is akin to beating the crap out of your opponent after they have already forfeited.


Twitter fallouts aren’t new.

She knew better.

Well....that’s debatable.

I don’t know shit about Twitter filters and such.


Well thats the point I'm making. If she knew better, she wouldn't have tweeted it. If she knew she was going to blow up her career, she wouldn't have apologized. If she was a racist, she would have doubled down. There's a serious lack of nuance in the discourse surrounding this controversy.


Agreed...but Jarett’s out-of-her-ass speech directed at the president is laughable. Address Miss Fatso and STFU about President Cheetohead. He doesn’t owe a fargin’ apology on “behalf” of every fucking racist celebrity in America.

How ‘bout an APOLOGY from Obama for the anti-LAW ENFORCEMENT “tone” of his presidency?

Yeah...not gonna hold my breath.


Wait, are you saying you've never evolved?
