aliensalmon's Posts

In a perfect world.... The best place to talk about issues related to sex? Argument at a grocery store. Whose side are you on? They not like us! Confession: I find trolling and drama funny! Worst names for a restaurant? Pi or Tau? Which should be recognized more? Is it weird that because of Fortnite, I'm more familiar with types of guns? Do you agree that religion tends to treat women badly? What qualities should your ideal leader of a country have? I AM A PAY MAN Confession time: I was asked to leave a shopping mall for loitering too much. Are your local shoping malls still busy? How important is modesty to you (when it comes to clothing?) Open Individualism Anyone else single but still like Valentine's Day? Have you ever used a number system other than base-ten or decimal? How do you prefer to post statistics? Fractions, Decimals, Percentages, Ratios? The ultimate crime against people: dehumanization? Movies where humans are the bad guys