MovieChat Forums > TheBlackWaffle > Replies
TheBlackWaffle's Replies
But is she genuine? I see Lawrence’s entire “cool girl” act as more forced than anything Hathaway has ever done.
Philo - Hugh Jackman
Orville - Adam Sandler or Mark Ruffalo
Lynn Halsey-Taylor- Ringo Star
Ma - Betty White
Echoe - Allson Mack
Tank Murdoch - Mickey Rourke
Cholla - Kevin Farley
Elmo- Sean William Scott
Clyde- Reese Witherspoon
Putman- Thomas Gibson
Frank- Chris Rock
It’s clear what the OP means. He just chose to say it in a funny way. Lighten up and learn to read between the lines.
Lol, it really is a terrible movie from beginning to end.
I won’t disagree with that.
Just finished reading this. Good article, but I still can’t stand her.
Nothing makes a woman wetter than telling her that you’re a box office realist.
Too busy banging supermodels and being a living god, I guess.
Dear God...a grammatically correct, properly-spelled response on the Internet that also just happens to be thoughtful? This is unprecedented!
Never read this or any other book because I don’t know how. I’ll probably see this in the theater.
I’m incredibly liberal, and still hated this movie. Other than Sally Hawkins’s performance, I thought that every aspect of it was a total failure. How this just won Best Picture is completely beyond my ability to comprehend.
I agree with all of the reasons you liked it. That said, if you hated it the first time, what made you watch it again?
Frame it however you like, but your “opinions” are so obviously designed to incite argument that no one takes you seriously. It’s as simple as that.
Oh, want all of our respect, as well as our attention. It’s why you’re so contrary. Anyone who posts on this site can see that.
It’s obvious that you crave the respect of people on these boards, but until you’re man enough to admit when you’re wrong, our respect is something you’ll never have.
And just a head’s do realize that the screenplay for “The Fall of the Roman Empire” was based on Gibbon’s text, yes? There’s a thing called books. They existed before film, you should check them out.
Don’t bother engaging with this guy. I’ve seen LetThemEatCake on other boards, and all he wants to do is argue in the least constructive way possible. He’s not worth wasting your time on.
I realize that you’ve made it your job to be the most unlikeable person on these boards, but still...I’d like to thank you for informing me that there is in fact a thing called film.
Also, “The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire” by Gibbon is considered to be the single most exhaustive history of that time period ever written. Why wouldn’t someone who’s making a film about ancient Rome use it as a source? It would be foolish not to.