BFG box office?

I'm sensing this will do similar to BFG (SS directing CG heavy adaptation of popular nostalgia book, no big names) maybe alittle more due to 80s nostalgia but not much

20-30m opening
60-70m domestic
130-150m overseas

190-220m total


Bombs away, just look at the low activity on board, Blade Runner 2049 numbers at best, strictly for fans of book, trailers are awful and confusing


Never read the book but I think the trailers look amazing. I'll propably see this in the theater.


Never read this or any other book because I don’t know how. I’ll probably see this in the theater.


I think a lot of older people want to see it with their children.


OW: 85 million
Domestic Total: 265 million

Global: 700 million


dear god you did it again....

85 Million opening weekend?

you going to be off by a stunning amount yet again?

how do you to this?

you predicted 150 M+ for were off by 56 M
you predicted 149 Million for The Last were off by 71 M
you predicted 120 M for Black were off by 82 M
Now you predict 85 M for RPO when not 1 box office site is predicting anything above 50 M?

Queen you realize box office is based on Data right? just doesnt come out of then air...There is tracking, data and stats, that can accurately predict where a film is heading, sometimes a film comes along that Blows the roof off that tracking(Black Panther, American Sniper, Jurassi World)...but literally 95% of the time, Films come in DEAD ON where the tracking suggests.

NOTHING points to RPO opening over 50 million let only 85 Million...

for example....RPO's tracking is drastically GOING started out at a 54 Million OW with a domestic total of 180 +....then went down to 48 M OW With a 160 M domestic total....NOW its at 37 Million Opening Weekend With A 120 M domestic total...

for tracking to go down this much, that means they are looking at data that highly suggests the film just isnt hitting with Audiences, from facebook,twitter, presales....Everything is LACKING...

Word Of Mouth clearly isnt where they want it to be, The reviews are good but not great...

for you to suggest 85 M is simply not a prediction...It would be like if some asked "how much do you think Lebron James makes a year"....and I said "800 Million dollars a year"

Its not an actual prediction or answer...I'm just throwing out an absurd number thats not based on facts....thats what you are doing, Your 85 M prediction...Is not a prediction, it has NO CHANCE of happening, Its not based on facts and you have no understanding of box office therefor for your just shooting in the dark...

I'm predicting 35 to 45 M....I highly doubt there will be a single site or box office analyst predict 50 Million.

you Will be off on every one of your predictions by a astonishing and embarrassingly amount...

You Will probably be off by over 100% on your OW prediction, you predicted 85, RPO will probably make 40ish

RPO wont even sniff 200 M let alone 265, I'm think 150 M is about a best case scenario


PS Hey queen How bout that Deadpool 2 tracking?

remember a few weeks ago when I predicted Deadpool 2 would make LESS than Deadpool 1 and you had a heart attack and claimed I was out of my mind

lol well first tracking puts Deadpool 2 at 100 OW and 242 Domestically...

thats even worse than I expected...I told you I expected Deadpool 2 to still be a huge hit but decrease from Deadpool...

I expected somewhere between 700 to 750 M for Deadpool 2...but now with the reports of awful test screening and now with Tracking coming in VERY low....we maybe looking at a HUGE Decrease...maybe like a BvS/JL decrease...

Deadpool 2 may very well gross between 625 to 675 M ....

anyways, looks like Old Bills gonna nail another one...keep in mind I predicted Deadpool 2 to decrease WAY before the awful test screening reports came out and before the tracking came out...

I predicted Deadpool 2 to decrease just off my box office knowledge of knowing it would be impossible to replicate the excellent word of mouth of Deadpool 1....

you of course couldnt understand this, resulting in you looking like an IDIOT by replying with "did you just say Deadpool 2 is going to"


Hey bill...don't try editing this embarrassing post. Looks like this is flying WAY over 50 million OW.


OW: 85 million
Domestic Total: 265 million

Global: 700 million



which is more embarrassing...

You predicting 85 Million on OW and PRO only hitting 50 to 55

or me predicting 40 to 45, and RPO hits 50 to 55 M



nice try...

but I was DEAD ON....I predicted 35 to 45 for the 3 day I didnt even know it opened on Thursday....

lol hilariously RPO is opening exactly where I thought, and oh about 40 Million less than you thought

also, I think its entirely possible even its 4 day Gross might come in under 50 Million....right now, projections are 52 to 54 Million for 4 days, That could come in lower than 50 million when we get tomorrows projections

regardless its not good, and no where near where You predicted, while once again I was DEAD ON!


It's not going lower...only higher. These 55 million projections will be the floor. There is something cultural igniting here.

Buckle up, Bill.


It's not going lower...only higher. These 55 million projections will be the floor. There is something cultural igniting here.


so just gonna completely ignore you being off by at least 30 Million ?

and me NAILING my prediction once again?

ok, I would too, not much you can do there....

I would turn into a ghost t0o if I predicted a film to open to 85 M and it only opened to 55 M....

I do find it funny though you tried to say my prediction was embarrassing for Maybe being off by 5 to 7 Million....While your going to be off by at least 30 to 35 M....

again comments like this make me think you are a CHILD or a mentally challenged person...I just cant imagine An Adult doing these type of things....

hey thoughts on Disney having the 2 Most Profitable films of 2017?

Your campaign against Disney took another GiANT hit today with News that is sure going to KILL YOU.

did you hear, Disney had the 2 most PROFITABLE films of 2017 in Beauty and The Beast and (Oh man this ones gonna kill you) The Last Jedi!

lol B+B made Disney 414 M in Profit....While TLJ made Disney 417 M in Profit....

lol just another year of Dominance for Disney...but this has to kill you because this is a Double shot of pain, Not only do you hate Disney, but you've also been on a quest to try and prove The Last Jedi was a disappointment....and Heres undeniable proof right in front of you that TLJ was the most successful and Profitable film of 2017...

now I know what your going to want to do, this news will of course bother you, you'll quickly want to come up with some absurd reason why this news isnt accurate, but remember and think before you do thatm because this same news is reporting big Profits on WBs "It" and Wonder if you try to get desperate and claim the site is wrong, your not only damning Disney but WB films too

all though I wouldnt get too excited about It and WWs profits, first they arent nearly as large as Disneys from B+B and TLJ and 2nd, all of their profits has been DEVOURED by WB 5 massive bombs this year in King Arthur,Geostorm,Blade Runner,JL and Tomb Raider...



no choice but turn into a ghost now....

lol just hit you with 2 facts you cant respond too...

you cant comment on you predicting 85 M for RPO....

and you certainly wont touch Disney having the 2 most profitable films of 2017....

So just wanted to go ahead and say "Bye"....

wont hear from you again in this thread...

maybe well pick it up in another....


Wrong. 500 million+ for this movie. There's a fucking Gundam and so much other game nostalgia in this movie. Going to be many gamers seeing this for sure.


Oh dear.

reply may already make 200 million worldwide in it's opening weekend alone.


naw its at 40 Million WW

also queen did hear?

I dont know how to break this to you, Usually people say "Well I got good news and bad news"....But to my JOY and your HORROR, I've Only got "Bad News and Worse News for you"

first as you already know, the one thing you hate most in life(Disney) was just announced as having the 2 biggest and Most Profitable films of 2017 in Beauty and The Beast and The Last Jedi...both making Disney over 400 Million profits...

I know this kills you, But Unfortunately its going to get worse.

today news HIts, of the biggest FLOPS of 2017....Disney had None, but to your SHAME....WB had 2 of the 5 biggest flops of 2017....

of course King Arthur was 1, resulting in WB losing over 150 Million(which DEVOURS much of Wonder Womans profits)....Then the 2nd was Geostorm...which the article points out WB paid for Marketing and paid an extra 15 Million for reshoots when they new the movie was a disaster, WB Lost 100% of whatever they put

I guess if there is a silver lining here, Its that Deadline ONLY Went to the top 5 biggest FLOPS, Usually they do the top 10....If they did that this year, WB would have surely added at least 3 more Flops in Justice League, Blade Runner and Tomb Raider...resulting in WB having 5 of the 10 biggest Flops of 2017, Which of course clearly DEVOUR all profits from thier few hit films like "It", WW and Dunkirk...

PS, Notice Dunkirk wasnt in the top 10 most profitable hits?

lol as I explained it was a hit, A nice film but was just a modest hit, Not the Monster hit you desperately tried to make it out to be...

Overall just A Devastating and disappointing year for WB....2 of the 5 biggest Flops of 2017, 4 of the 10 biggest flops of 2017.

meanwhile, Disney dominates another year, with 4 of the 10 most profitable films of 2017, 2 films that Grossed over 1 Billion, 5 that Grossed over 800 Million!

lets not also forget this isnt a 1 year thing......this has been happening for 5 years the last 5 years Disney has produced 12 films that have grossed over 1 Billion dollars While WB has produced 0

Disney has produced 15 films that have grossed at least 650 Million While WB has produced only 6

Disney has produced Hits to Flops at a near 85% rate to WB hits to flop rate at near 55%

Basically somehow you find yourself in the worst possible situation queen....Now only does the thing you Hate most in Life(Disney) continue to have Unprecedented success that can bring you only Pain and Jealousy, But the studio thats in direct competition and a Studio you clearly love is having Massive Failures and gets destroyed resulting in ONLY Shame and Anger for you

its like you've been getting kicked in the balls twice...everyday for 5 years now!


Already Domestic: $12,005,000 for day 1. By the time the weekend is done, it'll be over 30 million for sure on the opening.


yeah I was abit out on this (already at 500m ww. probably another 100 to go)


now at 521m ww


566. can it get to 600 in light of the steamroller of Avengers?


Looks like it made 582m, so queen was closest after all.
