I guarantee this will be the BIGGEST Star Wars movie yet
Or maybe the worst failure yet. Who really knows at this point. I myself think one movie a year is too much,even if they are outstanding.
shareOr maybe the worst failure yet. Who really knows at this point. I myself think one movie a year is too much,even if they are outstanding.
shareThis is the movie that will break the myth of every SW movie being a megahit.
shareI fear you are right.
shareBy "Fear".....do you really mean...Desperately anticipating?
I got to give you props queen...
Its nice having a Proper troll around...
Lando committed the Carnal SIN yesterday when his "I guarantee" thread failed and announced himself as A TROLL
You on the other hand is what makes Trolling fun....You at least refuse to admit your trolling and even try to reverse troll...
But lets just be clear...You have a Deep Unnatural Hatred for Disney....Therefor you are wanting nothing more for SOLO to fail.....but I at least appreciate your attempts at reverse trolling
PS Still going with SOLO needs to make 800 M to break even....?
I only ask because I think Your opinion could have changed...when you first Made your TROLL thread where you claimed SOLO needed to make 800 M to break even, you clearly never thought about it before you made it considering By Making the Thread, you Accidentally Proved Justice League is a flop...
I of course immediately noticed your Grave mistake and pointed it out to you...
By Claiming SOLO has a 300 M+ budget(which was heavily reshot) and had another 100 to 150 M Marketing budget and stating the Film needs to make 800 M to break even....You Accidentall DOOMED a film you spent 4 months defending...
you at no point thought before hitting "Add Reply"...It never occurre to you that the exact scale your judging SOLO exactly Applies to Justice League....You know since Justice League had a 300 M+ budget(that was reshot) and had a 100 to 150 Million Marketing budget....therefor Justice League too needed to make 800 M
and the problem is,, JL ONLY made 657 M....
So I got to ask, has your stance changed, since you now know Your Failed SOLO thread DOOMED a film you love and defended for 4 months, have you found a way to change SOLOs Break Even Point, So Justice League wont be a FLOP?
or are you just biting the bullet, Sacrificing Justice League in hopes SOLO Will fail?
its hard trolling huh? got to keep up with all your Troll comments, Got to make sure they dont crisscross and Bite you....you seem to be terrible at it...
just yesterday you did it again, when you tried to claim Pirates 5 barely Broke Even, Yet based on your Own scale you created for SOLO, it Proves Pirates 5 is a HUGE HIT
lol in 2 cases you tried to troll on Disney and due to you being awful at trolling, It ONLY resulted in Proving A Disney film is a HIT and Justice League is A Flop...
but in all honestly...Keep it up...again you are the type of Troll that makes these boards FUN...
One of the best posts i have ever read!!! Just too notch shit right thereš
share1) I'm a lifelong Star Wars fan and love the Disney Star Wars films. I'm personally shocked at the hate they receive.
2) You and I have gone round and round over Justice League and I've moved on...you should try it.
3) I don't have a "hatred for Disney" at all. I LOVE most of their stuff. I'm a box office realist, though, so when the topic comes up I don't let my affection for the company distort my perception of how well their films do.
In conclusion, I champion GOOD MOVIES regardless of what studio releases them.
Nothing makes a woman wetter than telling her that youāre a box office realist.
share1) I'm a lifelong Star Wars fan and love the Disney Star Wars films. I'm personally shocked at the hate they receive.
By Hate? Do you mean Universally LOVE and Praise?
again I get that your attempting to reverse troll here....but your not doing a good JOB
to reverse troll, theres got to be controversy, you need to at least have a leg to stand on....and Unfortunately for you the 3 Star Wars films have been Universally Loved and Praised
If by "Hate they receive" you mean A Very small Minority....then you must be shocked by every movies reception...
I'm a Data kind of guy, I dont say things unless the facts back it up...If you look at the data, ACROSS the board, from whatever stats you look at, about 90% of the audience that Saw the 3 Star Wars films LOVED them...you have 3 Films that were seen by HUNDREDS of millions of people and Literally everything states, 90% of those people loved the movies...
No film is ever going to be 100% loved or Hated...But based on The Data, The 3 Star Wars films are universally loved and Praised by nearly 9 out of every 10 people that saw these films, Theres maybe A 5% or less Minority that "Hate" them
again if this small Minority "Shocks" you, Then you must be Shocked by every Films Reception.
theres just nothing you can do, no way you can spin it....All Data States The Overwhelming Majority Loved these 3 films, you can try to reverse troll by suggesting Your in the MINORITY if you love the film, But that just you failing...
The facts are, YOU ARE IN THE MINORITY queen, You believe the Star Wars film disappointed, you believed People hated them, you believe TLJ was a box office disappointment, you believe the franchise in is trouble....to be Frank, all of these opinion you have are not shared by The MAJORITY...every single thing you believe about Star Wars falls under A Small almost Non existent Minority!
2) You and I have gone round and round over Justice League and I've moved on...you should try it.
By going round and round do you mean you Predicting a 150 Million + opening Weekend.....being wrong by 56 Million dollars, then spending the next 4 months continuing to relentlessly defend the film box office and Studio?
you havent moved on, the ONLY way to move on is to Acknowledge the truth, for example, If you replied back with
"Ok I was way off on JL, it really disappointed at the box office, I spent way to much time defending the movie because I was angry about it coming up so short at the box office, I also recognize that even by my own Scale in which I set with Solo that JL Flopped"
^ this would be MOVING ON....if you said this, I would never bring JLup again and I would stop brutally ABUSING you with your failed 150 M+ OW prediction, I would except that you've finally excepted reality, there would be no point in ABUSING you if you were honest
but you are incapable of doing what I just said, you havent moved on, You'll never admit Justice League was a box office Disappointment, You'll never admit that you Accidentally proved JL is a flop for trying to troll on SOLO
I WILL MOVE on the second you move on...Until then I will continue with my treasure drove of ammunition you've given me to brutal ABUSE you...I mean come on, who else gives me this kind of GOLD...You missed by 56 Million dollars on JLs opening Weekend, You hilariously changed your predicted 4 times in the span of 36 hours, you went from 150 M+...to 133 M...to 115 M...to 100 M+....a person couldnt fail this badly if they intentionally tried, then you spent 4 months relentlessly defending JLs pathetic Box office, ONLY to Accidentally PROVE YOURSELF its a flop while trying to troll on SOLO...You are like ATM that just keeps on giving(but again I'm not a bully, If you admit your failings and move on, I will too)
3) I don't have a "hatred for Disney" at all. I LOVE most of their stuff. I'm a box office realist, though, so when the topic comes up I don't let my affection for the company distort my perception of how well their films do.
You lost at least 3 times in this one sentence....
first mistake " I don't have a "hatred for Disney" at all."
second mistake ..."so when the topic comes up I don't let my affection for the company distort my perception of how well their films do."
BIGGEST MISTAKE/MISTAKE that made entire quote laughable -"I'm a box office realist"
I dont even know where to go with "I'm a box office realist"
just in a short overview, I've been following you for 4 months now....and you have given box office predictions for 4 films....Justice League, Thor 3, The Last Jedi and Black Panther...
You have failed so badly on all for films , been so wrong on all 4 films that "Realist" isnt even a word that should be mentioned when MOCKING YOU....
you are either the single worst predictor of box office of all time, A Child that doesnt understand box office or you are Delusional!
I thought about making a tribute thread about you a couple weeks ago where I was gonna go back and copying all your failed Box office Predictions and failed quotes from other threads...I did NOT make this thread and the reason why is because it was NOT POSSIBLE...there were too many..
in order to make the thread, I would have had to create the post, Then reply to the post like 8 times in order to fit all of your failed Predictions in it
its not possible to explain how awful you are at box office....
YOU have MISSED by 70 MILLION + when predicting OW on a near 100% rate, you missed by 71 on TLJ, by 56 M on JL and by 81 M on BP....
you didnt think BP would make more than WW Domestically(even after it opened over 200 M)....You then moved it to AOU's 459 M, theres either a level of Delusion or Clueless-Ness(Is that a word?) that is just Stunning...
the absolute last word that should ever be said about you and box office is "realist"
so when the topic comes up I don't let my affection for the company distort my perception of how well their films do.
^ and this is just bad reverse trolling...You have to be Clever when reverse trolling...This is too obvious....
I expect better from you queen. this is bordering on "Lando" type trolling which is a "NO GO"
Thoughts on Black Panther hitting 1 Billion and Specifically Me calling this 1 day after the film opened...as you'll remember I made a thread titled "1 Billion Guaranteed as of right now" 1 day after the film opened...once the projections came in I did the math and Immediately knew BP was going to gross 1 Billion and made the thread..
I noticed you havent replied in the thread since in passed 1 Billion, others have bumped the thread a gave me props, but not you, Of course I somewhat understand why you havent replied...You responded to my post and didnt believe BP was going to make 1 Billion and told me Not to "Count my chickens before they hatch"
I think this is the thread where you also claimed BP would NOT hit 500 Million domestically...
anyways, Just want to know your opinion on BP hitting 1 B
and My Thread pretty impressive huh? due to my box office knowledge I was able to see and call 1 B Literally after the first projections came in...worth noting, I didnt even wait for the actual numbers...
Nope the second it was reported BP was going to make over 190 M on OW domestically and over 130 Million overseas, that was all I needed...at that point it was simply math, 1 Billion was guaranteed, of course you couldnt do this simply math yet, resulting in you making some Epic fails including, claiming BP would be "Lucky To" gross AOUs 459 M, then claiming 500 M wasnt a lock...
but since you have replied since it passed 1 B...what are you thoughts?
I think BP's box office is great.
Congrats on your prediction, Bill!
Box office realist? Can you type that with a straight face? You do a poor job masking your troll-ness.
shareYou were recently banned for posting here with two different accounts, trolling on both. But permit to choose one statement of yours, taken at random. This is in regards to Justice League:
"That bodes very well for it's box office. The Thanksgiving holiday should be VERY lucrative second weekend for this crowd pleaser. Coming off a huge worldwide opening already, it may be over 750 million by the end of next week."
Very *realistic* statement there, especially at a point in time when it was already clear that the film sucked and was going to lose money. Yet you expect us to believe that you honestly thought it would hit $750 million in 10 days? You knew as well as the rest of us that it would never crack $700 million in its entire run.
Or what about your Black Panther predictions? After it became obvious the film was going to hit $1 billion you were skeptical that it could "make Wonder Woman money."
You're only fooling the newbies.
I was "recently banned"?
Ujhhh...that's news to me.
I have no idea what/who you are talking about.
hey queen didnt get a chance to post in your thread earlier, it got deleted...just wanted to post my reply here-
It looks to be a big money-loser for Disney...hence a good portion of BP's profits will devoured.
watch this Queen.....
Justice League was/is a big Money-loser for WB...Hence a good Portion of WW's Profits Will devoured
once again in an attempt to troll on Disney, you have to Create this ODD scale....but in doing so you once again DOOMED 2 films you relentlessly defend...
We all of course know you hate Disney are are just trolling, but let for second pretend you actually believe what your saying...that because Wrinkle flopped it devoured a portion of BPs profit, Ok fine if you want to stoop to those levels, More power to you...
But you've just DOOMED Wonder Woman and WB...
you know because Wonder Woman was a Huge Hit that Made WB a lot of Profit(Like BP)...But then here comes Justice League, Which Flopped/Will lose 50 to 100 Million...
So congrats, you trolled on Disney but had to Sacrifice Wonder Woman to do it...
So basically what you've done is tried to find a creative way to troll on Black Panther, You know its Too successful to troll regularly, so you made up this SAD and Desperate troll tactic to troll on Disney and BP, I guess in your mind, If Disney losing some of the Profit they made on BP thats bad...
unfortantly once again you didnt think it through, and the exact scenario you just laid out in an attempt to troll on Disney and BP APPLIES to Wonder Woman and WB
theres no way around it, YOUR scale/troll tactic DAMNS BOTH Disney and WB....DAMNS both Wonder Woman and Black Panther
in fact your scale Damns WB and Wonder Woman MORE than Disney and Black Panther, Because Black Panther Made Way more Profit for Disney and Wrinkle had such a low budget...
WB on the other hand, didnt make as much profit on Wonder Woman, and Spent 300 M + on Justice League...
So in a HUGE Fail here, Your desperate New tactic on Trolling Disney/BP backfired, because It damns WB and WW more...
PS...again this thread and your statements in deserve no response because this is trolling at its MOST Obvisious...
but this was just a terrible Attempt at trolling...
forget WB and Wonder Woman for a second...
Do you know how many times and how many Studios have put at a huge hit and followed with a flop...like Without exaggerating it probably couldnt even be counted...
there are probably over 200 Examples(at least) of this happening...the desperation, Anger and Jealous you must be going through right now to bring up something so common and something that is SO LITERALLY POINTLESS..
you might as well titled the thread "Well shit, I'm desperate I'm about to do something truly shameful"
All it has to do is be better than TFA. Not a tall order.
shareWill easily make a billion in fourth week!
shareThe reason why there was so much hype for the Phantom Menace and I guess to a lesser extent The Force Awakens was because it had been a very long time since we had seen a new Star Wars movie and that got everyone excited. Now that they are releasing them every year the hype is dying down and dying down hard.
Plus these movies are not as good as the original trilogy or the prequels so that certainly doesn't help.
it'll be huge... the fact that people still can't stop talking about it tells us it will be huge... Fans need to watch these episodes... they cannot leave this alone... they have far too much emotionally invested...
Will do within 15% of Rogue One numbers... at least...
The last Jedi was so very disappointing it will have a knock on effect with solo, I fear for this franchise going forward, I have no desire to watch episode 9, and you would have to pay me to watch Rian "hack" Johnson's new trilogy, I detest that man for making tlj and be given the keys to a new trilogy.
shareI am excited.
shareyeh. maybe the second prediction lol