MovieChat Forums > Padeen > Replies
Padeen's Replies
I loved Prometheus! It was Alien: Covenant that I was let down by.
If you don't know, she's too young! No offense, but kind of a creepy question. I've never dated anyone that wasn't + - a few years.
You beat me to it! At least we had 20 good years...RIP...
It's a terrific show! I'm rewatching it now on Hulu. It perplexes me how anyone could call it the "2nd worse show" of the year...Filming is supposed to start early this year for Season 2. I'm just going to assume it will be well worth the wait...
I regularly make soup with a chicken carcass. Add some onion, carrot, celery, garlic and let simmer for a couple hours, then strain and cool. Skim the fat off the top and what your left with is a beautiful, nutrient rich chicken stock full of collagen.
He was a lab/shepherd/hound mix. Black and tan. Give your lab a scratch on the head for me!
Fire in the Sky. When the aliens are experimenting on Travis. My father brought me to see that movie when I was 5 or 6 folks. I remember him muttering "maybe we should have gone to see Homeward Bound" (it was playing in the next theater over).
Adopting a dog from the local shelter. He gave me 8 years of unconditional love and happiness before cancer took him, but the memories will live on forever. One memory in particular was when he was a puppy, he escaped and 20 minutes later came trotting out of the woods carrying deer antlers LOL. He was so proud of himself.
I first saw Saoirse Ronan is the movie "Hanna" and was impressed with her acting. Great movie, check it out. I also enjoyed her performance in The Grand Budapest Hotel. Lost River was a bizarre movie, but I still liked it. I think it was Ryan Goslings directorial debut?
Its nice to see a child actor progress and not turn into a train wreck i.e. Lindsay Lohan.
I enjoyed this one as well. Some people thought the second half of the plot was a little messy, but I liked the direction it took. Have you read the book by David Grann?
Every President in history has released his tax/medical records to he public. Whats stopping Trump? Not sure where your going with the college record thing, unless you still believe Obama was born in Kenya? But under Federal Law, it can't be released without consent.
Listen, we could go back and forth all night, but thats not constructive. At least we kept it semi civil, eh? I'm probably not going to respond to any political threads on MovieChat again because it always turns into a shit storm. For people on both sides of the aisle, we should all keep an eye on this...
I'll remind you...The wall was one of the first things Trump promised to do and claimed Mexico was going to pay for it. Right, Mexico is going to pay for a multi billion dollar wall when it can't even run its own country. As a child of a legal Immigrant, I am 100% against illegal immigration, but Trump is targeting the wrong people. Those stats you stated are temporary at best.
If you really think Democrats are the "largest hate group" in the world, well then that comment speaks for itself. Come on, try and think a little here...
The DJIA is doing great right now. It was on a slow upward trend, and did get a boost from Trumps deregulation stance, which I partially agree with, but he can't deregulate EVERYTHING, which is seems like hes trying to do. Also, don't forget the mess Obama was left with when he took office. 2008 was bad for everyone, on both sides. If you want to be petty about Obama's appearance, then I'm wondering why Chump refuses to release his FULL medical records, like all previous Presidents. Trump isn't looking good these days between the stress and his eating habits.
It is there damn business considering the influence our country has on the world stage. Unfortunately, Trumps foreign Policy is going to most likely going to start a major war at one point or another.
The corrupt Left, the bullshit Right, ALL Politicians suck! What's sad is that you fell for Chump's lies and actually believe he want's to "Make America Great Again". You were used and don't even realize it....Yet..As an Independent, I didn't even cast a vote.
Trumps an international embarrassment and the whole world is laughing at us. At this point, most world leaders are just humoring him, knowing he will be gone in 3 years. Mid Terms should be fun and a huge wake up call! I can just see his insane Tweets now.
P.S. Wall is never going to be built. The prototypes are as far as it will get. Do you have any idea how much a wall like that would cost? And when it doesn't get built, it won't be his fault lol. He will play the blame game. Mark my words....
Yes classic episode.
You just started 4 political threads in the last 12 hours? Don't you have another outlet to spew your bullshit?
Kramer tried that and he ended up in the Hudson River is a sack.
A roasted Capon, mashed potatoes, any kind of greens and hot rolls with butter.
Lets keep Movie Chat free of Politics. Anytime threads like this are started, on any forum, is descends into hell!
Your right about props in movies. It was one of the first things that came to mind when I started this thread. I haven't rewatched the movie, but comparing the pictures from the prop department and file photos of the Mauser G98, they look like the same rifle.
Did Austria-Hungary use G98? Just wondering since the director thought it was an old Hungarian gun, but perhaps he was thinking of a different one that they ended up not using.
Jaws 3 & 4.