MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > 65 Outrageous Lies by President Obama

65 Outrageous Lies by President Obama

Enjoy sleeping tiger, crouching moron!



Why am i not surprised😎


Cause you know he's a liar.



Only 65? I'm sure his mouth was moving for eight years! lol


They could have listed all of them, but then the video would be five hours long, and nobody has time for that.



I'm sure you do.


Nope, not even I have that much free time.



You just started 4 political threads in the last 12 hours? Don't you have another outlet to spew your bullshit?


I'm responding tp a number of political threads from your side.



Stop crying about the past, and focus on the current liar/idiot/baby in chief.


I'm responding to bull shit posts crying from your side, the corrupt Left. And I'll stop posting when Crooked Hillary, Obama, Lynch, Holder, the media and the rest of the deep state stop trying to sabotage President Trump's administration. In my view their actions are tantamount to treason, and these people should all be in orange jumpsuits.



Your guy trump is doing a grrreat job sabotaging himself. I hope he keeps up the ignorant tweets, and maybe his cell and stripes will be ready for him soon.


Now that statement is just ignorant.



The corrupt Left, the bullshit Right, ALL Politicians suck! What's sad is that you fell for Chump's lies and actually believe he want's to "Make America Great Again". You were used and don't even realize it....Yet..As an Independent, I didn't even cast a vote.

Trumps an international embarrassment and the whole world is laughing at us. At this point, most world leaders are just humoring him, knowing he will be gone in 3 years. Mid Terms should be fun and a huge wake up call! I can just see his insane Tweets now.

P.S. Wall is never going to be built. The prototypes are as far as it will get. Do you have any idea how much a wall like that would cost? And when it doesn't get built, it won't be his fault lol. He will play the blame game. Mark my words....


Don't know about the wall, but illegal immigration is down 50 to 60% simply because Trump is enforcing laws already on the books.

And he IS making America great again. If you can't see that you're obviously a fool blinded by the corrupt media, and the poison of the American Left which is the largest Hate Group in the world.

The DJIA has soared from around 18,000 when old Dumbo Ears was president to 24,746.21. Dispute that, fool!
And that was even BEFORE the tax cut bill passed. Business and the Economy will now take off, and you ain't seen nothin' yet!

As to the rest of the world laughing at us, I don't give a shit what any of them think cause it's none of their damn business!



I'll remind you...The wall was one of the first things Trump promised to do and claimed Mexico was going to pay for it. Right, Mexico is going to pay for a multi billion dollar wall when it can't even run its own country. As a child of a legal Immigrant, I am 100% against illegal immigration, but Trump is targeting the wrong people. Those stats you stated are temporary at best.

If you really think Democrats are the "largest hate group" in the world, well then that comment speaks for itself. Come on, try and think a little here...

The DJIA is doing great right now. It was on a slow upward trend, and did get a boost from Trumps deregulation stance, which I partially agree with, but he can't deregulate EVERYTHING, which is seems like hes trying to do. Also, don't forget the mess Obama was left with when he took office. 2008 was bad for everyone, on both sides. If you want to be petty about Obama's appearance, then I'm wondering why Chump refuses to release his FULL medical records, like all previous Presidents. Trump isn't looking good these days between the stress and his eating habits.

It is there damn business considering the influence our country has on the world stage. Unfortunately, Trumps foreign Policy is going to most likely going to start a major war at one point or another.


Well we both agree on one thing, that we're both 100% against ILLEGAL Immigration. And Trump is not targeting ordinary good citizens such as your family. He's mainly targeting gangs, drug dealers, and human traffickers.

And I stand by my statement on the Democrat Party, which BTW is a Rush quote, so I'm in good company there. They're always promoting hate, racial division and trying to divide Americans. Every time we criticized Obama's Marxist policies, we were called racists, and we got really tired of it. That of course, is an old Saul Alinksy trick: If you can't defeat your opponent in a debate, smear him/her and try to destroy him/her. And when we say we're against illegal immigration we are once again called racists by the Democrat Party.

And as to releasing things, how about Obama's college records, etc? And the Don is looking just fine these days. He's tougher than all the Deep State which is trying to bring him down. And what the deep state is doing is tantamount to treason in my minds, and these people should be in orange jumpsuits by now. Or at least Crooked Hillary should be in an orange jumpsuit.



Every President in history has released his tax/medical records to he public. Whats stopping Trump? Not sure where your going with the college record thing, unless you still believe Obama was born in Kenya? But under Federal Law, it can't be released without consent.

Listen, we could go back and forth all night, but thats not constructive. At least we kept it semi civil, eh? I'm probably not going to respond to any political threads on MovieChat again because it always turns into a shit storm. For people on both sides of the aisle, we should all keep an eye on this...


That sounds like an intelligent resolution, Padeen. Have a good day, or evening.





Okay, wake up snepts! There will be no sleeping on this board.



President Obama lied? I'm shocked, I'm bewildered, perplexed, mystified, and he was so good to the Mexican Cartel, VIVA Obama


I'm shocked, SHOCKED to discover that gambling is going on here.
Here's your winnings, sir.
Oh thank you.

I'm also shocked, SHOCKED to learn that Obama was letting Hezbollah smuggle drugs into the USA to facilitate the Iran Giveaway, er I mean Deal.



It IS interesting that now that Trump is President, the democrats are ALLLL about "let's not look at the past."

But I seem to recall eight years of the Obama Administration blaming all problems on Bush 43. They were also still blaming Reagan and a few posters on IMDB were still taking potshots at Nancy Reagan.

They never stopped talking about the past. Now it's time to "look to the future."


AMEN, PJ! They're STILL blaming things on Bush. Everything else is Trump's fault. Meanwhile the DJIA has soared from 18,000 under old Dumbo Ears to 24,746.21 under Trump. And that's BEFORE the tax cut bill passes. You ain't seen nothin' yet!



...and Obama won't leave the stage! He reminds me of a country song title, "How Can I Miss You if You Won't Go Away?"

It used to be an unspoken rule that outgoing Presidents didn't speak about their successor for at least a year. Obama can't shut up about Trump.

Remember Trump's first overseas trip and how Obama staged his own trip, dogging his steps across Europe. He was like one of those little ankle biter, yappy dogs who wants attention or they'll bite you.
It was "me, me and my legacy." he seemed to think he was still in office.

I just saw a clip today of Prince Harry interviewing him. It's all Obama , all the time. (and they say Trump has a huge ego?) As if Obama didn't spend eight years holding Great Britain (that nasty old former colonial power) in contempt, re: sticking that gift of the bust of Churchill in a closet.


Amen, PJ. Couldn't have said it better myself.

