MovieChat Forums > BillySlater > Replies
BillySlater's Replies
There is no objective data when it comes to film preference it is all SUBJECTIVE! If you say, popular opinion says Crusade is better than Temple, then that is fine.
It is all pointless bickering isnt it though. People have different preferences, there is nothing wrong with liking one film more than another, that said I am mystified by people that actually think KOTCS is a good film.
Temple might be close to the same humor level as TLC but it at least has originality to it. TLC, is basically a watered down, comedy version of Raiders.
6 is great, highly recommend seeing it, mind you I thought 5 was very good too so you may not like it.
The only ones i didn´t see on the big screen were 3 and 4.
I don´t see the problem with fictionalized child enslavement especially when they are liberated at the end. People take films way too seriously.
I dont quite agree with that. I think Mickey Mouse was a more internationally friendly joke. A lot of non Americans have no idea who Jesse Owens is either.
the tone of last crusade is much more comedic. Marcus is reduced to a bumbling bafoon for the sake of a few jokes. Another reason I dont think that much of TLC.
yeah that was a rather silly comment. Fancy needing to get used to the clothing they wore in films 20 years ago. I actually think the clothing from MI 1 is what dates it the least.
I never saw the tv show, so it never affected me how MI 1 was made when it came out, I didnt think it was that great when I watched it as a 13yo in 1996 but having seen it many times since it was released, I think its a great film.
Agreed. Its more of a spy film than any of the others that came after it. That said, the recent few that have come out have been great.
The complete list was stolen from CIA HQ. The original disc was a decoy so the needing of the other half was false anyway. This was all explained in the aquarium restaurant scene.
Agree about Monica. She just became way too controlling of Chandler and over the top annoying after they got together, and then he became a huge pushover. They kind of retconned his character too in one of the later episodes where he supposedly hates sports and football despite having a history of being a big sports fan with Joey in the early years.
TOW the football is my favourite in the whole series. Have watched that episode at least 10 times and it never stops being funny. TOW the ski trip is super underrated too. Directed by Sam Simon of Simpsons fame. May he RIP.
Its funny sitcoms are supposed to be the most unrealistic shows on TV, and this is why the OP found the show stupid, because it wasnt realistic. Some people are way too pedantic. Curious to know Aphro, what seasons do you think are best?
I agree with this. They should have resolved the Samantha storyline at least a season or two earlier or could have even done it in the first movie. The resolution was also a huge letdown. I agree with some of the earlier posters that they did some heavy retconning for the storyline.
thanks for the reply, i prob will check it out eventually.
Ive put off watching season 11, Ive been a fan of the original series and used to post a bit on the old IMDB forum. Not sure if I should bother with the way people have been talking about it. I never liked the new characters in s10, do they feature heavily in this?
Its weird with GA cos she sounds normal in The Fall and that was pretty recent.