MovieChat Forums > BillySlater > Replies
BillySlater's Replies
According to the sorta app, my bottom five are from best to worst:
Die Another Day
The Man with the Golden Gun
Tomorrow Never Dies
No Time to Die
Quantum of Solace
I am saying it because of my personal opinion. I don't care what anyone else says about it good or bad. I'm a big fan of David Zaritsky's channel on YT, and he has a high regard for it, I respect his opinion but doesn't mean I have to share it or even understand it.
Doesn't make me an "NPC" either. Great you like QOS, good for you. You need to learn to accept differing opinions. The irony of your post, is you call these common criticisms "juvenile hangups". The only thing juvenile is not being able to accept someone's critical opinion without having to undermine it. There is no "right or wrong" when it comes to film criticism either. lol
Tbh, I didn't mind Peck's attitude of not trying to gain the admiration of the town based on bravado. He simply didn't care what people thought of him which is a great attitude to have. He did not feel compelled to boost his own ego by feeling validated by others. That said, his inconsistent stance on violence is what bothered me.
I thought exactly the same thing. Also, Peck using violence to teach a lesson that violence isn't the answer seemed completely illogical to me. At the end of the movie, he was willing to go toe-to-toe with Buck by any means necessary to rescue the girl so did Peck change his POV on violence?
I agree, I commented elsewhere that Peck's character wasn't consistent.
Was engaging but felt more like a melodrama in a western setting than an actual western. I agree the Pat character wasn't really fleshed out. She seemed to turn on Jim rather quickly for being a "coward" after being over the top in love with him, that wasn't realistic. Jim was an interesting character, kind of the antithesis of the typical western hero although his ultra-pacificism could be inconsistent too. He engages in violence with Steve to demonstrate that violence is pointless after bending over backwards to avoid violence. That was a bit nonsensical. Then at the end, he is willing to have it out with Buck after spending pretty much the entire movie avoiding fighting, to "save the girl".
The ultimate authority in a Christian church is the word of God it supercedes any nation's laws (including the 1st amendment which actually says it cannot interfere with how a religion conducts itself lol).
If a church chooses to contradict the word of God its a false church. No one is arguing that a false church can't exist, so I don't see the relevance of bringing up the 1st amendment.
"Thankfully, the 1st Amendment protects us from your silly claims."
The 1st amendment is not relevant to Church conduct.
"Yeah, Paul wrote that"
I was just wondering how that equates to male prostitution, molestation and promiscuity.
"Paul also said that women should be silent and to never assume authority over a man. Shall modern-day churches live by ALL of Paul's values? Fucking idiot."
You can choose to follow whatever you like or don't like in the Bible, I have no idea what your supposed religion is but when a "bishop" who claims to believe that scripture is the word of God, I don't think she gets to pick and choose and its also fair game to point out her hypocrisy.
"The original language of the New Testament actually refers to male prostitution, molestation, or promiscuity.....not committed same-sex relationships."
Romans 1:26-27
For this reason God gave them over to degrading passions; for their women exchanged natural relations for that which is contrary to nature, 27 and <b>likewise the men, too, abandoned natural relations with women and burned in their desire toward one another, males with males committing shameful acts<b/> and receiving in their own persons the due penalty of their error.
"I would still like to know why your ignorance means that your opinion is relevant here."
What have I said that is ignorant?
I've backed up my claims with scripture.
You've been pretty ignorant in your replies and you seem to think your opinion is relevant. lol
"How was the Bishop's message of empathy contradictory to the New Testament?"
I said the Bishop's actions in preaching from the pulpit as a female are contradictory to New Testament scripture, something you've repeatedly ignored and/or not understood.
Well, that was a cue for you to explain why bringing up following the OT laws is relevant at all to the female bishop whose actions are contradicting what is written in the NT not the OT but I see that went above your head.
"explain to me why there is childhood cancer and kids dying of this dreadful disease? Where is God to prevent this abomination?"
You are talking about the problem of evil argument. Death, disease and natural evil are God's judgment against sin, that includes affliction of children with diseases and even death.
This is hard for even Christians and our finite minds to understand because we see children as innocent but we know God has infinite and perfect justice and that would even include prematurely ending the lives of children.
Assuming you are an atheist, what is your basis for being outraged by children dying? That is the way the world is. The strong eat the weak, that is pretty much nature. Each of us is here for a finite period. Why should you even care about equitable treatment of fellow human beings, and be outraged by human suffering, if its not going to matter when we all cease to exist? If a fellow atheist decided to live a life of hedonism and selfishness, looking to maximize pleasure in his finite time here, why is that considered wrong? It would make perfect logical sense from his worldview.
Not sure how the OT is relevant to my comment but okay.
"Are you one of those christians that spells christ as t-r-u-m-p? I think you are one of them."
If you think I am one of them, why bother asking? lol
Btw, Trump's history with women has nothing to do with the words/actions of the bishop, that is a whataboutism fallacy.
Every human who has ever lived, will die. Is that God failing too?
Those verses are from the New Testament. Faith in Jesus would include the Bible (OT and NT) being the word of God.
The Bible is not just "Jesus' teachings" bro.
I can demonstrate that her actions as a female "Christian Bishop" do not align with scripture.
1 Corinthians 14:34 "As in all the churches of the [m]saints, 34 the women are to keep silent in the churches; for they are not permitted to speak, but are to subject themselves, just as the Law also says."
1 Timothy 2:11-12 "A woman should learn in quietness and full submission. I do not permit a woman to teach or to have authority over a man; she must be silent."
You called her a "Christian bishop". She doesn't even follow the Bible, just wanted to make sure you were aware of that.
I am a Christian, I don't believe Trump is saved and I would still vote for him, he is by far the much lesser of two evils.
God is merciful to the repentant. Homosexuality is a sin and an abomination to God and indeed, homosexuals will not inherit the kingdom of God (1 Cor 6:9-10). Female "Bishops" are unBiblical too since women are to be silent in the church. 1 Corinthians 14:34.