how many MIs you seen at cinema?

Seen 1, 2, 3, 5 at cinema

MI1 was a real event at the time biggest movie star at the time (think it was first time had seen a Cruise film at cinema), reinvention of classic TV series like The Fugitive had done (no doubt why MI got the big screen remake treatment..same for The Avengers etc), big name quality director who'd also done The Untouchables. Thought it was ok, but didn't really follow what was going on first viewing. Jim Phelps being recast and a villain didn't bother me despite having watched quite abit of the tv series..guess I realised it was a complete remake like Fugitive so anything could happen (in todays continuity obsessed climate they probably wouldn't get away with it and Peter Graves would be cast as Phelps who survives the movie as a goodie). MI1/ID4/Twister were the big summer movies to see that year for me (didn't go see The Rock which looking back is very strange as that should've been a must see)

MI2 was all about Woo as was his follow up to the instant action classic Face/Off which I was OBSESSED with. Thought story was abit Meh but the F/O style action was cool (now tho MI2 its pretty unwatchable/ridiculous). As a big Trek nerd remember thinking the opening was a direct lift of the Star Trek V cliff vacation opening and then saw the Star Trek TNG writers in the opening credits.. Remember that summer had 3 big summer movies to see - MI2/Gladiator/XMen (maybe Patriot too as was almost like a follow up to Braveheart)

MI3 was intriguing as it was JJ Abrams of Alias/Lost first movie (his Lost pilot was like a movie itself)and knew he was a fan of the TV show so would probably make it more like that (was indeed like a mashup of the TV show and MI1.. also the intrigue of MI1 and action of MI2) was even half expecting a Nimoy or Landau cameo. Had a great villain in PSH, intriguing plot, great action, even had Morpheous, the only thing that held the movie back was the love story between Cruise and the almost blatant Katie Holmes alike (its almost like that had been put in deliberate to mirror Cruises real life romance which had almost overshadowed War of the Worlds the previous summer). That Summer was MI3/X3/Superman Returns (which was being billed as the new/alternate Superman 3) and Da Vinci Code

Never got around to MI4. Guess the prospect of a new MI wasnt that thrilling to me at the time -ironic as its the one that made the most $, and was almost like a reboot that reenergised the series to next level Fast 5 style. maybe the fact it was around Xmas caused me to miss it too - remember seeing Sherlock 2 which was released around same time in Dec and then never made it to cinema again until summer 2012. When saw on DVD thought it was ok, maybe even more like the TV series than 3 was (but wasnt too fussed on Peggs expanded comedy sidekick role). was again expecting Nimoy to appear as Paris (as since MI3 JJ had directed/rejuvenated MIs sister show Star Trek with Nimoy and Pegg). Was kind of surprised it had been so much more successful than the rest (obvs due to the added publicity of the skyscraper climb stunt which is why that has to be a staple for each movie now..outdoing the last 'impossible' stunt)

Made a point of seeing MI5 as had missed 4. But while an undeniably solid action/spy film thought it was kind of dull even though all the critics were saying it was amazing. Maybe having seen all the other must see movies that summer like Jurassic World, Terminator, Mad Max and waiting for the impending Spectre and especially Star Wars VII took some of the sheen off a new MI/made it less of a big deal for me idk.. Overall would put it best to meh as MI-34512.

Think will skip MI6. Reason being not that fussed about it (due to feeling 5 quite dull and this is McQuarrie again), feel like seen all the stunts already in trailers etc, also just getting bit bored of action movies now with action hero running around exploding things but MI especially (same goes for Bond - almost didn't bother seeing Spectre) and again like MI5 just feel abit 'cinemad out' what with having already seen Avengers, DP2, Solo, JW2 and just not in the mood.. ☹


2,3,6 in cinema.


All of them. This is one of the best action franchises of all time.
Even the second film, which is not really an M:I type of narrative (more of a one man show with some supporting players), and which was really silly and over the top, had some great set pieces and moments. It is my least favorite of the lot and yet I still find it entertaining.



6 is great, highly recommend seeing it, mind you I thought 5 was very good too so you may not like it.
The only ones i didn´t see on the big screen were 3 and 4.


All of them. ... and in my opinion M:I 1 is the worst by far. De Palma makes terrible movies with one or two inspired moments.

This latest one is decent though. Not a very well told story nor directed very well but the action is top notch. About in the middle.


Saw all of them with mixed success. The first is by far the best - and still the most unique.

But the others were enjoyable at the time too - you should check out 6 it's worth seeing.


I saw and enjoyed the first two. After that, I just kind of got over the whole 'impossible' angle. More like Mission Very Difficult.
