BillySlater's Replies

Take a look around. Simple, her 15 minutes ran out. I believe any person can make any judgment in their opinion as to whether something is racist. The problem is that its so overused and people like Spike Lee use it inappropriately. For example, my movie didnt get nominated so RACISM. I didn´t get the job so RACISM. Are there instances where this happens? Sure, but too many minorities use it as an excuse for their own failures where it doesn´t exist. This happens in all facets of life and racism is just one of the many common excuses. I believe anybody of any colour has a right to make that observation. "It's not the place of a white person (if that's what you are) to decide if a black person was discriminated against or determine when a black person should fight against racism." lol, just no. Even thinking that is actually racist. A person of any race can make a judgment about the actions of a person of another race. If you believe the reverse scenario is okay, you are actually racist. I agree that 8 is better than 7. 9 is pretty much unwatchable. I like them. Too much info. lol. This escalated rather quickly. I didn´t mind the comedic episodes but in very small doses. I actually really loved the episode Arcadia which has some humorous moments but is still a pretty good MOTW. Some of those quirky episodes were not good at all. Xcops was terrible, I hated the show Cops, so having the X-files shot in that style just made it so much worse. Could very well be the worst episode in the whole series for me. Eduardo´s creative contribution is not relevant. If you are a financial investor and make a deal with someone for X percent, you are entitled to that % if the startup becomes a huge financial success. He´s definitely a racist. He´s one of those people that likely doesn´t believe he is being racist because he is a black person that isn´t backed by institutional racism. I remember seeing Hoop Dreams, and Spike Lee was ranting to black kids about them being used for their athleticism by universities. Like heaven forbid, a black kid uses his athletic ability to better his life. People like him will never be satisfied with society. There was a time when blacks weren´t even allowed at universities and he still finds a way to complain about something positive. "I didn't say they were and I don't believe they are." Earlier post from you. "I actually found it very interesting and educational. Seems as if knowledge and learning aren't of real interest to you." Correct me if I´m wrong but from this comment you are implying that I´m not interested in learning because I didn´t find her rant interesting. Secondly, I did not once criticize her, I just said she seemed jealous, I just wanted to know her motivation for posting her rant. She is welcome to do as she pleases. Also, questioning something has nothing do with logic. Maybe you should look up what logic actually means. Curiosity mostly. Like what motivates a person to post a 5 paragraph rant about the legitimacy of Markle´s title of Princess. The topic in and of itself is not the part I find interesting. It´s the poster´s motivation for going on such a rant that interests me. I´m not questioning your likes and dislikes, frankly I really don´t care what they are. Im questioning why you assume I have no interest in learning because I am not interested in royal family gossip. They aren´t mutually exclusive. That is faulty logic. I agree with that point. The writers gave Chandler all the sarcastic one-liners but there are alot of gems in there, which is why I have him at no 2. Good for you. Yes because people who like to learn should unequivocally be interested in royal family gossip. Solid logic there bro. Fergie? 1. Ross 2. Chandler 3. Joey 4 and 5. Monica funnier in the earlier seasons, Rachel funnier later. 6. Phoebe Both are great actors. "They probably would have completely ignored her if she was white." Just like they ignored Diana. lol. "There are rules when it comes to granting titles to non-royals. You would know that if you actually did your homework." I actually don´t care enough to confirm whether she truly is or isn´t a princess, just think its hilarious, you wrote an essay-like rant about the subject. The fact you have gone to great lengths disputing it, makes me curious as to what your motivations are. Just seems like pure jealousy, or personal insecurity, from the outside looking in. Human behaviour interests me more than whether someone is a princess or not. Bart of Darkness Lisa on Ice Bart´s Comet Burn´s verkaufen der kraftwerk You only move twice I didn´t write an essay length comment attempting to undermine the legitimacy of Megan Markle´s title of Princess. lol