BillySlater's Replies

I like her. I´m sure if she stuck to mainstream roles, she would be equally criticized. You can´t please everyone unfortunately. You´re in a very small minority. I thought it was a fantastic film. 3 6 2 4 5 8 1 10 9 7 Too many to rank and haven´t seen them all. The ones I would rank 10/10 are. The Lady Vanishes The 39 Steps North by Northwest Vertigo Yeah the general consensus is that they are, just seen people bicker about whether they are true Westerns especially TOSM because the setting differs from a typical western. Never read the book. I thought it was a great movie though. Casting was great, not sure how someone can consider the movie terrible, when the acting was top notch. Even Caan´s performance is underrated. He could have been alot more over the top, but it was the subtlety which made it more believable. The Treasure of the Sierra Madre: Has been debated as to whether it is a western or not, namely because it is set in early 1920´s Mexico. I think it contains enough Western themes to be considered a western though. The Ox-bow incident. Another movie that seems to cross genres and isn´t a typical Western without giving too much away. Both excellent films. Yeah I get it. I think criticism would have been worse but yeah obviously with hindsight, they were probably better off going for an all new story, considering how badly they mishandled the old OT characters. If the same characters were kept in an all new story, I think the movies just probably end up being worse, especially if the new cast were exactly the same. There is nothing remotely redeemable or interesting about the new characters. Ridley as Rey is supposed to be the character we are rooting for, and I just find myself not caring about her. The writing sucked with the new movies but the casting choices were even worse. Yes but I think with any celeb in general, its less about being poor judgement and more about wanting to find faults from someone who is highly successful. People on here are calling him 5´5. lol. I think it can be absolutely proven he is not that short from appearances with other taller actors and what not. And yes, the more successful, rich, good-looking you are, the more of a target you become. I think most of it is just pure envy and insecurity. Tom Cruise was best as vincent. I would say Foxx was better than Mark Ruffalo though. That said I´ve never liked MR so I could be biased. I like cheese pizza. I also like putting merken (spice) or sriracha sauce on top sometimes. I like veggie toppings too like peppers, black olives etc. Im curious to know, forgive the pun, why you think there is no disputing he is gay? "It just doesn't matter to me what is between your legs." I know it was a serious post but that sounded unintentionally hilarious to me. lmao Its less to do with poor judging and more to do with Tall Poppy Syndrome. That´s why people don´t mention the really short actors who are clearly shorter than Cruise but are less successful, so someone like Cruise who is slightly under the average height but by no means a midget, is an easy target. You have the biggest case of tall poppy syndrome. The funny thing is, Cruise is taller than alot of other shorter actors like Danny Devito, Michael J Fox, numerous others, but he gets the most flack because he is the most successful. There´s a pic of him next to Rob Lowe in The Outsiders. He isnt that much shorter, maybe 2-3 inches. Next thing you know you´ll be saying Rob Lowe is 5´7 lol. You could also say that people who are underestimating his height are just doing it because of tall poppy syndrome. I´m taller than Cruise´s purported 5´8 so no height insecurities from me, I also think he´s definitely taller than 5´4. Kidman would have dwarfed him when they were together if he was that height. She was obv taller but not by that much. I never understood why people think Temple is childish when it got criticized for being too dark and gritty and not PG enough. The critics really hit Temple unfairly imo especially compared to Crusade. I think its a great adventure film and basically epitomizes what Lucas and Spielberg wanted to do in the first place, which was to make a Saturday matinee movie. That Jesse Owens line would have been much better. I also never cared for the line. I knew who Owens was from about 12 onwards and Im not even American. Hey, I was just answering your question honestly. I guess the truth hurts, I will sincerely miss your bad analogies and poor rebuttals in a sad attempt at English though.