alanparsons's Replies

Speaking of the white captain, his life sure turned out great in this movie. From a black man publicly humiliating him making him call him "daddy", to a gay kid forcing a kiss on him, to losing his girlfriend and other friends, turning on his family and friends, to then get in a car accident and die. Agree with all of that. In the movie, a white kid is gay, a white kid calls himself "white trash" and not smart enough to get into college, the white kids don't know how to talk trash, the white kids can't dance and country music is considered "cruel and unusual punishment". The entire movie is a knock on white people and how them changing makes everything better. Like you're saying the black kids are portrayed as mischievous, but not "bad" like many of the white kids. The ultimate tone of the movie is that white people need to change. Leftist propaganda. They won't do anything to insinuate maybe it's black people doing things wrong and they need to change. Thanks for the catch. Typo corrected. Uh oh, the truth is getting out. You're gonna make the rabbi's angry. >The movie is about cheese. God forbid a movie tries to push God forbid the movie pushes the concept of fascism, fascism, fascism, fascism, fascism, fascism, fascism, fascism, fascism, fascism, fascism, fascism, fascism, fascism, fascism, fascism, fascism, fascism, fascism, fascism, fascism, fascism, fascism, fascism, fascism, fascism, fascism, fascism, fascism, fascism, fascism, fascism, fascism, fascism, fascism, fascism, fascism, fascism, fascism, fascism, fascism, fascism, fascism, fascism, fascism, fascism, fascism, fascism, fascism, fascism, fascism, fascism, fascism, fascism, fascism, fascism, fascism, .............................. You know the only thing the jewish leftists love to talk about. In this particular film, they frame is as the fascist cheese people. Again, you don't see movie after movie coming out of china attacking the chinese, or movies out of africa attacking africans, but movie after movie in the western world attack white people. And you are enabling it. No, I don't sound insane. You are pushing for character assassination here. The movie is meant to detriment white people, like most hollywood movies. OH it's British (mostly) cast and Swiss produced, CERTAINLY they aren't pushing the anti white agenda of hollywood. Of course they are. You don't see movie after movie coming out of china attack the chinese, or movies out of africa attacking africans, but movie after movie in the western world attack white people. And you are enabling it. It literally stars Casper Van Dien. Go ahead and espouse the nonsense it has nothing to do with Hollywood. The plot of the movie. "In a dystopian Switzerland that has fallen under the fascist rule of an evil cheese tyrant, Heidi lives the pure and simple life in the Swiss Alps." It's certainly not the leftists over, and over, and over, and over, and over again trying to push the evil "fascist" angle in media. And who are the fascists? It's ALWAYS white people. This movie is propaganda to encourage white people to hate themselves and their ancestry. Just because you are either too stupid to see it, or are encouraging it, doesn't change what it is. The plot has been available for quite some time. My post was spot on to what this movie is. Jewish owned Hollywood goes well out of its way to make sure white people show disdain for themselves and their ancestry. No. Jews are semitic or arab or middle eastern. Just because they have European blood through mixing doesn't make them "white", no more than Obama is white for having a white mom. >Can you explain how the existence of films you're not required to watch is a threat to your life? So now you're using a strawman argument saying I said it's a threat to someone's life? >How have you been forced to do anything by Hollywood? They post their crap everywhere. Unless you stay inside all day and don't turn on the TV ever, then you are subjected to it. Just because it's not illegal doesn't mean it's right or good for society. >What do you imagine would happen if the political pendulum swings the other way? Would this involve rounding up American and putting them into cinema camps to reeducate them per the neo-conservative nazi way of life via cinema? Really shows how much of a nutbag you are, doesn't it. But I guess conservative "reeducation camps" would be better than the leftist insanity, brainwashing people into thinking a man can be a woman if he says so. Of course I do. Do you still not realize how total crap all of this leftist woke nonsense is? So you shifted from "it's not being forced" to "you delicate little flower". Typical leftist coward. Force your GARBAGE on people and when we call you out then you go to the childish name calling. How will we survive in this human jungle? By boycotting leftist woke crap until it can't financially support itself and it all goes away. When the political pendulum swings the other way, we look forward to your depressions that will come out of it. It is being forced on society. Unless you turn off your TV so you don't see the advertisements, stay off the internet so you don't see the advertisements, don't walk down the street or drive so you don't see the advertisements, then it's in your face. You're likely smart enough to already know this, but Disney is a MASSIVE company with an incredible amount of reach influence. You're unfortunately too dumb to realize that crap movies like this bring society down. <blockquote>Always complaining the leftists run everything</blockquote> They are. <blockquote>could it be that if you are as right wing as the kkk everybody seems leftist?</blockquote> Nope. The left is now trying to normalize men being women and women being men, and also promoting that concept to children. You can't be that blind to not to see how radicalized the left has become, so I can safely assume you're a shill. <blockquote>If you're objecting to a joke aimed at white supremacists surely thats the case?</blockquote> I'm objecting that it's unnecessarily shoehorned into yet ANOTHER movie. <blockquote>Why dont you rightists go and make your own hollywood?</blockquote> Easy to just say that, isn't it. <blockquote>You make all the white supremacy films you want to then</blockquote> I'd just not harp on it like the moronic left does all the time. Leftists/jews control hollywood and they've been obsessed with nazis for generations. It's their political boogeyman. It would ABSOLUTELY explain why their videos are being demonetized youtube. It would explain why facebook and reddit are outright banning people. But go ahead, pretend like you have no idea what I'm talking about. Keep running your nonsense game. You seem like you're lost, little one. If you'd like me to expand on it for you, the left has been actively trying to shut down right leaning political speakers at colleges. There are countless videos of leftists flat out assaulting conservatives in public trying to intimidate them from speaking. Social media is on a rampage censoring conservatives for daring to do things like calling biological men who are pretending to be women as "he". And what useful idiot leftist soldiers do is run around pretending anyone pointing these things out are making it up. The problem with these authoritarian tactics by the left is they don't work in the long run, and the backlash is going to be overwhelming. By "destroying" the country the left are the ones that intend on "rebuilding" it the way they want it. They see the foundations of the country as "racist" and "too white and straight" so they don't intend on building on top of those foundations, but by breaking it down and reinstating their own weirdo nonsense as the foundations of the country. The are doing this on many, many fronts. Like allowing criminal minorities to constantly harass cities, by grooming children, by only allowing their viewpoints to be spoken in public and online, and more. It literally does. One of the children of the episodes says the 2 dinos "would make great daddies" and the kids literally steal other eggs to give to them so they can pretend to be gay dads. It's absolutely trying to encourage homosexuality as normal and worth promoting. I wonder who runs Hollywood that keeps putting out those kinds of movies, over, and over, and over... and over again.