MovieChat Forums > Mad Heidi (2022) Discussion > More leftist propaganda attempting to ma...

More leftist propaganda attempting to make white people hate themselves

Apparently the only way a white person can be a hero in films these days is to hate other white people and your country. Say it with me leftist drones WE MUST TAKE IN MORE NON WHITE REFUGEES TO REPLACE WHITE PEOPLE.




This film came out in 2022 but this post was written 4 years ago. Maybe wait to see the film before making this ridiculous post.


The plot has been available for quite some time.

My post was spot on to what this movie is. Jewish owned Hollywood goes well out of its way to make sure white people show disdain for themselves and their ancestry.


There is nothing Hollywood about this. It's entirely Swiss. And what do Jews have to do with anything? The film is literally about the Swiss government controlling its citizens by forcing them to consume cheese while a girl goes after them for killing her lover.


It literally stars Casper Van Dien. Go ahead and espouse the nonsense it has nothing to do with Hollywood.

The plot of the movie. "In a dystopian Switzerland that has fallen under the fascist rule of an evil cheese tyrant, Heidi lives the pure and simple life in the Swiss Alps."

It's certainly not the leftists over, and over, and over, and over, and over again trying to push the evil "fascist" angle in media. And who are the fascists? It's ALWAYS white people. This movie is propaganda to encourage white people to hate themselves and their ancestry. Just because you are either too stupid to see it, or are encouraging it, doesn't change what it is.


It literally stars Casper Van Dien. Go ahead and espouse the nonsense it has nothing to do with Hollywood.

Half the cast is British and is a mix of other nationalities. Again, it's a Swiss production. The directors are not American, the writers are not American. They didn't film it in America. It's literally Casper Van Dien that's American and that's it. You also claimed it was Jewish owned Hollywood. Is Casper Van Dien even Jewish?

It's certainly not the leftists over, and over, and over, and over, and over again trying to push the evil "fascist" angle in media.

There is no one left or right in the film. It's a fascist regime forcing people to eat cheese. Is this seriously what you're offended about?

And who are the fascists? It's ALWAYS white people.

There is one black guy who is good in this film and one Asian girl who is bad. Those are the only non-white people in the film. You can say that the white people are the good guys in this film just as much as the bad guys.

You seriously sound insane.


No, I don't sound insane. You are pushing for character assassination here. The movie is meant to detriment white people, like most hollywood movies. OH it's British (mostly) cast and Swiss produced, CERTAINLY they aren't pushing the anti white agenda of hollywood. Of course they are. You don't see movie after movie coming out of china attack the chinese, or movies out of africa attacking africans, but movie after movie in the western world attack white people. And you are enabling it.


The movie is about cheese. God forbid a movie tries to push the evil agenda of government forcing its citizens to eat cheese. Oh, the humanity!

The movie takes place in Switzerland. How many non-whites do you expect to see in Switzerland in this movie that could play the fascists?


>The movie is about cheese. God forbid a movie tries to push

God forbid the movie pushes the concept of fascism, fascism, fascism, fascism, fascism, fascism, fascism, fascism, fascism, fascism, fascism, fascism, fascism, fascism, fascism, fascism, fascism, fascism, fascism, fascism, fascism, fascism, fascism, fascism, fascism, fascism, fascism, fascism, fascism, fascism, fascism, fascism, fascism, fascism, fascism, fascism, fascism, fascism, fascism, fascism, fascism, fascism, fascism, fascism, fascism, fascism, fascism, fascism, fascism, fascism, fascism, fascism, fascism, fascism, fascism, fascism, fascism, ..............................

You know the only thing the jewish leftists love to talk about. In this particular film, they frame is as the fascist cheese people. Again, you don't see movie after movie coming out of china attacking the chinese, or movies out of africa attacking africans, but movie after movie in the western world attack white people. And you are enabling it.


Why would anyone be pro-fascism?


You are Batshit Insane Conspiracy Nut. There are JOOS under you bed right now!


Israel should take in millions of refugees instead of bombing innocent women and children and stealing their land.


"...stealing their land."

How to say you are totally ignorant of history without saying you are totally fucking ignorant of history.


I know it well. The modern country of israel was established in 1948, and they have proceeded to kill palestinians and take more of their land every decade since. Since israel was established in 1948, it has never gotten smaller, only bigger as they continue to murder and steal land. Saying that israel was "actually" created thousands of years ago, "god" promised them that land, so it's ok for israel to kill people now and steal the land then we know what kind of psycho you are.


You are still ignorant of history.


Man you got it bad.
The poor white me persecution complex.


It's almost as bad as the jews persecution complex.
Or the blacks persecution complex.
Or the gays persecution complex.....
Or the trannies persecution complex........................................


Yeah except the "cure" for your complex is to keep persecuting those groups.

Look at your OP - your little tantrum started when some non whites were allowed to go on the the TV screen .


Omgoodness this thread to a so funny. Thank you bringing to light this goofy movie.
