MovieChat Forums > alanparsons > Replies
alanparsons's Replies
They had a black woman play Valkyrie and a black man play Heimdall, so maybe it's a subtle nod to the racist ethnic replacement of white characters?
The goal of leftist Hollywood is to emasculate white men and make others look stronger, more noble, more intelligent, etc.
Why Ruffalo?
Because he's a far leftist. Hollywood is a big, politically driven club. The same reason why they casted a black woman as Valkyrie, who was originally a white woman with blue eyes based on Norse mythology. Any time you have to ask why Hollywood did a thing, it was to push a political agenda.
The movie can be decent even if the weird, gay acting by Jaye Davidson was stupid.
There's a handful of scenes in the movie where Hartnett is clearly in Chicago. I'm going to guess they picked Montreal because of the snow and older looking streets that could be confused for Chicago if people aren't paying attention. The park they went to in the movie doesn't look like the actual Wicker Park in the Wicker Park neighborhood of Chicago to my eyes, but maybe they moved some stuff around and shot it at a particular angle.
>This goes back to the fucking Three Stooges and slapstick for crying out loud.
Before that.....
>That's not privilege. It's feet on the ground doing the work.
It is absolutely privilege to help the next person coming after you, and the next, and the next. "Feet on the ground" jew helping jew helping jew. That's literally what my post is about. They are using favoritism/nepotism to help each other. The political left tirelessly squawks about equality and equity and diversity, but Hollywood is very noticeably jewish because they are focused on supporting each other over anyone else.
>Do you propose that Jews be banned from acting?
I propose the left carry their forced diversity and equity quotas into hollywood. When jews start rapidly losing positions of power and privilege in hollywood because there is clearly an overrepresentation of jews in hollywood, we might actually see the aggressive push for equality and equity and diversity that only impacts white people start to go away.
Much of the movie is shot in Chicago/Wicker park. Many of the actual scenes of him around town are CLEARLY Chicago.
Around the 9:20 mark is a perfect example with the El overhead and he's following her through the street.
1. No one ever goes, "hey you're Jewish. You're hired"
Yes. They do. They may not actually say the words out loud, but after they talk about their bat mitzvah and where their parents are from, they get the job.
2. The only way someone will hire someone is based on race.
Not sure why you say that, religion is something people find solidarity in. Of course someone could hire based on common religion. Regardless, "jewish" is an ethno-religious designation.
It's not rocket science. There's so many jews in Hollywood because jews keep hiring jews.
I understand, you're applying a stonewalling tactic. It's not going to stop people from waking up to this group of people who wields an abnormal amount of social and political power, and how they strategically exclude others to promote their own.
Everyone should start caring about their religion and heritage, because those things contribute to their favoritism and nepotism greatly. They have a large influence on politics, finance, and academia and their religion and heritage profoundly influence their efforts.
Yes. JEWISH connections. And the political left just turns a blind eye to rampant, obvious jewish privilege.
How dare they have an overwhelming representation in movies despite being a small fraction of the population! It's almost like they're using favoritism and nepotism to help each other over everyone else!
It was a stupid, unnecessary moment in the movie that distracted from the scene. Leftist Hollywood simply forcing their political nonsense again where it wasn't wanted nor needed.
Come on, they changed Hawkman to be black. Doesn't that earn enough lefty diversity points that they can just make a crap movie without everyone being so critical?
You should care because you are being coerced to car by the anti-white political left to care. You MUST see white people as oppressors. You MUST see non whites as absolutely incredible people who are simply behind because white people are so mean.
What happened is the trailers for the movies lie about the actual theme of the movie. The trailers present the movie as the Barbie little girls know and love. The actual movie is pushing women to hate men/demonizing men. They made all that money by tricking people.
Calling him racist for calling out crimes and saying that wouldn't fly in a small town. If leftists associate crime with non white people...... hmmmmmm.......
Second plot twist, Hitler didn't have a problem working with blacks towards a common goal.
>This is day one shit.
>Jews are white. Obama is mixed.
You contradict yourself. Obama is mixed. SO ARE JEWS. They are not white. They are semitic or sephardic.
>and it’s because those character were handled evenly.
Julius did not lose a girlfriend or his friends, Julius did not get sexually assaulted by a gay dude, Julius didn't have a white man force him to call him "daddy" in public... and more..... You can't be serious.