MovieChat Forums > SlackerInc

SlackerInc (1121)


Diminishing returns A movie about nothing Heavy narration in the first couple minutes, which then disappears Why did Maxime...(SPOILERS) A mess Why would lesbians be interested in...[SPOILER, NSFW] Can anyone explain the naked woman at the end? Only fifteen years in the past! Candy Clark weird casting for the stepmom (too old) This started so strong and then became increasingly ludicrous and melodramatic View all posts >


Whoaaaa...did he collect a paycheck? Did they have to release everyone he arrested? Love Primer! But sure, as you say, the era of making any kind of major invention in your garage has been a pipe dream for decades now. I agree with your take, except I'd say "unseen foe" rather than "imaginary foe". Seems unlikely to me that the enemy does not exist. Good suggestion. Good luck finding a physicist who would agree. I think Nolan is pretty conscious of not wanting viewers to think about it too hard. It's "fridge logic" at best. I completely disagree with the idea that he did a good job showing the rules of it. If you think your first two paragraphs make a lick of sense, I don't know what to tell you. Hahaha, yeah. I would go back and rewatch: that whole scene is widely considered the best part of the movie and really a kind of masterpiece of a short film in and of itself. It doesn't show a lot of things clearly, because they just won't make sense. The way you described, with an exit wound and having the bullet go in reverse, is a little easier to swallow; but what about a bullet that can't go all the way through and just gets stuck in the head? You'd have to go in there with a bullet in your brain and then have it jump out of your head and back into the gun. Or what about someone with a knife? Etc. (I'm not really arguing with you, because clearly you see the problems better than others do.) No, because think about it: from his reversed perspective, the bullet would go from already being in his body, back into the gun. How is he supposed to "hover" with an already lethal bullet wound? View all replies >