A movie about nothing
I guess Larry David would be proud?
The plot makes zero sense, and the characters are cliched copies of tropes from other movies about journalism and war.
There was no reason to remove politics, or anything resembling reality, from the film by never having anyone articulate a reason for the war, and having nonsensical alliances like California and Texas. Why not just create a fictional alternate universe like Game of Thrones?
The music "needle drops" sounded like they were inserted randomly, just someone putting Spotify on shuffle and taking whatever came up, without even taking care to use the best parts of the song.
The soldiers helped protect these journalists, despite the fact that they were cataloguing them engaging in a plethora of war crimes. Maybe the Geneva Convention doesn't exist in this universe? Not that it matters since we never saw any sign that anyone was actually consuming any of this journalism.
Even the aesthetics are not as great as they are touted to be. I thought you could definitely tell it had a small budget (even if it's large by A24 standards). Supposedly all these armies are converging on DC, the focal point of this massive war, but it's so empty at the end the reporters can just sneak right into the White House and no one's around?!? Pfffft.
The Jesse Plemons scene was good--until it went all "Hurley from LOST with the VW bus" at the end.
Alex Garland is the epitome of "uneven". "Ex Machina", "Devs", and the first half of "Sunshine" were magnificent. The second half of "Sunshine", along with "Annihilation" and "Men", sucked.