MovieChat Forums > Un coeur en hiver (1993) Discussion > Heavy narration in the first couple minu...

Heavy narration in the first couple minutes, which then disappears

I just noticed on a rewatch of the film that there is narration (from the first-person perspective of the protagonist) in the first two or three minutes, but then it disappears for the entirety of the remainder of the film. This makes a certain amount of sense, since it was needed to sort of set up the premise and how the characters related to each other, but I can imagine some audience members expecting it to come back, at least at the end.

I am trying to think if I have seen this before in any other movie. I know there are movies with framing devices, but then the narration comes back in the end (and often periodically throughout). Or you might have a very short "Once upon a time" type deal, but not from the protagonist's perspective, and this also will often come back in the end. Even if it does, it's not as extensive as this opening narration is. I wonder if some people expected that to return? I hadn't even really recalled that it was there until this, probably my fourth or fifth watch.
