Why the letter X makes everything cooler?
iPhone X
Jason X
Malcolm X
Xbox One X
The X-Files
American History X sounds way cooler than American History.
iPhone X
Jason X
Malcolm X
Xbox One X
The X-Files
American History X sounds way cooler than American History.
Good observation. It's true but I couldn't tell you why. Maybe I'm biased in favor of it because I'm part of Generation X.
shareGen X has the best generation name. Better than Gen Y and Millenials. The only name almost as good as Gen X is the Baby Boomers lol.
shareThe OP assumed facts that are not in evidence. Please define "cooler." Please define how if differs from "popular," "facile" and "convenient," and is "synonymous with what Elvis was." Please. I'll wait.
It was a marketing name. An asshole wrote a book titled Generation X. In terms of purchasing and political power, Baby Boom ass-raped Gen X.
X has historically denoted either the location of treasure, or an unknown value. In modern times, it is mostly the latter. Please, once again, define "cooler," as distinct from . . . oh, I dunno . . . let's say, um, mindless, and tell us how an unknown value is, you know, like, cool.
Those who do not study history are doomed to repeat it.
Gen X: "Study?"
Millennials: "History?"
There is nothing good about the unknown. The unknown is a puzzle to be unlocked, not to be venerated. Almost everything in life if understandable; the problem is that few make the effort.
The Man From Planet X - a 1951 sci-fi movie
shareThere is actually a "Planet X" at least hypothetically.
And it's confusingly nicknamed "Planet Nine" instead of, I don't know... ten? But then again, iPhone X comes right along with the iPhone 8. So X is 9 now?
no, iPhone x is iPhone 10 (roman numerals) coming out Nov. 3rd
shareBecause X = treasure? I don't know - I grew up watching movies where kids were always trying to find out where the treasure was using the most obscure map, with the only thing making sense was the X that marked the treasure spot. And the treasure could've been anything. Maybe it's because of that, that now I'm conditioned to think of treasure when I see the letter X.
shareInteresting theory. It works for many generations but can't exactly explains for the Millenials and beyond. They don't grow up conditioned that X is treasure. More like "close ad" or X for "yes/ok" in PlayStation (or form-filling) term.
So, iPhone X is actually iPhone ok. Quite fitting!
Lol I think it works because you may think you're getting iPhone treasure but it's just iPhone ok.