MovieChat Forums > mplo > Replies

mplo's Replies

I'm glad to see that you and lots of other people also love movies. There always have been bad movies, but there seem to be more and more bad movies nowadays. My way of being more discerning and supporting the movies I do wish to see more of is attending screenings of these particular movies when screenings of such movies come to my area, or even within reasonable enough distance so that a road-trip to see my all time favorite film is possible. I occasionally email, or even call the few independent, non-profit repertory movie theatres in my area to suggest/request films that I'd like to see more of. Thank you for your suggestion, Drmccormack. I agree, Renovatio. Well said. Thanks. What you're saying is quite true of many, if not most of the new movies of today, TyranosaurusMex, but many of the older movies, especially those that were made prior to 1970 or so, were much better photographed, had much more of a story/plot to them, and much more style, to boot. There weren't nearly as many re-makes and/or sequels to them, either. I've always liked films with a great deal of action to them, but the constant exploding on the screen, the overly graphic and explicit sex, and the over-computerized special affects are what bother me about many, if not most of today's movies...a lot. Moreover, very few, if any, of today's movies that are being made, have any kind of real story, style or plot to them. Thanks, MinaVladimir. I'll be on the lookout. All the best. I wish the 1961 film West Side Story would be re-released into the movie theatres, on a national basis, for a very long period of time! That would be so cool, and I'd be SO there, if one gets the drift!! Sorry to hear that, croft_alice. Some people do get weird in that way. He might've also been preoccupied with his own problems, as well, though. As some people say, chances are that the problems are with him and not you. How do I pick a movie? My choice movie pick is the 1961 film, West Side Story. How do I go about it? No! Trump is any but a "get shit done" type of president, and he's really screwed everybody, including his voting base, rather hard. You're welcome! Bye-Bye. Go fuck yourself. I'm done with you. Glad to meet you, too, ShogunofYonkers. I'm not going to take your bait any longer, jamesboland. Go to hell. You're right, Catbookss. The guy's an asshole and I shouldn't even bother. Thanks. Oh, come off of the B.S., jamesboland! I've tried to explain to you that I very seldom use my cellphone in public, and if I do I keep my calls very short. I use my cellphone to call somebody if I'm going to be late, if I have some sort of emergency, and if I have to quickly contact somebody for whatever reason. I can't tolerate waiting in line at a check-out counter while some rude, inconsiderate asshole keeps me waiting with his/her personal conversations, or conversations with their boss--that's true...and I never will. I can't tolerate people talking/texting on their cellphones in the movie theatre, nor can I tolerate them texting/talking on their cellphones while driving and risking getting me or somebody else into an accident. That being said, I don't give two shits if they maim or kill themselves in this latter process. What I do care about is the fact that these rude fuckers all too often take others with them. You are totally taking what the f**K I'm saying way the hell out of context, and it's pissing me off. Go to hell. Sorry, jamesboland, but I disagree with you here. yes, I do have a beef with prolonged conversations via cellphone by people at the check-out counter line, who keep others waiting unnecessarily. Yes, I've got a big beef with that one, and justifiably so. I don't even make short conversations while I'm in the check-out line, so...take that. You're the one who's being rather inconsiderate by constantly baiting me, in the hopes that my opinions will change to tally up with yours, which is something you shouldn't count on, because it won't happen. Yup. I did lose that job, but so did all six of us who remained after most of the original people in our department left. I've been spending time on things that I like better. Thank you for your concern. I liked the first boss I had on my last steady, full-time job that I had. Since it was my first full time job, he advised me to keep calm, and ran a tight ship, but was very fair and reassuring. The second boss I had who took over after my first boss and his family moved to Florida due to his wife's poor health, was okay, as well. When I'd been there for about 13 years, however, a new supervisor was brought into our department to reflect certain changes that were happening in the company where I worked. Things began to change for the worse. Our new supervisor became extremely overzealous, making things miserable enough so that three out of the six subordinates that were left in my department, including myself, ended up filing grievances against her. Not too, too long afterwards, our department, the Customer Service Dept., and the Accounts receivable department, were both outsourced, and taken over by outside agencies. Not good, at all. As for the overzealous new supervisor, she, too, was ultimately laid off. The last time I heard, she was working as a telemarketer for Boston Food Bank. The fact that the musical score of West Side Story does go from harsh to lyric and back again so many times is part of what makes this great, golden oldie-butp-keeper of a classic movie-musical so irresistible!!! How I wish the 1961 film West Side Story would come back to the Boston area, or at least within driving distance of me, so that I can go see it again!! Tony Kushner and Steve Spielberg should concentrate on planning and creating a play about Donald Trump, and leave "West Side Story" the hell alone. I just read that story! It's fantastic!