MovieChat Forums > mplo > Replies
mplo's Replies
All of the musical events in the film West Side Story are finger-snappingly good, plus they're all vital and integral parts of the very story behind West Side Story, to boot.
To be truthful, due to West Side Story's strengths as a movie, as well as a stage musical, I'm not bothered by the fact that both Natalie Wood's and Richard Beymer's singing voices were dubbed. Nor do I mind that Natalie Wood looked like a light-skinned Puerto Rican, either. In real life, there are different ways for Puerto Ricans and other Hispanic people to look; like Caucasians and African-Americans, they, too, tend to range from being very light to being very dark-complected.
No. Only inconsiderate, arrogant, f**kwad assholes do shit like that.
Sorry, jamesboland, but I stand by my opinions on this topic. Again, you're totally missing my point; almost nobody wants to be captive audience to people's prolonged personal conversations on their cellphone that are made public in a check-out line, compelling other people behind that person in line to wait, unnecessarily for the inconsiderate f**kwad who's holding up everybody else in the line with their arrogance, nastiness, and inconsiderate stupidity.
I don't make phone calls while in line. I don't believe in keeping others waiting. Conversations with one's boss should be made away from the line.
yes, I'm proud of how I deal with crap like that, and YOU'RE the one with the double standard(s) here, jamesboland.
Also, yes, there are times when I've called to say that I'm running late DO care! TAKE THAT, jamesboland!!!
I generally keep my cellphone in a pocket, where it's not readily visible to potential thieves. When I use my cellphone in public, I make the call(s) rather short, like calling somebody to tell them I've had a slow start and I'm running later some other problems.
I stand by my opinion that cellphone conversation, especially that of the super personal kind, whether it's dealing with a boss or whoever, really has no place in public.
it is a vicious cycle. Being victimized doesn't always make such saints out of people. In fact, there's a true-blue pecking order here; At least as often as not, victims come up to bully others in some way(s) or other. Stepping on the guy below is often the order of the day, and always has been.
A lot of proprietors of restaurants and other places like that don't want people talking on their cellphones, because it's rude and inconsiderate. People aren't supposed to talk loudly in museums, either. I am NOT okay with people talking in person while at the movies, either on OR off their cellphones, either. That, too, is rude and inconsiderate. Since when are there actual laws against texting/talking on one's cellphone while driving? If there are, a lot of people don't obey them. Bear in mind that even the tiniest momentary lapse in concentration while driving (which is a job in itself) can be fatal, to one or both people involved in a crash resulting from texting/talking on cellphones while driving.
Seriously, what's there not to get?
I very seldom use my cellphone in public, and I don't sit on a park bench or a train to use it, either. The only time I'll use my cellphone while walking or sitting on a bench (if there's any available), or when I'm at a rest area on the road during a long distance drive, and even then, my calls are very short.
I don't sit on a park bench, a train, or in any public place making long phone calls. I also don't use my cell phone at a check-out counter, or stand in the middle of an aisle in a grocery store (or any store, for that matter) yakking on my cellphone, and/or multi-tasking at the same time, and getting in other people's way, like you probably do. I never leave my cellphone in my car, because I don't want to take a chance on having somebody bust into my car in order to take it.
When I have to make a call, I make sure I'm in a relatively isolated place, where nobody else can hear me, plus I make the call very short, such as if I'm going to be late, and I'll get there as soon as possible. .
Are YOU the one who keeps people at the check-out counter in the store waiting while you yak on your cellphone and multi-task at the same time? Hmmmmmm???
It's easier for me to time travel, and/or to just throw my stuff in the back or trunk of my car, take off, and go!
In our neighborhood, when we were growing up, the eighth grade was the last year that we went trick-or-treating. From ninth grade on, we didn't go around any more.
No, jamesboland! You clearly either don't or won't understand my point(s), or you're stupidly playing the devil's advocate here, both of which are beginning to really turn me off at this point.
Check-out lines should be off-limits, for obvious reasons, because people have no business keeping others waiting a long time in line while they just yak away on their phones. i wasn't talking about the middle of a sidewalk. You, I think, have been talking out your butt at me the whole time, and, frankly, I'm getting goddamned sick and tired of it, because it's rather obvious that you're trying to get my opinion on this topic to tally up with yours, which won't work. The aisles are fair game too, because people don't have the right to stand in the middle of the store aisles making it difficult for others to get by, because they're talking on their stupid phones. You really don't seem to have a clue, that's for sure. That being said, here's a suggestion, jamesboland: pull your goddamned head out of your ass and look around you more. Thanks.
You've made a good point, greenbudgie. West Side Story is really a fleshed-out version of Romeo & Juliet, as well.
You're totally missing my point, jamesboland. When people use their cellphones when they're out walking, or sitting on park benches, it's not the same thing as using one's cellphone while at the movies, or in a check-out line, and therefore either disturbing others unnecessarily.
At least if one's sitting on a park bench, there's always the option of moving away if s/he doesn't want to be a captive audience to one's personal conversations on their phones.
I lurk on a couple of blogs from Boston, and a lot of people in those particular areas that I mentioned think that forcing others to be a captive audience to private or personal cell phone conversations on a train, at a check-out counter line, or even in a restaurant or other public place is rather rude, and out of place.
If I'm on the sidewalk or on a bench, I'll talk on my cell phone, but not at the butcher shop or any other store, because to talk on one's cellphone in stores or shops, especially at the check-out line, is extremely inconsiderate, first because people really don't care to hear personal stuff, and secondly, it's inconsiderate to keep people in line waiting unnecessarily.
I don't text/talk on my cell phone when I've stopped at a red light, much less when I'm driving. The texts can be checked later, when I'm not driving.
You've made some excellent points about Action, stevenackerman69. Moreover, Ice, who ultimately took over the Jets gang leadership after Riff's death during the Rumble, was the only one who could handle Action. Ice had to keep him in check on a number of occasions, including at the Dance, and also when Action threatened the man upstairs in his apartment with a rock, when the Jets were in hiding from the police, after the Rumble and the stabbing deaths of Riff and Bernardo.
"Everything old is new again" is very true, MissMargoChanning. That includes movies, as well.
"West Side Story" is that kind of a movie, for me.
Oh, bell-bottoms! Ahhhh, yes! I remember those, too. I liked wearing them. I think flared pants and long hair have started to come back in style.
Tent dresses were kind of cool. I had one, at one point.
I remember the Twiggy era, as well. I also recall accompanying my father out to Worcester, MA, where he photographed and did a story about this Twiggy contest. There were a bunch of girls who tried to look as much like twiggy as possible. The winner won a gift certificate for a lot of money's worth of twiggy clothes.
Thanks, MissMargoChanning! Aziza is a cool bird, and tons of fun! Since African Grey Parrots are also whistlers by nature, Aziza does a lot of that, too. I have to admit that the first thing I taught her was the Jet-gang whistle from West Side Story, which she does beautifully!
Good points, MissMargoChanning! Those hairdryers are often turned up to temperatures that are hot enough to bake a cake with. That's the best way to do damage to hair, especially hair that tends to be dry to begin with.
Rock-n-roll music....I like the 1960's through the 1980's, although the 1970's saw the beginning of a decline. The old days are preferable to me, too, in that respect. Ditto for lots of the movies of the 1960's, as well.
I was the oldest of three kids in my family, and the only one of us kids who stuck it out in the public schools through high school. My younger siblings both went to private schools after elementary school. My sister and I both liked the Beatles.
Let me say this, jamesboland: If you were to ever come here to Boston, enter some of those rougher-tougher areas, start texting/talking on your cellphone while in line at a check-out counter, and keep other people, be they a cashier or customer waiting while you yakked on your cellphone and multitasked at the same time, do you think they'd appreciate and accept that? They sure as hell wouldn't, and you'd be in for a scolding, or worse, a good ass-whooping, because texting/talking on one's cellphone and keeping customers waiting irritates people plenty. Let me also add this, jamesboland: That kind of arrogance and total disregard for other people would get short shrift in those areas.
The automatic assault weapons went into affect when Bill Clinton was President, and was rescinded when G. W. Bush was elected.