Bowilly's Replies

Yea I had a few disappointments this time around, but nothing that changed my outlook on the show at all. I’m still very interested to see where the story is headed and what surprises these guys have in-store for us. Absolutely Eleven can be an annoying brat. Her powers tend to dehumanize her in a sense and the fact that she can be a brat and throw tantrums brings balance back to her human side. The fact that Eleven is a child, I’m glad they chose to reveal this side of her character, the more realistic they can portray her the better, at least for me. I believe the cop trooper beard guy would disagree with you! I agree, it will be sad to lose any of our favorite characters. One thing I’m beginning to learn about the Duffer’s is that they are not always going to give in to what the fans want or hope to see. I’ll admit that I was a little disappointed with the lack of time spent with Mike and Eleven. You know these two guys were well aware of the anticipation building up to Mike and Eleven’s reunion. So what do they do? They wait until the final minute of episode 8 to bring them together, five minutes later and they’re apart again. Instead of my petty complaining, I guess I should be commending them for their clever storytelling, because now my anticipation for next season has more than doubled. Eleven is my favorite character I love everything about her and I definitely hope her story ends on a happy note. but I have a feeling this may not be the case. I believe Eleven’s fate was written when her character was conceived, all the ingredients of a heroine are there in terms of Eleven sacrificing herself for everyone else. The Duffer’s did say that they went into the project with the mindset that none of the characters would be safe. I really don’t want to speculate too much on how the final story will be written, but I fear we may lose both Mike and Eleven with their Love for each other playing the biggest role. When the show concludes, hopefully you and I will have a discussion about how wrong I’ve been. This post reminds of a feeling I had midway through Season 1. I hope I’m wrong, but I believe that we are amid the telling of a tragic love story. Like others I didn’t care for Episode 7 either, I don’t think we are really whining about it but we are expressing our dislike for it, just trying to keep variety in the discussion boards. We may need to send them a container before Season 3 production begins, maybe they won’t drop the ball this time around. I really didn’t have a problem with Eleven’s Aunt as much as I did with her sister, but even in Season 1 to me her aunt seemed to give bad vibes like she may be someone that you can’t fully trust. She may indeed had Eleven’s best interest in mind but it just seemed to me that she had rather get rid of her than to accept her as family, or maybe it’s just me. I don’t know, I do think Eleven felt rejection particularly with her sister or at the very least disappointment. When Kali didn’t respect her decision not to kill the man and then scolded her in the process, I believe Eleven seen for the first time what her sister really stood for. Kali might have cared about Eleven in a sense, but clearly she didn’t hesitate to put her own agenda before Eleven’s well being. Due to their upbringing I don’t think either of them fully understand the difference between right and wrong, but what’s inside of them guides them through the decisions that they make. Where as Eleven felt compassion for the two children in the photo Kali did not, I believe that was the moment for Eleven that weakened the bond between them. Fair Enough! but please explain what you mean “they forgot to add quality” If you tune in for Season 3 it’s very likely that you will see the monster get defeated by the psychic again, as you put it. It’s a recurring theme in Film and Television where good wins out over evil. I would be surprised if this theme doesn’t continue for the duration of the show. I am confident that we will see this again, as of now the monster has not yet been defeated. I agree, now that Season 2 is complete Eleven still remains my favorite character. Since they announced that Max would be joining the group I always felt that we would see Eleven’s jealous side. My only concern was that Eleven might take things a little too far and damage her relationship with Mike. Maybe they will eventually become friends, but we may see more of the jealousy before that happens. Some have suggested that they wait until Dafne is older, but I disagree let her story continue while she is still young and familiar with the character. Hopefully this will keep her interested in future films as x-23! He brought conflict within the group as was needed to make the kids story a little more interesting. It would seem the writers idea worked. Apparently the story will center around her character, so I imagine she will be speaking a great deal more. That is a very good theory indeed, they did reveal that Joyce suffered from anxiety attacks in the past and if memory serves they never really give a reason as to why. Your theory could definitely play a part if the answers are revealed. David Harbour did say that the show would dive a little deeper into the characters backstory this time around. Even though Lonnie was portrayed as the scum bag dad, I did find his character quite interesting and if I remember correctly he did ask Jonathan if Hopper was still Sheriff, possibly hinting some bad blood between them. After Lonnie showed up Joyce appeared to come to her senses so to speak and I did find her story a little more interesting in the last half of the show. David Harbour did an excellent job as Hopper, my second favorite character in the show. Ordered the Blu-Ray from Target online, received it today. Should definitely make a very nice collectible. Speaking of Winona's performance I thought she did a great job playing the part, but at the same time Joyce was the weakest part of the show for me. Don't get me wrong I think the character was written and portrayed well, but for me it was a little too much. Personally I think less screen time would've been better for this type of character. For myself I think more interaction between Jonathan and his dad would have been more interesting, than constantly showing Joyce in a frantic state of mind. I wish they had written Lonnie into the story a bit more and less of Joyce, possibly bringing more balance to this part of the story, anyway it's just a minor complaint. Overall the show is amazing, the acting, direction, and the cinematography is all great. The kids were meant to be the stars of the show and they were. Overrated? In my opinion, Not Hardly!!! From articles that I have read over the years, originally the script was written for an older girl to play the part, where Leon became her lover. While searching for the actress Besson discovered the much younger Natalie Portman and was very impressed with her. He rewrote the script that would allow her to play Mathilda where Leon became her protector instead.