Season 2 was just a repeat of season 1
Monster gets defeated by psychic. Seen that. Well I had enough after episode 6. Shit got stale real fast! Too bad, I like Paul Reiser.
shareMonster gets defeated by psychic. Seen that. Well I had enough after episode 6. Shit got stale real fast! Too bad, I like Paul Reiser.
shareOne of the most superficial opinions I've seen. You clearly weren't paying much attention to the show (if you've seen it at all) although you claim to have watched six full episodes - that's getting stale real fast? You and I have very different definitions of the word 'fast'.
shareWho gives up after one episode? I watched six because I hoped it would pick up. But if you want an example of fast then look no further than your judgment.
shareOr you never actually watched the show, and you're just trolling. Six hours is quite a lot of time to spend with something you don't like very much in the forlorn hope it might get better. Then you watch six episodes and don't bother with the last three? You've already invested the time, might as well see how it ends. Right? I don't think you really watched any of it. Did you?
shareI liked Season 2 but I agree that it covered little new ground, and what they added (MadMax and Eleven's homicidal sister and her crew of punk rock criminal friends) was...not good.
shareIf you tune in for Season 3 it’s very likely that you will see the monster get defeated by the psychic again, as you put it. It’s a recurring theme in Film and Television where good wins out over evil. I would be surprised if this theme doesn’t continue for the duration of the show. I am confident that we will see this again, as of now the monster has not yet been defeated.
shareAll she did was shut the door on it. They've introduced an adversary so powerful El couldn't hope to take it on directly and win. Remember there's a limit to how long she can exert herself without having to rest a while, even though her power has grown from last season. By the look of her after the gate closed she probably wasn't too far from giving herself a brain hemorrhage. No way she could break up the Shadow Monster or slaughter its hordes of demogorgon soldiers. It could raise an army of billions to invade our world. Defeating the Mind Flayer will require a lot more than Eleven's abilities. It's also going to take plenty of help, a genius master plan, and a huge dose of luck.
shareThis post reminds of a feeling I had midway through Season 1. I hope I’m wrong, but I believe that we are amid the telling of a tragic love story.
shareYou mean that Eleven's going to have to die for real to defeat the Mind Flayer, and poor Mike is destined to lose her again? I hope not. And I honestly don't think so. They've already done that story once. I think they're going to lose some of the main cast before it's over though. Not all the kids will make it to the finish line. There's going to be some tragedy, without a doubt.
shareEleven is my favorite character I love everything about her and I definitely hope her story ends on a happy note. but I have a feeling this may not be the case. I believe Eleven’s fate was written when her character was conceived, all the ingredients of a heroine are there in terms of Eleven sacrificing herself for everyone else.
The Duffer’s did say that they went into the project with the mindset that none of the characters would be safe. I really don’t want to speculate too much on how the final story will be written, but I fear we may lose both Mike and Eleven with their Love for each other playing the biggest role. When the show concludes, hopefully you and I will have a discussion about how wrong I’ve been.
I just meant that it would be too predictable, and retread the ending of season 1. I think there will be some tragic losses but it won't be the same. Who knows? It might be that Eleven loses Mike, I hope they don't do that to us but having him die in her arms is one of the ways they could go. Personally I don't think they'll separate the two of them, or put Will in danger, again - because they've already done enough of both. But we as viewers have become invested with all the show's characters. It'll be sad no matter who we lose.
shareI agree, it will be sad to lose any of our favorite characters. One thing I’m beginning to learn about the Duffer’s is that they are not always going to give in to what the fans want or hope to see. I’ll admit that I was a little disappointed with the lack of time spent with Mike and Eleven. You know these two guys were well aware of the anticipation building up to Mike and Eleven’s reunion. So what do they do? They wait until the final minute of episode 8 to bring them together, five minutes later and they’re apart again. Instead of my petty complaining, I guess I should be commending them for their clever storytelling, because now my anticipation for next season has more than doubled.
shareThat's the problem, trying to accommodate fan wish lists tends to water down the story and destroy the very things that attracted those fans to your show in the first place.
shareYea I had a few disappointments this time around, but nothing that changed my outlook on the show at all. I’m still very interested to see where the story is headed and what surprises these guys have in-store for us.
shareSure. But they forgot to add quality. And I've stopped wasting time on shows that drop the ball.
shareYeah, you just visit their forums to be a troll. A favorite pastime of yours from what I've seen, making shallow negative comments about popular shows and movies to piss off fans. Overly generic statements (like that last one) are a dead giveaway that you didn't actually watch the show ... but thanks for playing.
shareFair Enough! but please explain what you mean “they forgot to add quality”
shareHaven't you ever seen powdered quality mix? It comes in plastic containers like Kool Aid, a couple of scoops will make anything better. Guess Matt and Ross Duffer forgot to add some. How careless of them!
shareIt's just boring now is what I'm saying. If it's not to you then by all means have fun. If my writing so is making you feel insecure enough to write your grievances in a call for sympathy then welcome to the internet.
shareSo this is your feeble attempt at avoiding the question, my insecurities, my grievances, my sympathy? You’ve got to admit that’s pretty lame trying to change the subject that way. I asked a question hoping you would give some answers regarding your statement. The fact that you took the time to make a post I assumed that you were looking for some type discussion about the show. Your statement was “they forgot to add quality” which immediately put your agenda in the spotlight. If your not looking for a discussion just say so, it’s perfectly fine with me and just to prove it, you can have the final word.
By the way “welcome to the internet” is dead tired, find a new phrase. Also for future reference, try and be more creative by disguising your agenda within a paragraph or two, who knows you might accidentally stumble upon something that makes sense.
You ask what is the lack of quality, I write that it's boring. I would like to give you a more elaborate answer but nothing comes to mind, mainly because Stranger Things failed to interest me this season. That is, I realize, very meager for a discussion but It is really all it takes for me to stop watching. Do you like the season so far or are you also annoyed at the lack of quality in comparison to season one?
shareThat's viewing the season on pretty simple terms, though I actually agree that it would have been nice for the premise to not involve the same character in peril and the same character saving the day.
However, my gripes about season 2 are actually that it wasn't enough like the season 1 in certain ways. A lot of the magical character interplay and more modest scale was lost.
I'm glad I'm not the only one who noticed it is somehow off. I've cancelled ST now and recently watched Star Trek Discovery and the Orville, the latter is more entertaining. imho.
shareYou can say the same for alot of shows though, like Breaking Bad, Walter defeats his nemesis and gets away with it in the end which happened with a few seasons, Walking Dead, Rick overcomes his evil rival and prevails and they move on to a new area. Shows follow a formula usually, they change stuff up but its not gonna be massively different every season.
Saying the psychic defeated the monster is a weak gripe that the season was a repeat, i mean she didn't really even defeat it she closed the door and its still in the upside down plotting to break out. Plus we had the introduction of Billy a psychotic nutjob and his abusive father which was new to the show, Max was also a cool new addition, and Eleven's own personal story with Hopper and dealing with isolation was interesting to watch.
There was alot this season that was different from the 1st, Steve and Dustin's pairing was awesome and not like anything from season 1, Will actually being with the group most of the season was also different. I just think you're expecting too much, its a great season, just because Eleven saves the day doesn't make the entire season just a repeat.
I agree with pretty much all of this, though it also would be refreshing if they don't have to rely on El saving the day every season. I would like to see them use creativity in dealing with threats without sidelining her, like the solution being something more psychological or El's use of her powers having consequences.
shareWell i think the Mind Flayer is a bit out of Eleven's league in terms of being able to defeat it with her powers, i doubt she can defeat something that big, all she could do to it at the end of S2 was shut the door on it and she could barely do that.
Its gonna take alot more than Eleven to take care of that thing in S3, so it definitely wont be Eleven saving the day in the next season, at least not by herself.
When you have a powerful character, you need an enemy even more powerful or there's no real story to tell. If Superman did nothing but fight bank robbers and purse snatchers that would be pretty damn boring.
The Mind Flayer's hive could be spread out over a million worlds for all they know. But even if it's just the one world, there's no way Eleven can do any real damage on her own. Her abilities may be a vital piece of their strategy - but to beat the Mind Flayer they'll have to find a weakness and come up with a plan to exploit it (i.e. outwit the hive mind).
I almost feel like the Mind Flayer is more of a series endgame. It's basically god-tier on the supernatural threat level, and then where do you go from there? I'm hoping season 3 has more of a human antagonist. Someone like Brenner could have a serious emotional impact on Eleven that may require other characters to take action.