Bloodworth79's Replies

Guy needed to be deported 20 years ago. Another hollyweirdo who looked the other way when children and women were being abused Why did she sign the contract? Stereotypes are hilarious.. The wife goes for a job interview and the boss says your hired, i could look at those jugs all day.... Ha ha ha Yeah this show has the same set as Trump. Big ones Another epic season It's called preparing the ones you love for the real world which is violent. Sending pampered kids into the real world is a form of abuse I have never seen wait til your father gets home, but from what I heard, it's not the same show. This one is better Care to elaborate on what episode it was. Awesome show Funny stuff. Italian and Canadian humor. And making fun of political correctness is the icing on the cake Ok season three isn't that. Bad , a little weird, but funny after the first 2 Rewatching season 3 and its pretty funny. Nowhere near seasons 1 and 2, just crazy weird Some really funny parts that are so subtle , you'll be laughing and saying wtf am I watching at the same time. She comes across as very annoying It seemed like a gimmick and fake feeling. Still holds up well Very fun Christmas movie.... That was a great part. Sadly back then I'm sure those sounds came from some homes often. Ewww.......No no no I thought he was hilarious. Great character. Can't believe this movie get so much hate...weird Who is the guy that talked real slow. He said his family came from another country, but never got use to the time zone. Lol