Premise wears thin quick

This could easily have been 4 eps. The first 3 I had tears in my eyes from laughing so hard. But once you get to episode 4 most of the laughing stops and the farce ends. Around this time the film starts to take itself seriously, takes a preachy, soapbox turn, and ceases to be funny anymore. The brilliant, satirical writing all but disappears and by the end you're force-fed a lesson you didn't ask for. Dylan is brilliant BTW.


Some really funny parts that are so subtle , you'll be laughing and saying wtf am I watching at the same time.




I found season 1 better because while it was hilarious, it seemed like it could be real. Season 2 is obviously a big joke and Kevin is nowhere near as fun as Dylan.


S1 was way better - particularly at the start. S2 fell flat as soon as I heard “Turd Burgular”. After that the joke is over. No one believably and nonchalantly would toss around the not-funny, and ancient term, “Turd Burgular” the way they do.

S2 was over right when it started. Dylan was so brilliant, he was what sold S1.

I don’t blame the writers either. Netflix probably threw a shitload of money at them to crank out S2 ASAP and it seems 1/4 baked - just like Stranger Things S2. Netflix needs to let their artists breathe a bit before they start the sophomore run.


No offense, but the word is spelled "burglar".



I respectfully disagree. I was just as spellbound by S2 as I was for S1. It's a brilliant series, and I can't wait for Season Three!



MMC2 is the turd burglar!


