dolemite72's Replies

He really is (and like Christopher Plummer) we should cherish the fact he's still working. It's more for die-hards brought up on it from day one (rabid to see all or any extra footage) it doesn't really add anything to the plot (just makes Willard's journey longer) If I were you, I'd watch the original...and if you like it enough (which you should) then approach the 'Redux' next time you feel like revisiting it (that way you'll be getting a bonus on your second viewing) I only asked (originally on IMDB) because I have mental images of poor Columbo, being on call-out (all day and night) to every accident scene (given his record of solving otherwise open-and-shut cases) :D It certainly is (and that's why it's light years ahead of the vastly overrated sequel) T2 is little more than FX and chases. THE TERMINATOR is an atmospheric all-out classic that (like JAWS) transcends all kinds of genres. I know a lot of die-hard Columbo fans rag on this episode (due to the contrivances concerning 'shoelaces' etc) but this has always been my favourite episode. Conrad was a great combination of brains and brawn (although *obviously* not as smart as Columbo) and I dig the Milo Janus health-club jingle that also plays over the end credits Went to see it at the cinema last night (TBH, never really that big a fan of the movie....much prefer the original) but the 3D was very good in close-ups (detail, background, forground) but not so effective in long shots (especially motion-scenes) I guess this is down to it's age (and the fact that it wasn't shot on digital to begin with) But it was (for about 60%) pretty impressive what they can do with older films. No doubt it cost a small fortune to apply this process (which is a shame, because I'd rather see other older movies given this 3D treatment) MAD MAX 2? JAWS? ROCKY III? I detest both SHAWSHANK and LEBOWSKI (as prime examples of 'Emporer's new clothes'......and little else) Alongside the garbage you listed like SE7EN, SH*TTER ISLAND, MEMENTO, SIXTH SENSE, GONE GIRL and KILL THE MESSENGER. Yet I love ARLINGTON ROAD (almost as much as I love BREAKDOWN) She's hot as hell (pun intended) Don't worry, she'll no doubt be played by some 'Victoria's Secret' in the (inevitable) remake....that may be more to your liking? match her flat delivery of dialogue, no less? Wow.....the time-honoured "Don't argue with idiots" line.....I'll wager that 'zinger' has gotten you out of a few debates, that (obviously) you had no reason to be part of in the first place, eh? Like I said....I ask how can anyone defend such garbage....and all I get is "cliché 101" class in cop-out replies (yet somehow *I'm* the troll?) Which confirms my suspicions that (sadly) the next generation of moviegoers are crosscut with the SJW crowd (nothing to say and all day to say it) Quick...Google a snappy comeback More power to you if you enjoyed this movie (But methinks fans of such movies are just mindless sheep, lacking in an actual opinion of *why* they actually like something) I guess you're all too busy burning down your local coffee-shops, to bother elaborating anything? Silly me, expecting this place to be frequented by people with a passing interest in cinema? Same here....part 3 is my favourite (followed by this one) We could argue (or debate) the artistic merits (or de-merits) of this movie, and I'd never resort to using that (hoary old chestnut) of "Troll" (which is officially up there, in internet terms, with "Racist" as the most pimped-out pointless cop-out of all time) just because we disagree. My question still stands....How can anyone defend this garbage.......and *YOU* in your infinate wisdom brought up muscle mass (not me) so I addressed it. Whilst I expect (nay, demand) a slight suspension of belief in movies like this.....your assertion that some 40 year old Miss Eithiopia could beat up one (let alone ten) guys who probably weigh 10 stone more than her, because she lacks the unhealthy muscle-mass they have is just silly (and beyond name-calling) If you've got more to say....say it (just leave that weak-ass "Troll-sh*t" in the playground were it belongs) The reason I accused you of 'clouding things over' is because you have chosen to only defend such a garbage movie with mere speculation on how muscle mass can be unhealthy and ineffective in a fight......or others have defended it by saying "Theron won an OSCAR over a decade ago" (and little else) I'd love to be discussing/debating/arguing about cinematography, script, casting with you (or anyone else) right now...*HOWEVER*....none of you saw fit to fire back with anything of substance? I only asked the question....the actual answers are down to however reads it, and would wish to defend such a movie.....but the answers given (so far) are severely lacking in content (just like, it would seem, the target audience for this movie) But *PLEASE* don't insult your own intelligence by resorting to calling me a "TROLL" just because I dislike something you don't. I've given this dreadful movie more time (and text) than it deserves. If I was a Troll, I'd be content to say "It's sh*t" and then move onto the next board. (quote) "Because of her performance in Atomic Blonde was amazing" Oh dear! The men she fought weren't particularly muscular (and whilst I wasn't expecting the movie to be a serious documentary about fighting) the makers could have tried to make it little more realistic. So anyhow, getting back to my original question "How can people defend such garbage?" I guess the answer is.....They can't (but will bring up a previous oscar win, or muscle mass cloud such truth) Do you think she was (quote) "phenomenal" *because* she won the oscar? Lots of actors have won Oscars that they didn't earn (in fact, only a few actors have actually deserved theirs) The Oscars still exist, regardless if someone actually deserves one....and maybe MONSTER got lucky that year? Sadly, the Oscars have just become a box-ticking exercise in proportionate 'entitlement' over the years (and little else) Theron (made-down....i.e. without her usual make-up) screaming ranting and raving whilst being abused, might be "phenomenal" to you...but left me cold (dozens of actors could have played the same role) In fact, ATOMIC BLONDE was like an 'Action' follow up to MONSTER (in which the victim fought back in a series of 'stylistic' and unrealistic rumbles with dozens of men, thrice her size) In fact, why not get Christina Ricci to play her lesbian lover in this movie, as well? But hey, taste is subjective...right? But if you're best defence of (the turgid) ATOMIC BLONDE is to cite an Oscar that Theron won over a decade ago....then may I suggest you get a job as a (well-needed) PR campaign manager for fellow 'Oscar' recipients Cuba Gooding Jr. And Halle Berry (all three of these 'phenomenal' talents couldn't pick a good movie, if *your* life depended on it) I feel officially old when watching stuff like this at the cinema. Even other members of the audience (who were probably looking forward to it) could be heard snoring (and some even walked out early) Whatever happened to good action movies? It was a great movie (but no ROAD WARRIOR) Stallone is probably my favourite (living) actor....but it's a bit of a catch 22 situation for him. He can only seem to generate attention, by returning to his 'franchise' well (which, given his advancing years) is running dry. It would have to be a stand-alone project...but the fact that he's still churning out action movies, isn't going to help this transition. The fact that he's still in incredible shape, may limit the sort of roles (someone of his supposed age) should play Personally (despite loving the Rocky franchise) I hated CREED, and thought it tried too hard to be Oscar-bait (imo, he was much better in ROCKY BALBOA) John (JAWS) Williams Basically the shows consited of: 1) Banner gets a job somewhere 2) Some criminal types are leaning on the place he's working at 3) Some goons (who work for said criminals) attack banner, thus the first (of 2) transformations occurs. 4) Banner later tries to warn his new employers (to no avail) 5) The criminals (and goons) launch a bigger attack on the establishment 6) Banner is usually tied up or kidnapped 7) Banner turns into the hulk once more, but nails all the bad guys (usually in front of witnesses) 8) With the bad guys brought to justice....Banner leaves town (hitch-hiking to that sad piano tune) They are exceptions, but (locations aside) the show rarely deviated from this formula. And that's why I love it