MovieChat Forums > dolemite72 > Replies
dolemite72's Replies
"Just When You thought It Was Safe To Go Back In The Water"
(Best tag-line ever......and a pretty underrated movie too)
When The Boat Comes In
Survivors (1975)
Rumpole Of The Bailey
Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy
Thriller (1973)
Boys From The Blackstuff
(and on a trashier note)
Prisoner - Cell Block H
Sad but true (it's like a dangerous form of 'Chinese Whispers' nowdays) It starts with 'trashy, sensationalist' Nation Enquirer-style soundbites.....and ends with hysteria-fuelled witch-hunts.
From the many varied (and contrasting) reports I've read.....Spacey is an entitled, narcissistic sex-pest (at worst) Nothing to be proud about, but hardly a serial rapist either?
When/where has even the initial accuser mentioned (quote) "Rape"?
(I'm not defending Spacey's actions) but he did proposition the boy in a bar (hardly the place for a 14 year old, don't you think?) and on top of all this, I'm sure that Spacey wasn't that big a star back in 1987 (that the accuser couldn't have complained about it 30 years earlier?)
Now, I'm not some 'Rape Apologist', but even the most recent of allegations don't even hint at 'rape'.......only that Spacey made improper (and ultimately unwanted) suggestions to people (whilst not entirely 'tasteful') doesn't exactly lump him in the Jack The Ripper category either?
The fact that you can even use the word 'Rape' about someone (who is, so far) innocent of such a in itself, an inappropriate form of abuse......however, when YOU make a wrong doesn't matter that much (because you're Joe Schmoe) but when
Spacey does likewise......he's a serial rapist (and everyone comes out of the woodwork)
I also suspect that Spacey "Come Out" probably more out of embarrassment (than to deflect 'guilt') for being busted as a homosexual (despite it being the worst kept secret in Hollywood, anyhow) I'll admit the timing was off, but I genuinelly believe that it was nothing but 'Damage limitation' for Spacey......who probably initially thought the 'outing' was the worst of his problems?
And in the last week, I have watched:
No Exit (1995)
Fright (1971)
My Bloody Valentine (1981)
Flesh For Frankenstein (1973)
Jungle Law (1994)
The Donor (1995)
Ruckus (1980)
The Marathon Man (1976)
The Nesting (1981)
Midnight (1982)
Naked Fist (1981)
Dead Cert (2010)
One Man Jury (1978)
Blood, Boobs & Beast (2007)
Somnum (2015)
The Veteran (2011)
Christmas Evil (1980)
Brother (2000)
Forced Vengeance (1982)
Hardly anyone awake when I saw it at the cinema (on my birthday, of all days?) I counted 3 people snoring was a terrible movie (but the 'Millenials' seemed to enjoy it.....until their 'New Favourite Movie Of All Time' gets released next month)
I'm done with IMDB nowadays (they're not even that accurate a 'source' anymore, anyhow) and now they've essentially taken away the voice of the people (that made them what they are)
IMDB were getting paid lots of money to hype up movies (or stars) that no-one in reality actually likes (and beyond the paid for hyperbole......the message boards painted a completely different picture)
Nowadays IMDB are still paid huge ammounts of money to promote bad movies (and likewise actors) but us mere mortals can't say anything about them (however true)
So now, IMDB can continue their (frankly pathetic) "NO SMALL ROLES" or "THEN AND NOW" segments (in which they expect people to reminisce with heartfelt joy, the meaningless career-arcs of some veteran 14 year old brat actor) Or even worse, their desperate (bi-yearly, studio funded) futile attempt to make (the deeply unlikable, Jack Lemmon wannabe) Joseph Gordon Levitt 'Happen' (by giving him 'editorial' reign....once more) Oh how I love seeing stills of him from '3RD ROCK FROM THE SUN' or reading about the movies that 'Inspire' him......
IMDB's loss (imput wise) but financially profitable (otherwise)
Congratulations on the quickest (not to mention 'lamest') response ever (I can only assume you've been saving the whale....or burning down your local Starbucks....or reporting your absence?)
And 'YES' that's exactly why the accuser has waited 30 years to tell his "Well Done" you (give yourself a biscuit)
And in the last week, I have watched:
No Exit (1995)
Fright (1971)
My Bloody Valentine (1981)
Flesh For Frankenstein (1973)
Jungle Law (1994)
The Donor (1995)
Ruckus (1980)
The Marathon Man (1976)
The Nesting (1981)
Midnight (1982)
Naked Fist (1981)
Dead Cert (2010)
One Man Jury (1978)
Blood, Boobs & Beast (2007)
Somnum (2015)
The Veteran (2011)
Christmas Evil (1980)
Brother (2000)
Forced Vengeance (1982)
Totally agree with the OP (except that I've never been "mindblown" by Tarantino's movies......they were embarrassingly bad overrated garbage when initially released)
I blame the internet for this whole 'Chinese-Whisper' syndrome (or 'Keeping-Up-With-The-Throne's' as I like to call it) in that for the last 15-20 years or so, people are content to spew fifth-hand studio scripted hyperbole when discussing 'hacks' like Tarantino (as a poor substitute for an actual opinion) his movies are nothing but a 'Greatest Hits' package for people too lazy (or glued to their portable devices) to track down the source material. His defenders are an odd bunch too. Apparently, they defend such out-right theft with "Oh yes, but it's what QT does with such references" as the most piss-poor-shoot-me-now-cop-out of all time.
The internet is only useful to sell movies, it (and the 'computer' itself) have done little to enhance cinema (unless of course, you've the mindset of a 13 year old that lives for HD CGI FX, constant plot updates, spoilers (and little else)
Nowadays, people equate "Boring" as deep (and if you were bored, you didn't "Get It")
"Swearing" as humour.
"FX" as an 'end' (rather than a 'means')
And it's not just Tarantino either......a whole glut of talentless hacks (in front and behind the camera) are lauded and praised.....but you'd be hard pressed to get a legitimate answer from supporters, concerning what exactly is so great about Christopher Nolan, Leonardo DiCaprio, Brad Pitt, Johnny Depp, Tom Hanks, Tom Hardy, Ryan Gosling, Christian Bale......unless they're spouting studio hyperbole?
Most (so-called) movie fans don't have any genuine opinions on movies anymore (they don't have to....they have all the information that it takes genuine fans a lifetime to amass, at their fingertips) and quickly proclaim the last movie they watch (as the greatest movie ever made) and eagerly await to bestow *that* title onto the next movie.
(quote) "Too bad he didn't rape them when they were a kid"
Wow, that's got to be the title for the next Lionel Richie album (it would easily outsell 'Dancing On The Ceiling' in units....whilst matching the heartfelt empathy of 'Hello')
Report whatever you's your culture (after all)
Better yet, why not wait 30 years, then claim I verbally raped you (which will no doubt be a capital offence by then?) might stand to make a few quid, if I'm rich and famous, eh?
The fact that you think threatening to report the underlying problem at heart here. And you've completely and utterly backed up EXACTLY what I called you, with your liberal butt hurt response.
Oh (and one more thing) don't assume either my gender or sexuality (that, by your own rationale and mindset) is the sort of new-fangled SJW 'hate crime' that you (and your kind) gloat on about.
It's completely and utterly 'moot' that Spacey has been fired (and is practically unemployable) because of accusations (and the fact you' trying to twist my words and imply that I don't know the meaning of the part of the bigger problem with 'generation snowflake' I'm talking about)
It's obviously you don't know what the word 'cunt' means....because you're a cheeky one.
Yes, but that initial period of 'attraction' before it becomes consensual....Mutual Attraction isn't always instant. Spacey may have made suggestions (lewd or otherwise) but from most of the reports I've read, states that they were exactly that....Suggestions. Are you telling me that all these accusers have never been propositioned by anyone else in their lifetimes? Is it OK to be sexually propositioned, as long as you're attracted and consent to such suggestions? If that's the case, it's more about Kevin Spacey not being as handsome, than it is about these poor violated snowflakes and their hurt feelings (via 30 year total recall)
Surely we've all been attracted to someone (and it wasn't reciprocated) but nowadays, mere suggestion is deemed as 'Assault', given that mere-speech is deemed as violent hate crime.....and usually from a generation of Millenial SJW-types who wouldn't know a true 'ism' if it hung them from a lampost for the colour of their skin, either before or after violently raping them?
(and my original question still stands.....why wasn't this incident brought up earlier than 30 years ago.....Spacey was hardly a star in 1987?)
If anything, Spacey should keep it age appropriate (although statements say the initial accuser was drunk and in a maybe this forgettful cherub shouldn't have been in an age-appropriate location, as well?) but I highly doubt that Kevin Spacey has actually physically raped anyone.....and yet, given this hysteria....he is essentially finished as an actor (and on the say-so of vague recollections......and 'Generation Snowflake's' need for righteous indignation)
It was ok for the first half, but resorted to cage fighting mentality in the second (blame the director, I guess?) but pretty well made for a DTV release.
And since typing this, I can now add:
The Hot Rock (1972)
To my list :)
Actually, I really enjoyed GEOSTORM (it was solid disaster/conspiracy flick that didn't take itself too seriously) and it looked great on the big screen (just a shame that it's tanked at the box office)
I tend to watch a movie (or two) every day. What's even worse is, I keep a month by month list (sad, I know) So far this week, I've watched:
Demonoid (1981)
Wild Beasts (1984)
Human Centipede 2 (2011)
Home Sweet Home (1981)
Containment (2015)
Ghoulies (1984)
Man At The Top (1973)
Brady Bunch Movie (1995)
Geostorm (2017)
A Very Brady Sequel (1996)
Give And Take And Take (2002)
Hooligan Legacy (2015)
Point Blank (2010)
Gods Of Egypt (2015)
Acts Of Vengeance (2017)
Class Act (1992)
Eclectic....if anything?