Firstly, dolemite72, film/art/entertainment is subjective, so people can defend it by virtue of liking the very thing you're criticising. (One man's gold is another's mould, as it were.) Secondly, as unrealistic as this film may be (it is entertainment and not a documentary, after all), it would be just as unrealistic if it were a single man taking down a bunch of bigger, stronger men. I mean I love Batman, but if a guy tried to become the Dark Knight in real life, he'd barely last a week.
Thirdly, I happen to think Charlize Theron is a superb actor with a rather weighty screen presence. If you don't like her, that's fine; at the end of the day, any kind of performance is down to the personal preference of the viewer.
Fourthly, I thought Atomic Blonde was okay. There were some things in there I didn't like - I found the fractured narrative a bit unnecessary and I didn't care for James McAvoy's character or performance - but I thought the film was beautifully shot, had an engaging central performance from Charlize Theron and had some superb action scenes. Not a bad day at the office!