MovieChat Forums > LibHater > Replies
LibHater's Replies
Pretty - looks GREAT. Poor story lines. No story follow-through from TFA. Political SJW-motivated topics/plot points left and right. Luke Skywalker ruined.
Millennials are rather stupid - look at who runs our educational system
The fuel thing - just another SJW talking point for them to flagellate
I find it MORE amazing that within mere minutes of arriving at an abandoned base, they were able to get a dozen near-mothballed speeders functioning and have people "flying" them
So you like bad story telling and terrible acting ?
Horseshit. It was Lucas who RUINED the prequels with all the boring political / explanatory midichlorian bullshit.
Back to your "Safe Space", retarded Snowflake
As opposed to the rest of the cast - Ridley and Driver can actually act
TLJ was rather weak in the "entertaining" dept. It did score high on ruining icons and forcing SJW sub-plots and fringe characters.
What "mind" ? She's a manipulative, feminist IDIOT crazily jumps from one SJW forced sub-plot to another with no rhyme or reason, totally wastes characters with promise (Finn, Phasma), and ruins established icons (Luke). TOTAL CRAP created by Kennedy's little bitch Rian Johnson.
Baloney. The Rock sucks.
Hamill is a full-blown Libtard. However, KK and her little bitch RJ RUINED Luke Skywalker.
The idiots in charge basically turned Luke into whiney little bitch. So wrong.