MovieChat Forums > LibHater > Replies
LibHater's Replies
They were too busy interjecting their SJW subplots to pay attention to anything else. R Johnson and K Kennedy to the Pit of Misery !
Eff off - keyboard warrior
Cause Kathleen Kennedy says white men are bad and stuff
Both of you acne-faced virgins are laughable
"Beautiful franchise" my butt.... Lucas RUINED it all with those steaming piles that were the Prequels
Good. Hamill is an untalented, flaming Libtard
You really need a life - loser
Get A Life you Retard
He is such a loser
Probably not too hard to upset and baffle you
I hate sand....
You are such a miserable loser
Get a life you loser
Most Fan Boys are simply miserable losers
Agreed on all points !
You REALLY need to get laid dude. I realize that's probably gonna be hard with no job and that teen acne....
No one gives a SHIT about your "rankings" that you generated from your Mom's basement.
Oh stuff it, idiot.
That would have been GREAT.....listening to that nails on the chalkboard / smoker's lung voice for another whole movie...YUCK.