Freakflag1's Replies

I just learned of this case and I have to say I do find her actions very confusing. She didn’t run or drive away when she had the chance. She didn’t go straight for help inside the mall when she lured the other girl out. She didn’t call for help at the airport. She went shopping. It’s so bizarre. I know trauma and stress can cause you to do some odd things but this is really weird to me. She’s very beautiful but not a good actor You all are insane. Her body is smoking and she has great tits! Without ken this movie would have been awful. It had brilliant marketing. This movie was a let down. It’s overhyped and overrated. Ryan gosling was the best thing in this whole movie. It was highly overrated. They’re literally witches and could have started the car lol If you take a look back at Tina Fey’s career, she’s made her fortune using racial jokes and playing on racial and ethnic tropes. She doesn’t seem like such a nice person to me and seems to have some meanness and racism lurking beneath her funny girl persona. I thought it was cute for what it was! Just a light hearted silly feel good movie I liked it and thought she did a great job. She looks amazing for her age. I don’t think it’s scary at all, but was an interesting watch. The scenes in the home seemed pointless and like torture porn That’s always been a part of the Scream films though. Scream 1 Their classmates die and kids are celebrating getting out of school and throwing parties. Scream 4 same thing. They didn’t really care much or mourn their friends who died. It’s just been a running thing throughout the film.. not sure whether by coincidence or on purpose No. They could have been in any big city at all. They didn’t really add a lot of New York or utilize anything to make it stand out as nyc. It was pretty generic Making her one of the ghost face killers eventually would actually be a really good twist and unexpected. You rarely see twists like that happen. Or to find out in the end she really did orchestrate then whole thing in Scream 5 and was behind it all. Then kills her sister and then kills herself. Thus ending the cycle of trauma and murder sprees. Until someone inevitably makes a scream 8.9 and 10 with a cast of new characters Of course that won’t happen but it would a shocking and pretty good twist to end this set of the 3 new scream films I think a twin will die in part 7.. like I watched this and didn’t once even think about race or politics .. it was just a silly slasher to me I haven’t seen any other movies with the girl who plays Sam so I don’t know if that is typical of her But I kind of wondered if the blank stare and lack of emotion was maybe because she’s trying to fight off sociopath serial killer tendencies Haha for real! Most people in a nice populated neighborhood like that would be peeping out windows to see why a random car is just sitting there And they open argue in the street and Julie screams loudly lol Giving ultimatums to marry or breakup never works in the end