Typical Netflix Tropes on Incompetent Men / Mary Sue Women
Movie is about a wilderness getaway and renewal of people who’ve had struggles in life. Men turned out to behave like sniveling adolescents and helpless fawns needing women to save them. Obligatory sashaying gay man caricature was also there. Woman never before in the woods becomes inexplicably proficient “Mary Sue” outdoorsman who could navigate at night on miles of Appalachian trail, administer life saving first aid, and bear blistering feet and lacerations without notice but for the warnings of her fellow hikers that she was profusely bleeding. There is a prolonged scene emphasizing that the male hiking guide is embarrassingly incapable of accomplishing an outdoor skill he imposes on the novice hikers. The dumb blond character gives a soliloquy where she suddenly reveals herself a savvy stock trader with expert-level knowledge of the markets. (Her boastful male stockbroker counterpart turns out to be an insecure charlatan). It was so over the top it morphed into one of those HR training vignettes where the men are repulsive idiots and only the women know how to behave like normal human beings