MovieChat Forums > Freakflag1 > Replies
Freakflag1's Replies
I know! I was super disappointed that there were only a few nods to fear street books. I really wish they had created the movies based on individual books. The books are amazing and don’t even need changes made to them.
Some nods I caught from the books were the cheerleader trilogy where they have the bus wreck and land on the grave. Character named deena. Some of the books on the shelves.
Other than that it’s not very fear street :(
Not going to lie,I’m a little disappointed.
I think people will love them if they’ve never read the books but for fans of the books it’s a let down
She wasted words on the voicemail too.
Should have said where she was driving, where she thinks she is, name of a road she remembered etc instead she left a long rambling message tovher mom
She was young and inexperienced and not used to roads like that. I did the same thing when I was younger.
My gps took me up a weird holler thing that was rutted out..I kept going thinking once I got past that a main road would be visible. It didn't. I ended up having to turn around in a small ditch thing, almost got stuck and went over a hill lol
Agreed. He's pretty talented. He keeps doing lame romcoms..I'm guessing for the money and to keep his name out there. And he looks a lot older than he is. But he's very talented, I hope he finds his breakthrough role soon.
It was okay. I'm not sure why Luke Bracey keeps doing lame romcoms. He's pretty talented.
Well, the guy was a narcisstic asshole who thought everyone wanted to sleep with him. He didn't really even ask her if she was down to have sex..he just went for it and ignored her body language..she clearly wasn't comfortable, but he was too busy to notice.
However, usually when an important and wealthy man pays attention to nobodies and invited them to his room, the implication is clear and it usually only means one thing. Hannah was very naive to not have realized what he wanted.
I think she experienced the fight, flight or freeze that can occur during tramautic events..she froze. But then she did follow him to his bedroom willingly..she never made it clear she didn't want to have sex. Plus, she was worried about her job..if she said no, would he have fired her?
So how was he supposed to know she didn't want sex? I don't consider him a rapist, but I do consider him a pervert and someone who uses women. It was pretty shady of him to just assume she was there for sex. A lot of what he was doing was very shady and wrong, but I don't think he's a rapist.
He was a coddled child actor, with enabling and irresponsible parents. He had everything handed to him. He likes to peddle the story of how he grew up poor in echo park which is not true. He grew up in a nice home in a pretty wealthy neighborhood. His mom worked as a costumer in the business..she had connections. He also went to a pretty nice magnet school. His rags to riches story is bullshit.
No way. Shia is talented, but has very little range. I also have triple separating his characters from him as a person. Ever time I see this guy all I can think is woman beater, drug user, racist little prick.
I didn't get it either because she looked exactly the same, lol.
Brad renfro did an amazing job as Huck.
I was bothered that they struggled for money, and she stayed home all day playing around and not working a real job. But then wanted money to spend on frivolous stuff. She's the type of person who can't manage money and would run them into debt eventually.
Me too! I refuse to believe any sane person would openly walk around naked, masturbate and have sex in front of curtainless wimdows.
I found it weird they kept trying to make her appear younger when he was so old..kind of odd. Enjoyable movie, though.
It makes more sense that Laurie is his sister. Gives him reason to pine over her, and validates lauries belief that he'll return for her.
That doesn't line up with loris belief that he'd always come back for her though
I honestly think she just wanted the cash. She admitted that she did Halloween Twenty for the money. She also always seemed ashamed of the Halloween films and tried to distance herself for years.
I think she saw an opportunity in the age of remakes and ran with it..she was smart enough to know this movie would make her a ton of money.
Agreed...dialogue was cringey and weak.
I have no idea..seems like there'd have to be some sort of supernatural force going on with him for him to survive everything he's been through..especially as a sixty year old.
The original Halloween II has always been my favorite..I love it. I thought it was true to the original, stayed with the vibe, the story made sense and tied Laurie and Michael together..and t was creepy as heck in that spooky hospital setting. That's too bad the writer and acres seem hate it, it really is a good film.
The original Halloween, Halloween II and Halloween Twenty are my fave trilogy..thought they all went together nicely.
He chased Jamie...Lauries daughter..played by Danielle Harris when she was pretty young..didn't kill her though, but probably would have if he'd been able to catch her.
Haha the little smartarse kid was way too smart for Michael..he'd never get him, lol..I loved him