cyberbob's Posts

Does Anybody Else Videotape Themselves Sleeping and then Spend 8 Hours of Their Next Day Watching the Playback? Can't Take This Guy Seriously Deserves More Movie Roles His Fuck Buddy Looks Like an iPod No They Weren't Boromir's guess the famous game #376 Guy Fawkes is the famous person. nyctc7 WINS!!! Do You Plan To See This On Opening Night? Boromir's guess the famous game #372 Ozymandias (Adrian Veidt) is the famous character - Carrot wins!!! Is He a Virgin? Worst Movie Title of all Time Not Quite My Tempo Boromir's guess the famous game #368 - The Crypt-Keeper is the famous character - LauraGrace wins!!! Hated It How Do You Feel About The Patriarchy??? (Leftists Only) Bitch Should Fry Boromir's guess the famous game #366 Dennis Nedry from Jurassic Park is the famous person - Boromir wins! What Was Da Point of Jesus Dying For Our Sins if We Just Kept Doing More After He Died lol? I Cannot Perform Masturbatorily In Front of a Woman Why is Politics Can't Get Along? 🤔 Never Seen It. Recommend?