MovieChat Forums > FordFairlane > Replies
FordFairlane's Replies
Ah the old calling me names argument, typical of cunts with no clue what they are talking about. Why are all trump supporters so utter devoid of basic intelligence? Is there a class you all take?
Anyway, you enjoy making America great again, bozo.
No no no enough of this bullshit lumping everyone together horse shit. I hate SJWs as much as the next guy. I hate that everything the weak SJWs stand for, and everything they represent. I do not care about the left and the right. And no, someone using the bible doesnt make uncomfortable until the use it to oppress others. Would you like a list, or will you concede the point?
People earning money isnt what we are talking about, again I dont know why youre bringing it up. The free market is an illusion. It doesnt exist. You think america is a capitalist country? Your wrong, its bought and paid for by corporations. If everything worked as the free market states it does then everyone would have a fair shake, which just isnt true.
Saviodium is worthless piece of shit. The bullshit he talks is smeller than his mothers pussy. He makes shit up to win an argument and then creates a leftist conspiracy to explain it away. Fuck him, I dont read any shit he posts anymore.
Again STOP lumping people youre talking to into a group. Thats yours, and that dick heads problem. You see one argument and try and use other arguments considered "left" to undercut it. Stop it. Hilary should be rotting a fucking jail cell. See how that works? Im not in your fucking "left" box. So cut it out. Both clintons are fucking criminals in my eyes. The whole democratic party need to be burned to the fucking ground for fixing that bullshit nomination in her favour. At the very best, she would have been 4 more years of obama. Or as I like to call him, Mr Drone.
The point is, the poor spend. The rich dont spend any extra they get. They dont need to. They already have everything they want. Any extra money they get goes out of the economy. Fuck sav and his bullshit about helping the economy. hes full of shit. Offshore means OFFshore. You cant boost your economy by putting your money in someone elses. To suggest otherwise is just dumb as fuck. Which he is.
Hmm, what does any of that have to do with repeal and replace? The point of taking money away from programs like Medicaid is so that they can increase tax breaks to the super wealthy. The super wealthy dont spend that money. They save it. They put it in to off shore accounts. They dont spend it like poor people spend money.
The OP was (I hope) using an analogy to illustrate the point that the rich dont need more money. It has nothing to do with coveting, Im not exactly poor myself. Doesnt mean I think I should get more because I have more. Doesnt mean the poor should be left to die because I need to get a better tax return.
The point that the republicans have been making for 8 years is that they can do it better. Yet here we are, one failed attempt after another to improve on obamacare. Whos stopping them? Its not the democrates, they have as much power a fucked vacuum cleaner. So whats going on? Ill tell you wants going on, the republicans themselves are looking at this shit and think its too much. Yet mitch the cunt mcconnel still wants to push through dog shit so he can get tax breaks for his rich pals.
And really, who gives a shit about some made up ten commandments? Give me morality any day of the week over made up bullshit thats cherry picked by people that want an excuse to be bigots.
linkin park sucked ass. This guy being dead doesnt change that.
You've moved on? Then why are you stalking all my posts with bullshit about being sexist? I want new roles for women. I want people to have faith that a woman can be interesting and successful without hanging onto the coat tails of a man. Where's the sexism? Where is it?
Lol you sure stalked the fuck out of me today. Feeling a little triggered are we? I'm sorry you poor sjws can't see what's plain as day, but that's really not my fault. As for fishy knickers, she's clearly a fat bird with too much sense of entitlement. I wasn't called on sexism, none of sjws have said anything but bullshit hyperbole and ignoring things I've said that don't fit your argument of painting me as a sexist because I think it would have more appropriate to give the woman a new role that she could make her own in the same universe. But hey, if all you sjws are happy to take a mans cast offs that's on you. Have a nice day.
Show where I've attacked people? I've defended myself, but I've never attacked anyone. Typical trump supporter making shit up to fit their bias.
And if that guy is a troll, isn't that another reason to not engage him? Where's your logic trump drone? No, you're the loser that attacks people. Anytime someone says anything you don't like you start calling them names like a child.
So people should only ever take an interest in things they watch? He or she couldn't gave simply heard the news and wanted to take a look at what people were saying, say this bullshit and voiced their opinion?
If you don't like what someone has to say, try taking your own advice instead trying to attack people like a few other who nutters around here.
This must be sarcasm, she was aweful in that movie.
What I dont like about this post by him is that he assumes the only people who take issue are little boys and trolls. Then again why should he be any different to the masses of SJWs who wont listen to any reason and substitute their own perception for others opinion.
Maybe some people just dont like the BBC pushing a political agenda on them? Maybe some people would rather see Whittaker get to start a new character in the who universe? No cant be any of that, its just sexism.
You supporting trolls? Well, now Ive seen everything.
I guess your ass must really be sore to go to all this trouble. Poor Felicia.
Thought you were leaving, Felicia? Can't even stand by your own words now. What a loser.
Oh and how you read my words is on you.
Just fuck off. Youre clearly just a cunt with no grasp on reality.
I dont like you very much, but Ill give props where its due. Well done. Fuck these assholes.
You think because your girl you get a pass on being a dickhead? Or being dumb as fuck? The fact you are a female says a lot about why you're so fucking biased. You can't see what I'm talking about because your too busy being focused on the bits between the legs.
Did you actually bother to read anything I said, or did you just assume I said female doctor is bad because the doctor needs to have a dick?
Do you not understand that it's more important for women to have actual parts written for them instead of them being shoehorned into male parts? Can you not see this going against the ultimate goal of equality?
I don't really give a shit anymore. I thought maybe you had something interesting to say, or at least we're open to a conversation without the knee jerk sjw bullshit so many MEN are currently pooping on to Facebook. See that's why I assumed you were a man. Because men are the ones that defending this shit. Most women can see this empty gesture for it is. Most women understand that men need strong male feminist role models so that there can be an end to sexist bullshit one day, and no tony fucking stark the dude who fucks chicks and never calls them again isn't a feminist role model. But even if he was, why the fuck do you think in this day and age that one less isn't going to hurt? Your a woman( I assume over 20) so you know the bullshit. I know it cos I see it and have to listen to it. I know it because when I happened to mention out of hand to my girlfriend that she was more intelligent than I am her jaw nearly hit the floor. She had never been in the company of a man that would admit that he was less than her in any way. She was trusted as nothing but arm candy. The fact she got a masters in biology and chemistry meant nothing to the guy that came before me. So yes I do think it's more important that men and young boys have male role models that treat women as equels. Sorry that doesn't fit in with your sjw mentality.
Right, so fucking muppet has nothing more to say after being found out to be just that. Back to the trolling drawing board for you mr dickhead.