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FordFairlane's Replies
If her performance in Dawn of Justice demonstrated that she had the potential to excel as the Amazonian aristocrat under the right circumstances, then the daughter of Zeus’s inaugural solo outing proves beyond a shadow of a doubt that Gadot was born to bring the role to life on the big screen. The Israeli actress effortlessly endows Diana with a child-like yet intimidating demeanour that keeps her consistently compelling, while the humour that arises from her constant cultural misunderstandings only makes her all the more endearing.
Gadot also displays great chemistry with Chris Pine, whose delightfully down-to-earth take on Steve Trevor perfectly complements the fantastical nature of the fish-out-of-water protagonist, resulting in a genuinely enthralling romantic subplot. At the same time, Pine very effectively conveys the character’s virtuousness and Trevor facilitates what is arguably the movie’s most heroic moment.
The support cast, on the other, is a little hit and miss. Lucy Davis gives the best performance outside of Gadot and Pine as Steve’s whacky but winsome secretary, Etta Candy. Connie Nielson and Robin Wright both come across as appropriately imposing as Hippolyta and Antiope, respectively, but neither is given enough screen time to be described as being truly impactful. Saïd Taghmaoui, Ewen Bremner and Eugene Brave Rock all have fun moments as Trevor’s associates in the field and build up a nice rapport with Diana, but again, their roles aren’t as critical as they could have been.
Wonder Woman – a spoiler free review
It’s hard to believe that a character as iconic as Wonder Woman has never had her own movie before now, especially since DC has seen fit to forge films for everyone from Steel to Jonah Hex down through the years. But, as the old saying goes, better late than never, and thankfully the esteemed Amazonian princess’s first eponymous theatrical adventure very much falls into the category of “better” when it comes to what the company that created her has produced for the big screen since Batman did battle with Bane five years ago.
Directed by Patty Jenkins, the highly-anticipated fourth entry in the ever burgeoning DCEU chronicles the early exploits of benevolent demigoddess Diana of Themyscira, who, having spent her childhood sheltered from the severity of the wider world, decides to leave her home behind and head off to Europe to fight on the front lines of World War I when American spy Steve Trevor unwittingly crash lands on her doorstep.
Rather than rushing into the action, Wonder Woman spends the majority of its first act meticulously exploring what makes its protagonist tick while simultaneously developing her relationship with Trevor and building up a believable bond between them. This endows the narrative with a lot of emotional depth as well as ensuring that it stays refreshingly focused and doesn’t suffer from attempting to service too many subplots like Batman V Superman and Suicide Squad before it.
As well-written as its character arcs are though, it’s the tremendous talent of its two main stars that really keeps this film afloat. While I enjoyed the aforementioned Batman V Superman for what it was, I don’t deny that it was riddled with flaws. However, Gal Gadot’s Wonder Woman was most definitely not one of them.
Unfortunately it wasnt the studio who listened to the "fans" moaning about no aliens. It was scott himself that took it on board. The themes is prometheus are just dead, or are in covenant but a shadow of what they could have been. It was supposed to be hard scifi, but apparnently that just doesnt sell as much as studios would like in a world dominated by endless interconnected super hero movies. The funny thing is scott was trying to expand this universe. It could so easily have been the beginning of a multi movie franchise that explored different things like marvel has done, dc is doing and universal is trying to start. This the "in thing" now, multi movie franchises. The alien universe has a lot of back story and lots and lots of stuffs waiting to be explored. Get the predators back into the mix(done in a much better way of course). The war of corporations over trying to get hold of bio weapons. The list could go on and on. But alas its not meant to be. Its little more than a slasher franchise now. Typical slashers started in kids camps and then ended up in space, for alien I wouldnt be shocked to see the franchise finally put to death by going the opposite way with a final movie taking place in a kids holiday camp. The tropes are already there, just need a setting change to make it seem "fresh".
You and I saw very different films. This was popcorn camp slasher film where plot holes were pulled open like a poor girls butthole in a porno. The themes you speak of were far more prominent in Prometheus than they are here. Here David is nothing more than a mad scientist trope that's been show horned into a mythology that is now a joke.
You are correct when you say this isn't Prometheus 2. The only problem is that it is Prometheus 2. Killing shaw didn't tell the audience anything other than noomis star didn't rise as much as Scott thought it would, or the much more believable she didn't fuck him. The themes in Prometheus, or the themes that Scott wanted to put out where far darker than anything covenant or the other alien films came up with. it attacked the very notion of creation and existence. Why are we here? Why did you make us? What happens when we die? Why did you want to destroy us? The answers to these question in the hands of a great writer could have set our minds reeling more than any creature jumping out the dark could have.
It will emerge that David learned of a plot to destroy all life made by the engineers while he and shaw where on the way to paradise. In order to combat this future threat David takes it upon himself to make the ultimate life form to fight against it.
He sacrificed shaw in order to save all life. He'll do the same with Daniels and the colonists. The fact he acts like a nutjob in covenant will be completely ignored, and dismissed with some throw away two second scene. The great threat will turn out to be replicant versions of Thelma and Louise. They will be out for revenge against the engineers who tried to steal brad Pitts cowboy hat cos they thought it was cool. The ultimate life form after all the experiments will result in the newest generation of alien chestbusters being tiny Russel crowes dressed in gladiator gear. The ultimate battle for the universe will see replicant Thelma and Louise driving from planet to planet running over millions of tiny Russel crowes.
Lol just when you think the aliens are about to win, maximus comes out of nowhere and starts fucking them all up. 😂 aliens vs gladiator
My hotdog was pretty good.
I have, unfortunately that was another movie I wasnt overly impressed with. I wasnt a huge fan of prometheus but I liked what it was trying to do. So when covenant just threw all the build up of that story away to make an alien movie I wasnt too happy with it. As a stand alone movie about aliens its fine, fitting into the bigger picture of the franchise I feel it weakens it severely. Much like the phantom menace screwed star wars over with inconsistencies so too does covenant with the original alien.
Did you like it?
Pretty much. Its not a horrible movie, its just the way everyone was talking about it I thought it was going to be really, really great. But yeah, not a million miles away from a typical marvel movie. Im happy I get two for one cinema tickets though lol.
I believe he did say something like that. He said he wanted to kill her as soon as he saw her, but then thought she might join him if she saw what humanity was like.
So a betty sue?
Apparently in the Prometheus BD commentary Scott calls david a replicant. Make of that what you will.
Yes and no. Depends who you ask.
If things people say are different, such as religion, then in the context of a universe like this(DC) we can assume that all the origin stories are true. One story doesnt make another untrue. Religion, as with myth is all about interpretation. Catholics and protestants believe much of the same thing, but theres only really a few minor differences. And to each group they are true and false to each other. Then you look at islam, jesus was nothing more than a prophet. The greeks had a name for god, but his description easily fits that of the christian god. So if we assume that all these things are connected we could also assume that groups such as the amazons believe that part of the story that they perceive to be truth and anything else is a lie. But just because they dont believe it doesnt make it a lie, it just makes it a lie to them. Jesus is the son of god is a lie to islam. Jesus is a prophet is a lie christians. But maybe both groups just have bits of the story and can only make sense of those parts by considering them a whole and thus discounting anything else.
Obvious sjw scorecard is obvious. Saw it tonight and while it was fine for what it was, it was nowhere near the levels of insane awesomeness thats been banded about in reviews. Its a female super hero movie so it must be amazing!!!!! Its not. Its no better or worse than the other movies in the series. Although its a lot more cheesy. Theyve tried to inject some humour which is easy to understand since the previous movies have all been largely humourless. Theres a really cheesy heavy handed message of love will make everything better. eye roll.
The overly sexual nature of a female lead is still a problem, with far too much time devoted to how hot WW is. Slow mo ass kicking with gratuitous crotch shots. Hair so perfect that not even smashing through a building puts a single one out of place. etc etc. All the usual female kicking ass stuff we're used to.
I imagine that even suggesting this isnt any better or worse the other movies in the series makes me some kind of sexist. Sorry but its just the way I see it. When they make a movie with a female lead that isnt overly sexualised, Ill be happy a pig in shit. Until then, women will continue to be nothing more than sex objects that have no function out side of some guys spankbank. Yes I understand its comic book character blah blah blah, but wonderwoman isnt just sex. She was build as well. So if their excuse is that its comic book stuff and we stuck to it, then why didnt they have gal gadot hitting the gym? Both cavell and affleck worked out like mad men for their roles. Some reason a build woman isnt "sexy"? Is "sexy" confined to how thin you are? Sorry in my view this movie did nothing for women in lead roles as action movies that hasnt been done to death already.
Because apparently women cant be interesting characters unless they are showing some skin. And you know guys, they just cant be bothered with female characters at all unless they are a love interest and/or damsel.
I always laugh whenever hollywood actors bang on about equality when its hollywood that pushes stereotypes that hardest.
As someone else once said, its all true. Especially the lies.