MovieChat Forums > FordFairlane > Replies
FordFairlane's Replies
Not being excited for something, or 'believing' that something will be bad doesnt make it bad. Thinking a thing doesnt make it so.
Im all good, thanks. :) The demented ravings of SJW arent enough to get me down. Even if he does lie about what Ive said. SJWs are all the same, more interested in being angry and calling people names than actually talking or listening to what a person is saying in context.
See you call me abusive, but lets be on the same page. Im talking to you the way I am because of your beliefs, not because your woman. You do get that right?
Im showing your attitude the same destain I would anyone else thats believes themselves to be better and more deserving than others.
Ive read your comments, and honestly you disgust me. Perhaps one day youll gain empathy for your fellow human beings, even the shit ones. Until that day, I wish you well. I wont be responding anymore. Its not good for either of us.
SJWs will watch anything that allows them to attack people.
What a pussy. "Its not me, honestly." But lets play along, soI sound like bill oreilly because I think the cheap trick of making the doctor a woman doesnt go far enough for equality? Im sexist because I think Whittiker should have been given a new character to create her own legacy with? Im a sexist because I think the bbc is using this is cover for its ill treatment of women in regards to pay and equality for decades and that they are being called out on right on? So you read all that and decided to single me out having had no contact with me at all? Bitch please, your as obvious a pussy troll as there has ever been. Making a new account because you are the fucking sexist piece of shit.
Its bad enough you hide behind a keyboard, but hiding behind a different account? WOW thats some scared little boy stuff right there. You keep at it though bro beans, Im sure fishyknickers will be along soon so you can amp up the white knightery.
Dude called martoto or something. kept saying he was leaving, then coming back for another dig. So I said bye felicia. So he went and made a new account just to do this so it doesnt look like I got to him. Hes one of them SJW types. Just wants to argue and call you names when you dont agree with everything he says.
Aww going for that one again? Lol The desperation is starting to smell worse than the knickers at this point.
Sweet moses, grammar is you upping the insult level? lol poor baby. AS for you being a woman, I couldnt care less. Is nice you live a fairy world were women dont hate other women though, must be nice there.
Seriously though, if pointing out typos and grammar checking internet posts is your biggest insults, Im going to lose interest. I know that would just make me another in a long line of men with better things to do than listen to you drone on about shit you obviously know very little about, but what can you do.
And dont you lie, you were tots thinking about me for 12 hours. Im a man showing you attention. And judging by your attitude towards people Im guessing thats a new thing for you. Dont worry though, there will be some white knight douchebag along shortly to "sort me out" for you.
I left you some more grammar issues to call me out on, I know you get off on that sort of thing. Dont say I never did anythgin for ya! ;)
You better watch out bud, these two trolls will start calling you sexist and making threads dedicated just to you. Theyll of course make a new account to do so because theyre such utter dipshits.
Fishy knickers is just a sad fatty that thinks equality and women on top is the same thing. As for the other dope, just another SJW white knight trying to get laid on the internet. Sad really.
Oh thats a good one, honestly its one of your best. My only concern is that in 12 hours thats the best come back you could come up with?
Youd think with your practice against homosexuals, the poor, the brown, women and of course common decency, that youd have better come backs than that. You disappoint me.
lol look how angry you are. Who knew the truth hurt your butt so much 😂
All these flavours, and you choose to be salty. Don't you ever get tired of being wrong as fuck? Your republican heroes have total control, why are t they helping you out? Maybe it's because they don't care about you. Trump sure as fuck doesn't yet you suck his cock and go blind to anything he does wrong calling it a "liberal conspiracy".
It's really funny that you don't see how pathetic you are. You're like a little lamb putting on some boots so the farmer chooses you to fuck.
you know how you know youve got him, because hes losing his shit. When he thinks hes still in control of the conversation he just acts intellectually superior with crap put downs.
In the famous words of Shao Khan, FINISH HIM!!! lol
Oh now its not healthy? lol whats next in your little bag of "win an argument on the internet when youve been proven to be a muppet" handbook? are you going to call me a child? Tell me to get to bed? Something stupid like that? Or perhaps youll start calling me sexist again. That seems like a go to move for your type.
Run along, Mr dickhead. No need for more crazy coming out of you and your white knights. Should you be deciding which one your going to be facetime wanking with? After all, its what theyre expecting for coming to your defence. They dont actually care about women, just getting some action. So run along and have that awkward conversation about how your really just friends.
Bye, MISTER dickhead.
lol are you kidding? All fucking idiots are triggered as fuck. Making threads devoted just to me? Making new accounts to do so? lol and all because I dont agree with your consumerised version of equality. You see a few swear words and say stupid shit like "calm down" lolololololololol
I dont care enough about short sighted scum like you lot. You won something getting a lady doctor? Pfft, you got placated by a group of sexist that needed to do something for shit ratings. You call me sexist, yet Im the one wanting roles to be made for women, and having them take mens cast offs.
Bunch of triggered little nancies. Why dont tell everyone youre a girl again, so you can get some SJWs to come to your rescue and white knight for you some more. Pathetic bunch of toss pots lol Oh wait I need to calm down now lolololololol
Run away little bitch. Your lies are fooling no one. And speaking as someone with free healthcare, I get better care than you do and I don't have to worry about losing my house when I get sick.
Make sure you and your buddy suck that dick all the way down. Next time you wanna talk about other countries, make sure your not talking to people from those countries that know you to be lying and spreading lies. Fucking cunt.