MovieChat Forums > TJLamb0518 > Replies
TJLamb0518's Replies
And Borat knows all about owning an inoperable cannon.
He keeps his in his Powerpuff Girls Underoos.
It better be a QUICK hit before Endgame pushes it to the forgotten bin.
The good thing about DC movies...they always end up cheap Black Friday deals. And i’m Sure Not Captain Marvel...I mean Shazam will be a 7 dollar blu-Ray in November.
So ....the movie about the water guy needed more “depth”?
That’s a whale of a pun you pulled there!!
That seems to be her schtick for every DC movie, doesn’t it?
Well...Jared makes an excellent beard for Ivanka and Daddy
And there's even more proof
Usually when you try and re-invent yourself, you avoid phraseology.
Just a helpful hint.
That’s funny...this is almost identical in wording to a post Borat made a while back.
Of course, given how his and his peers every utterance on the topic of politics sparks news reports, social media threads and outrage and message board threads (like ...say...this one) the argument can be made that they know exactly how significant they actually are.
Nothing about them is interesting.
He's still claiming he can't release the taxes because he's under audit. This is YEARS after he tried this during the campaign and the head of the IRS said an audit would not prevent Trump from releasing them.
He knows his base is too stupid to remember that.
It's usually people who realize they spoke wrong and refuse to just SAY so that end up pulling the "semantics" word.
So...the guy who LIKED Wonder Woman and Captain Marvel is the misogynist?
Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life, son.
Yes....yours. You posted your bitch fest and EVERYONE made fun of you. Totally devoid of support. Actually, given what a big girl you really SHOULD hae liked Captain Marvel more. You're the target demo, Martha.
But seriously....who cares?
you're obviously happier being UNhappy (as this whine-thread shows) so have at it. Be sure you sleep on the wrong side, only shower in cold water, drink milk 2 days past the expiration date and all the other things you do to keep those panties twisted.
We'll keep enjoying movies and enjoying watching you flail impotently.
You're OUR pet.
Of course I care.
Where did I say I didn't care? ( where)
BUT the thread is not ABOUT how much taxes you paid, but how much your REFUND changed.
Words matter. (NOT the motto of the Trump administration)
Can you two buffoons contain your foreplay to just this one thread for this movie so the rest of us can discuss the movie without your brand of asshattery?
But that's not a refund. It's a lower taxable amount or a change in the taxes taken from your income. A refund is specifically that. A refund of the amount you overpaid on what your taxes were. So, again, you are saying people can check to see if they are paying more or less taxes (in proportion to their annual salary) by seeing what percentage of your annual salary went towards taxes. But that's not the same as a refund.
And while watching this, please remember the great and powerful DC did NOT create this character and in fact doggedly sued the actual creators/publishers into bankruptcy because Captain Marvel outsold Superman and DC could not have that!
so, yes, I hope this movie breaks 1.5 billion...hack, 2 billion. Let the DCEU have their greatest success be a character they didn't even create.
I keep having to remember most people on here were not born and raised in NY and mostly know Trump from his stint as a game show host. Nothing in any of those books is a)shocking or b) news to NY'ers. He's had a DECADES long reputation of shady dealings, failed businesses, a creepy relationship with his daughter and more interest in self-promotion than is healthy.
Which is why they didn't vote for Trump. Only desperate fantasy fans would vote for such a poor piece of fiction.